
先发制人  xiān fā zhì rén








  • 如受威胁便发动先发制人的打击
    launch a preemptive strike if threatened

  • 我说这样跳叫是先发制人的。
    I say this jump is preemptive.

  • 先发制人防止流行病——现实或假想?
    Preempting a pandemic—fact or fiction?

  • 在敌人执行这个计划之前,先发制人
    The enemy before the implementation of this plan, a preemptive.

  • 我说这样跳是先发制人的。
    To make a preemptive bid in bridge.

  • 试着想想出路来先发制人去代替坐以待毙。
    Think about finding an outlet preemptively instead.

  • 试想一下唯一核大国先发制人会呈现什么情况。
    Just consider of what will happen if one nuclear power launched a preemptive on anotIT .

  • 这次危机来临时,先发制人的问题一直没有谈起。
    As this crisis approached, the subject of preemption had not been discussed.

  • 资讯预见未来,辗转于商场中,先发者先发制人,一路领先。
    Consultation paves the way for future and equips bussiness people with information to lead an advantage.

  • 这一理念在9·11事件后促使美国政府出台了“先发制人”战略。
    The happening of the 9·11 stimulated the output of the new preemption strategy.

  • 一些村民说他们认为于德龙被扣押,先发制人在这已是习以为常的做法了。
    Several villagers said they believe Yu was detained pre-emptively by police, a common practice here.

  • 情报报告使人们再次担心以色列是否会对伊朗的核设施采取先发制人的打击。
    The intelligence report has raised fresh speculation about whether Israel will launch a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.

  • 担心布什政府将制定新的核武器,并靠拢进行先发制人的核打击相当数量的目标。
    Fear that the Bush administration would develop new nuclear weapons and move closer to conducting preemptive nuclear strikes against a significant number of targets.

  • 民营经济的迅速崛起得益于特有的成本优势和温州人敢为天下先的先发制人优势。
    Private economy's fast emergence benefited from peculiar cost advantage and Wenzhou people's daring for the advantage of preempting first of world.

  • 伏击雕文:当伏击在战斗范围之外使用时,这个雕文会正常的与先发制人同时作用。
    Glyph of Ambush: This glyph will now interact correctly with Initiative when Ambush is used outside of combat range.

  • 伊斯兰共和国领导人玩先发制人的招数已经相当地轻车熟路,不过处境却进退两难。
    Having previously played their hand quite skilfully, the Islamic Republic's leaders face an acute dilemma.

  • 诺瑞克发现自己先发制人地朝他们三个跳过去,他们的脸无疑和他自己一样充满惊讶。
    Norrec found himself leaping feet first toward the trio, their astonished faces no doubt matching his own.

  • 上周五,美国犯罪学学会先发制人,发表声明谴责这是对犯罪数据“不负责任的滥用”。
    The American Society of Criminology launched a preemptive strike Friday, issuing a statement attacking it as an irresponsible misuse of crime data.

  • 要从「后制于人模式」切换成「先发制人模式」不是一件容易的事,但却是可以做到的。
    Switching from a reactive mode to a proactive one is not easy, but it can be done.

  • 她说:“所有选择都在桌面上%。这是暗示以色列可能对伊朗的核实施展开先发制人的攻击。
    She said "all options are on the table, " hinting at a possible Israeli preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.

  • 巴拉克在记者会上曾经暗示,以色列这个犹太国家准备对伊朗的核设施发动先发制人的攻击。
    At a news conference, Mr. Barak indicated the Jewish State is prepared to launch a preemptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities.

  • 唐纳的这项发言是目前为止所有支持对伊拉克展开先发制人攻击的美国盟邦中,最强烈的言词。
    Downer 's remark has been the most fiercely worded so far among those from all the US allies that support the preemptive strikes against Iraq.

  • 欧洲央行行长让-克劳德?特里谢表示,欧洲央行预备“先发制人”,以避免过度的工资需求。
    Jean-Claude Trichet, ECB president, said the bank was prepared to act"pre-emptively" to avoid excessive wage demands.

  • 这正是它攻击(在它的思维中也叫先发制人)网景,并使后者出现在反托拉斯的法庭上的原因。
    This is why it attacked—also pre-emptively, in its mind—Netscape and landed in antitrust court.

  • 除了像这样以表明加工价格规则,来防止客户讨价还价之外,还可以参考下面责任中先发制人的作法。
    In addition to like this to indicate that processing price rules to prevent customer bargaining, you can refer to the following duty in a preemptive way.

  • “新帝国论”由五大理论支柱构成:先发制人论、失败国家论、单极稳定论、主权有限论和民主和平论。
    They are the theory of preemptive measures, the theory of failure countries, the theory of unipolar stabilization, the theory of limited sovereignty and the theory of democracy and peace.

  • 所以,下一次当嫉妒先发制人--不论是你还是别人那里--出现的时候,拒绝参与到那个愚蠢的舞蹈中。
    So the next time envy preemption shows up—in your behavior or anyone else's—refuse to step into its silly dance.

  • 比较的结论就是,面对截击或是先发制人的突袭,这些平台比潜射核导弹系统更为脆弱,况且它们也不便宜。
    It concluded that they were all more vulnerable to interception or preemptive strike than a submarine-launched system, and none was cheaper.

  • 当然,美国可能会决定先发制人,但是中国和俄罗斯现在有办法用潜射弹道导弹发动反击,结果会一样甚至更具破坏性。
    Of course, the US may decide to strike first, but China and Russia now have the means of striking back with submarine-launched ballistic missiles with the same or even more devastating results.

  • 受金星位置的影响,想让自己看上去魅力十足将成为一大动力,所以,买双新球鞋和运动装,给自己一个先发制人的开始吧!
    Looking really attractive will be a big motivator, judging by the position of Venus, so give yourself a head start by picking up some new sneakers and athletic wear.

  • 先发制人造句相关
