
冤冤相报  yuān yuān xiāng bào







  • 世界少了冤相报的事,自然就平和而少纠纷了。
    Once the dissension and revenge has reduced, the world becomes peaceful.

  • 以眼还眼只会使整个世界茫然——冤相报何时了?
    An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

  • 他们都保证再也不会陷入冤相报的恶性循环中了。
    Both of them promised not to be caught up in a vicious circle of revenge ever again.

  • 这个世界上并不存在什么 公平与不公平冤相报
    Unfair and fair doesn't exist in this World. their grievances at redress.

  • 冤相报何时了”这是古人给我们留下的经验和教训。
    "When will the retribution, " This is the ancients left us the experience and lessons learned.

  • 冤相报何时了,这就是结果……难道就没我们能做的了吗?
    Hatred calls forth nothing but more hatred, and this is the result. Is there nothing we can do?

  • 他软弱的时候正是我能尝到冤相报的愉快滋味的唯一时机。
    His weakness was the only time when I could taste the delight of paying wrong for wrong.

  • 严酷的事实表明,冤相报只能加深仇恨,铸剑为犁才能迎来和平。
    The stark reality shows that the an eye for an eye approach can only stoke deeper hatred, and peace can only be achieved by turning swords into ploughshares.

  • 负能量就是冤相报,正能量就是成为互助、好的生活夥伴和事业夥伴。
    Negative aura is when we take revenge on one another, positive aura is when we help one another, good life partner and business partner.

  • 最早是个人解决问题,但个人的复仇,不能保证你的复和你受的伤害对等,会带来冤相报
    Most early solves the problem personally, but individual revenge, cannot guarantee your retaliation and you receive the injury is coordinated, will bring reprisal breeds reprisal.

  • 同时美国公众认为穆斯林世界对美国存有敌意,但是并未——在某种同的程度上——冤相报
    Meanwhile the American public perceives the Muslim world as hostile to the United States, but it does not—to anything like the same extent—reciprocate that hostility.

  • 人类必须停止这种执拗地循环于在冤相报的战争中牺牲我们子女性命,且消耗天文数字的经费。
    Humankind should end the perverse cycle of sacrificing our children's lives and squandering astronomical sums of money to fight wars.

  • 那么毫不拖延取消这样的法律吧,因为不仅它本身是一种罪恶,而且由于冤相报它还是进一步的罪恶的源泉。
    Then abolish this law without delay, for it is not only an evil itself, but also it is a fertile source for further evils because it invites reprisals.

  • 冤冤相报造句相关
