
其乐无穷  qí lè wú qióng







  • 学习一门外语应该是其乐无穷的。
    Learning a language should be fun.

  • 凌波荡桨,泛舟湖上,其乐无穷
    Lingbo finishes oar, boating on the lake, Fun for all at.

  • 干了一天的累活后喝杯酒其乐无穷
    It is a treat to have a drink after the fatigues of the day.

  • 书法摄影与制作,其乐无穷
    Calligraphy film and fabrication , an endless enjoyment!

  • 它的其乐无穷有一个记录和交谈的人约。
    It's always fun to have a record out and talk to people about it.

  • 汉语很奇妙,学汉语我觉得真是其乐无穷
    Chinese is really exquisite. I feel that studying Chinese is endlessly enjoyable.

  • 我们远足,吃新品种水果一定会其乐无穷
    They want to take some fruit with them.

  • 毛泽东:在现实中爱,在网络上爱,其乐无穷
    The east of the hair Ze:In the reality love, on the network love, it joy endless.

  • 跟它们在一起玩其乐无穷。它们非常好奇,还有点怕人。
    And they are lots of fun to play with. They're very curious and a little shy of people.

  • 我非常喜欢这个职责!因为我真的坚信帮助他人其乐无穷
    I enjoy the obligation very much, because I truly believe that I will feel good about myself by helping others!

  • 谁知道其实观察后院的草坪也能够收获颇丰并且其乐无穷
    Who knew that an investigation into that patch of grass in our backyards could be so fruitful-and so funny?

  • 幼教工作是辛苦的,情系祖国未来,但苦中有乐,其乐无穷
    Early childhood education is hard work, the future Motherland, but suffered in the music, Fun for all.

  • 在梦中,他成为人君,统治万民,生活奢华,真是其乐无穷
    In his dreams he became a king, living in great luxury. He was as happy as he could be.

  • 一书在握,其乐无穷,难怪秦巴子梦想能住在书中,细细品味。
    A book in hand, great sport, no wonder the dream to live in sub-Qinba book to savor.

  • 确实是其乐无穷,同样也是这早已别远的小霸王陪我们笑着乐着。
    Fun for all indeed, but also it is already not far from the Cassidy and the Sundance Kid with our music with a smile.

  • 这种打猎、捕鱼和随意在陌生的地方游荡,对巴克而言,真是其乐无穷
    To Buck it was boundless delight, this hunting, fishing, and indefinite wandering through strange places.

  • 另外在我们所属的老滁河内坐在游船上面悠然的钓着各种野生鱼,其乐无穷
    Also in our own old sitting in the Chuhe leisurely cruise above the catch all kinds of wild fish, Fun for all at.

  • 旅游者登上滑雪板或坐上雪橇,从坡顶沿滑道顺势滑下,兴趣油然而生,其乐无穷
    While Tourists put on skis or sit in the sleigh, conveniently glide down from the top of the slope, along the trial, their keen interest will naturally arise, and it is infinitely enjoyable.

  • 在火山口探询大自然的奥秘,一览海口全景,与清风作伴,与蝴蝶共舞,其乐无穷
    Crater at probing the mysteries of nature, the sea view list, with the breeze companion, and the Butterfly Dance, Fun for all.

  • 故事讲到这里…大家有没有心动了呢?强烈推荐哦,约上三五好友,其乐无穷!!!
    Ok, guys, we've come to the end of the story…do you feel the itch to go? STRONGLY recommended! ! !

  • 曾经的我也经常在课余时间奔跑在篮球场上,整日的满身大汗,其乐无穷乐此不疲
    I have often run outside school hours in the basketball court, the day of sweat covered, Fun for all, this way.

  • 在这非凡的日子里,我想说我真兴奋,时光没有改变我们的友谊,祝你生日其乐无穷
    In this extraordinary day, I want to say I really excited, time has not changed our friendship and wish you a birthday Fun for all. 颚?

  • 许对有些人来说,手工是一件神秘而且麻烦的事情。但是,对于我来说,却是其乐无穷
    I think some people regard handicrafts as something mysterious and troublesome, but to me, it's great pleasure.

  • 也许对有些人来说,手工是一件神秘而且麻烦的事件。但是,对于我来说,却是其乐无穷
    I consider some human regard handicrafts as event mysterious and troublesome, but to me, it's outstanding pleacertain.

  • 是国内先进的游乐设施,它去掉了以前天网与车辆的电线连接,更为行动自如,其乐无穷
    "Bumper car": advanced in China . It use no wire connection as it used to and is easily maneuverable and exciting.

  • 因为你能做几个小时的爱,并且感觉很好。尤其是和性伙伴小别一阵之后,用这个更是其乐无穷
    The climax control is my favorite because you can have sex for hours and it it just awesome and it makes both partners feel something after a while at seperate times.

  • 一旦孩子养成阅读的习惯后,他从书中吸收了养料,获得了乐趣,增长了见识,就会感到其乐无穷
    Once a child develop reading habits, he absorbed the nutrients from the book, won the fun, an increase of insight, it will feel great sport.

  • 运动项目随季节而有所变化。人们在冬季和夏季做不同的运动。夏天游泳其乐无穷,冬天滑雪快乐无比。
    Sports change with the seasons. People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is fun in warm weather, but skating is good in winter.

  • 书中插入的一些题外话颇具冷幽默风格,比如如何学习使用投石器,读来既为其危险性感到可怖,又觉其乐无穷
    Her dryly humorous asides, such as the appallingly dangerous business of learning to use a sling, are a treat.

  • 在落地窗前,几杯品茗,几杯咖啡,欣赏着窗外热带风情、室内的民族风情画,顷听大堂背景音乐,让您其乐无穷,流连忘返。
    Sipping some tea or coffee while overlooking the tropical glamour right outside the floor windows or appreciating the ethnic pictures indoor is surely an unforgettable experience you will ever have.

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