
信口雌黄  xìn kǒu cí huáng








  • 不要开黄腔(黄腔:信口雌黄)。
    do not open yellow gun.

  • 如果没有这回事,是谁在信口雌黄
    If there is no such thing, and who is irresponsible remarks?

  • 信口雌黄数月后,大家开始不喜欢她。
    Eventually, after months of lies and irrationality, people begin disliking her.

  • 不经思考信口雌黄,就像没有瞄准放枪。
    Speaking without thinking is shooting without aiming.

  • 他总是这样的信口雌黄
    He is such a hip-shooter.

  • 有一天,我居然信口雌黄,说她每天跟五百个人上床。
    One day I went so far as to say that she is having five hundred affairs every day.

  • 我倒是觉得跟那些信口雌黄污蔑真理的人辩论很可耻。
    but he would be ashamed to be connected with a man who used great gifts to obscure the truth.

  • 伯娜丁:我从事皮肤护理工作有二十年了,不会信口雌黄
    Bernardine : Look, I've been in the skin care business for twenty years and I know what I'm talking about.

  • 许多人看到枢密官露出轻蔑的微笑和皮埃尔信口雌黄,就从人群中走开了;
    Many persons moved a little away from the circle, noticing the disdainful smile of the senator and the freedom of Pierre's words.

  • 于是像这样的一个人就到处信口雌黄,侈谈神学理论,胡说上帝的深奥的事。
    and such an one goes forth with a gay, flippant, theological prattle about the deep things of God.

  • 一个懒惰的三流记者,不把事实调查清楚,就信口雌黄,指控我是这次事件的串谋者。
    I was baselessly accused of complicity in the affair by a lazy hack who cannot be bothered to do his homework.

  • 美国则规定,代言产品的公众人物必须是产品的使用者,一旦发现其信口雌黄会被重罚。
    The United States, public figures speak products must be the product users, once found his irresponsible remarks are subject to heavy penalties.

  • 大嘴巴学者不能信口雌黄而不受谴责,否则中国将经历半个世纪以来的第二次知识贬值。
    IF big-mouth scholars get away without rebuke for their irresponsible speeches, China may well be headed into a second round of intellectual devaluation in around half a century.

  • 你说喜欢陆毅的时候,我不该信口雌黄说我喜欢梁咏琪,害得你两天不能理我,极其痛苦。
    you like Lu Yi, I should not say that I am irresponsible remarks like Gigi Leung, Haide two days you can not justifications for me, very painful.

  • 伯娜丁:我从事皮肤护理工作有二十年了,不会信口雌黄。你必须听我劝告,对你会有好处。
    Bernardine: Look, I've been in the skin care business for twenty years and I know what I'm talking about. You must follow my advice. It's for your own good.

  • 我并不为猴子是我们的祖先而感到羞耻;我倒是觉得跟那些信口雌黄污蔑真理的人辩论很可耻。
    He was not ashamed to have a monkey for his ancestor; but he would be ashamed to be connected with a man who used great gifts to obscure the truth.

  • 有些人信口雌黄说你们很丑,我很想对他们说:你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!
    Somebody letter mouth female yellow, say you are ugly. I want to tell them: you have seed, I will give you some color to see see, brothers ! together up !

  • 新唐人电视台遂把李洪志信口雌黄的“神传文化”视为挽救其系列赛事流产的救命稻草,荒唐绝伦。
    What a ridiculous act that NTDTV regarded the "culture passed by gods" remarked by Li Hongzhi as the last straw of its series contests.

  • 经常读书的人不会乱说话,言必有据,每一个结论会通过合理的推导得出,而不会人云亦云、信口雌黄
    Regular reading will not talk nonsense, true to its word on just grounds, each one conclusion deduced through rational, rather than just repeating empty promises.

  • 但是,我向来没有象在这里这样感到有必要详细说明我的意见,因为没有一个题目比这个题目更可以使当代人信口雌黄了。
    But here, more than ever, I feel the necessity of making myself clearly under-stood; for there is no subject on which the coarse and lawless fancies of our age have taken a freer range.

  • 如果大嘴巴信口雌黄而不受谴责,如果大嘴巴年复一年,日复一日地炮制垃圾言论,那对小老百姓来说,言论自由有什么用?
    If the big-mouths walk away unchastised and spout damaging nonsense again and again, what's the use of the free speech for the minnows?

  • 如果科学家因为种种原因,信口雌黄,或者只为了某种利益有意忽视真相的另一面,被揭穿后,这种无条件的信任就崩溃了。
    And if scientists, for whatever reason, make unfounded claims or intentionally ignore facts for some other gain, when they are exposed, this unconditional confidence in them will collapse.

  • 顽固最典型的表现就是无理性地争执甚至漫骂,我可以说,90%的人在网上都是在毫不负责任地信口雌黄,例子我都不多举了。
    The most typical performance of stubbornness is to quarrel or even vituperate unreasoningly. I can say that, 90% of the people on line are only making irresponsible remarks.

  • 信口雌黄造句相关
