
信手拈来  xìn shǒu niān lái








  • 我国加入人权理事会的决议并不是信手拈来的。
    Our decision to join the Human Rights Council was not entered into lightly.

  • 信用卡和按揭可以信手拈来的好日子一去不复返了。
    There is no easy fix, no return to the days of plucking credit cards and mortgages off trees.

  • 他自己也是北京人,演绎“京味”自然是信手拈来
    He is also the person from Beijing, the deduction "the Beijing style" is naturally has words at fingertips and writes with facility.

  • 在未来的杭州新东站,这样的小情调同样是信手拈来
    In the future Hangzhou New East Station, it is very easy to realize such habit.

  • 货币贬值可能是个信手拈来的办法,可代价是脱离货币联盟。
    Devaluation might have been an obvious remedy, but can only be achieved by leaving the currency union.

  • 倒是床头柜、沙发旁、厨房间等处信手拈来的书,翻得烂熟。
    On bedside cabinets, sofas beside, kitchen-wine extracts of the book, through a judgmental.

  • 信手拈来的打油诗经常为白宫的节日聚会增添不少欢乐气氛。
    His flow of comic verse always enlivened festive occasions at the White House.

  • 回想曾经信手拈来的感情被自己随意丢弃,却是如今再也无法拥有。
    The recollection once had words at fingertips and wrote with facility the sentiment is discarded at will by oneself, was actually the present also is unable to have again.

  • 对于郝亮来说,国画不过是他可以信手拈来,随意解构的美学符号。
    For Liang, Chinese painting has descended into an aesthetic code that he can play with and deconstruct at will.

  • 似乎只要书读得多些,脑瓜子聪明点,这些“灵感”便会信手拈来
    Want a book to be read some morer only it seems that, cerebral melon seeds is bit cleverer, these " inspirational " meet have words.

  • 拍摄小溪多为信手拈来的小品,故摄影者还要在用光线和色彩上取胜。
    Photographs the rill many for the sketch which has words at fingertips and writes with facility, therefore the cameramen also wants to use in the optical fiber and the color wins.

  • 不仅如此,《天黑黑》、《梦醒时分》等女歌手的歌曲也被华健信手拈来
    Not only that, the "dark days", "Exhale" and other songs of the singer also Xinshounianlai Jian Hua.

  • 举一反三,举重若轻,信手拈来,几乎无所不知的老师才会让学生肃然起敬。
    Giving top priority almost all-knowing teacher will allow students to respect.

  • 而对于政治,真理往往就是为了达到这样或那样的政治目的而随意信手拈来的手段。
    In politics, all too often, the truth is whatever is expedient to support the goals of this or that political project.

  • 如此享受生活的人,他的画是随心所欲,万物都可以信手拈来,表达他的内心世界。
    So enjoy life, and his paintings are as they please, what can be easy to express his inner world.

  • 李江是个多变的家伙,油画、水墨、装置、陶艺各种方式都信手拈来,从不会拘束于手段。
    Li Jiang is a changeful guy as he is proficient in oil painting, ink painting, installation and pottery art and he is never constrained to measures.

  • 如今的姚明在英语沟通上已经毫无障碍,听和说都是一把好手,一些美式俚语也是信手拈来
    Present's Yao Ming in English communication already the barrier, did not listen and said that is a skilled person, some American slangs are also have words at fingertips and write with facility.

  • 他的文字像他的语言一样,不受任何章法的拘束,行云流水般信手拈来,思维跳跃,故事好看。
    His words like his language, with the passage of time without any binding, wrote a random, thinking big, nice story.

  • 只有把自备药保存得井井有条,在需要时才能“信手拈来”,避免急用时拿错、误服,发生危险。
    Save medicine of provide for oneself in perfect orderly only, in the ability when need " have words " , the fault is taken when avoiding urgent need, take by accident, produce risk.

  • 政府可以信手拈来一公民,没有指控却无限期地拘留他。这一想法让一些人吃惊,也摸不着头脑,这甚至是违宪的。
    The idea that the government could scoop up an American citizen and detain him indefinitely without charge struck some people as odd. Unconstitutional, even.

  • 他对中国文化的涉猎之广泛,了解之深入,让网友们大为震惊,甚至连中国成语的运用都是信手拈来,不费吹灰之力。
    He covered the Chinese culture of broad, in-depth understanding of, let Internet users shocked, and even the use of Chinese idioms are Xinshounianlai, effortlessly.

  • 从院校毕业的年轻的绅士们中,有几个能够信手拈来一句拉丁诗句用上一用呢?这足以让沉睡墓中的古罗马人为之动容。
    How many young gentlemen there are from the universities and public schools who can turn a Latin verse with a facility which would make the old Romans squirm in their tombs.

  • 从那以后,后人对食物展开了全方位研究。不过,在有关食物的著作里,这部细致入微、信手拈来的作品还是值得一读的。
    Since then it has been comprehensively covered, but this meticulously researched and handsomely produced book is a delightful addition to the list.

  • 这样的例子信手拈来就有几个:景轩酒店、皇都广场、深港豪苑、星河雅居……农民房的存在,或多或少都影响了楼盘的销售。
    This evening, there are some examples : Jingxuan hotels, Huang Du Square, Shenzhen Origin, Star &River Garden : : Housing farmers presence more or less affected property sales.

  • 这个男孩有着令人诧异的利用各种信息的能力,他对世界上正在发生的重要事情信手拈来,对自身各种繁杂技术的更新频率出人意料。
    The boy has surprising ability to use all kinds of information, he can get important things happening in the world without efforts and his update frequency of his complicated techniques is unexpected.

  • 何谓爱情?何谓友情?是一些实在的东西吗?是球、苹果、玩偶……可以信手拈来、随意给人的实物吗?是不能深化、不能交流的吗?
    What is love, or friendship?Is it something material … a ball, an apple, a plaything … which must be taken from one to be given to another?Is it capable of no extension, no communication?

  • 何谓爱情?何谓友情?是一些实在的东西吗?是球、苹果、玩偶……可以信手拈来、随意给人的实物吗?是不能深化、不能交流的吗?
    What is love, or friendship?Is it something material … a ball, an apple, a plaything … which mublue bearst be taken from one to be given to another?Is it capable of no extension, no communication?

  • 直觉是一种迅速-和-”信手拈来“的洞察力,但是它有别于我们当出于害怕,生气,或者悲伤产生的那些(“大脑”)“膝跳反射”。
    Intuition by definition is quick-and-ready insight, but it's different from the knee-jerk reactions we often have out of fear, anger, or sadness.

  • 即使是普通的炒面或汤面,只要在面条或配料上做点变化,就能带来全新的口味,家常篇将给你触类旁通的观念,信手拈来都是一道好面点。
    A little extra touch in the noodle or ingredient will bring you a completely new flavor. This book offers a new perception of noodle cooking. Make a savory noodle dish with ease and pleasure.

  • 当乔丹大帝收获了自己的第四枚总冠军戒指的时候,他已经33岁了,他伸出四根手指高举在联合中心球场人群的上空,接下来的赛季中他又信手拈来地拿下自己的第五个和第六次总冠军。
    When Michael Jordan won his fourth NBA championship, at age 33, he held up four fingers to the United Center crowd. Then, with a playful grin, he held up five, six, seven.

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