
倾巢而出  qīng cháo ér chū






  • 我所有的感觉倾巢而出,我在我奇怪的新世界里很幸福。
    All my feelings cannot be held, I'm happy in my new strange world.

  • 于是,股票倾巢而出,这就是两周前大家都看到的场景。
    As a result, Qingchaoerchu stock, which is two weeks ago, we all see the scene.

  • 人们倾巢而出,充塞街头,最后跑向斗牛场,与牛共舞。
    Qingchaoerchu people, filled the streets and finally ran toward the bullring, cattle and dance.

  • 即便是少有的冬日暖阳也会吸引蚂蚁们倾巢而出,在阳光下活动活动筋骨。
    When it happens to be a rare sunny day, all the ants will go out of their caves to do some physical exercises.

  • 即便是少有的冬日暖阳也会吸引蚂蚁们倾巢而出,在阳光下活动活动筋骨。
    When it happens to be a rare sunny day, all the ants will go out of their caves todo some physucal exercises.

  • 市房产交易中心行政人员包括领导们都倾巢而出,亲自带上袖标在现场执勤。
    City real estate transaction center executives including leaders have pulled personally put armband duty at the scene.

  • 几周以前,上千名抗议者越境倾巢而出,武力干预今年夏天中国奥运火炬传递。
    Over the last weeks thousands of protesters have come out in force as the Olympic torch, destined for China this summer, has traveled through their borders.

  • 在这个死亡的夜晚,一座天灾的浮空城出现我们上空,地狱的爪牙们从中倾巢而出
    Now I know why the Light has been pushing me to be underway. In the dead of night a Scourge Necropolis appeared in the sky over us and out poured the minions of Hell!

  • 今天,美国人通过这么一场诱敌深入的戏,让中国官方储备倾巢而出,那结果是什么?
    Today, Americans are the enemy through such an in-depth play, so that China Qingchaoerchu official reserves, the result is what?

  • 如期,城内的公孙瓒一班子见城外起火,以为是救军,便率兵将倾巢而出,伏兵四起。
    As scheduled, the city's Gong Sunzan see a team outside the city on fire, the military thought it was put out, it will Shuaibing Qingchaoerchu, four ambush.

  • 中国中部,二十亿只老鼠从淹水的家中倾巢而出。牠们猖獗穿越农田,将农作物破坏殆尽。
    Two billion rats have run away from their flooded homes in central China. As they move across the land they have been destroying crops.

  • 当然我们不会倾巢而出得分,因为我们有优势,但是我们需要胜利,我们不会死守0-0。
    Of course we won't go all-out attack, because we have an advantage - but we want to win. We don't want to defend and go for a 0-0.

  • 08到04/01/09是马来西亚的学校假期,所以小孩会倾巢而出,到处都可见到他们的踪影。
    It is Malaysia's school holiday from 15/11//08 to 04/01/09. So , you can see children everywhere .

  • 曼联是了不起的球队,平心而论,我们倾巢而出也不能与之相及;不过只要努力,就会有一线希望。
    They are a great side and, man for man, have a better team than we can put out, but we have a chance if we perform as a team.

  • 为了抢王菲生产的新闻,香港各家媒体可谓倾巢而出,大撒金钱,大家都希望能够拍到最独家的画面。
    To grab as Faye Wong production information, the media is pulled Hong Kong, spent money in a big way, we hope to reach the most exclusive picture.

  • 它们拖延比赛,它们通常在掌握优势时不能意识到,而是花费大量的时间来堆积防御,然后倾巢而出
    They prolong the game, they often do not realize when they are doomed and it can take a significant amount of time to topple their defenses and take them out.

  • 两队将会在两个星期后重新再战,这时候皇马主教练拉莫斯别无选择要求他的球队倾巢而出大举进攻大旗。
    The sides will reconvene at Anfield in two weeks, when Juande Ramos will have no option but to send his men out to attack.

  • 敌人倾巢而出,史密斯不断复制自己,尼欧翱翔云耸……可是就算是一位有惊世能力的救世者都不能阻止机械军团进攻。
    Sentinels swarm. Smith clones. Neo flies… but perhaps not even a Chosen One gifted with astonishing new powers can stop the advance of the Machines.

  • 很自然的,惊破天选择在这个时候倾巢而出进行了一场全面的针对塞伯特恩的入侵。这件事发生在2015年3月3日。
    Galvatron chose this moment, naturally, to launch, finally, a full-scale, no-holds-barred, all-out invasion of Cybertron, which began on 3 March 2015 Standard.

  • 年初,毗邻的杭州市开发规模名列前茅的发展商几乎倾巢而出,纷纷到上海的大市场刮分蛋糕,形成了房产业独特的新“杭帮菜”现象。
    Early development of the adjacent Hangzhou size among developers almost pulled one after another blow to Shanghai's largest market hours cake, a unique new housing estate "Hangbangcai" phenomenon.

  • 年初,毗邻的杭州市开发规模名列前茅的发展商几乎倾巢而出,纷纷到上海的大市场刮分蛋糕,形成了房产业独特的新“杭帮菜”现象。
    early development of the adjacent Hangzhou size among developers almost Minister, have great market blow to Shanghai sub-cake, a unique new housing estate "Hangbangcai" phenomenon.

  • 以色列军队则是倾巢而出,连预备役都用上了,共计 264,000 人,不过这个数量不是实际作战人数,因为预备役的任务是救援城市居民。
    The Israeli army had a total strength, including reservists, of 264, 000, though this number could not be sustained, as the reservists were vital to civilian life.

  • 这意味着它对于攻击性的电脑会格外有效,“2规则”的球队通常在比赛末段得到2至3次机会,因为电脑已经倾巢而出,只留下2个防守球员在后面。
    This means that it is exceptionally effective against attacking AIs as RoT tactics frequently get 3 on 2 situations near the end of the game as the AI pours forward, leaving two at the back.

  • 倾巢而出造句相关
