
佳人才子  jiā rén cái zǐ







  • 第二部分是才子佳人小说浪漫爱情论。
    The second part is about the romantic love of the novels of gifted scholars and beautiful ladies.

  • 全城所有的才子佳人都出席了这次宴会。
    All the wits and beauties of the town were present at the party.

  • 今晚的舞会才子佳人云集。
    The party tonight was crowded with wits and beauties.

  • 武汉“喜谷”,水上婚礼,吸引来才子佳人万万千。
    Wuhan"is delighted for frain", the Shui Shang wedding, attract to come to genius and beauty absolutely myriad.

  • 四面有书香相伴,颇有点像过去才子佳人书房幽会的场景。
    There is partner of book welcome look all around, resemble the setting that study of past talent beautiful woman trysts a bit quite.

  • 四周有书香相伴,颇有点像过去才子佳人书房幽会的场景。
    Around a beer company, there is the scene like in the past games became obsessed.

  • 本文是对才子佳人小说出版家“素政堂主人”姓名及简况的考证。
    This paper makes a textual research on the name and life of the owner of Suzheng Tang Bookstore, the famous publisher of romantic novels in the Qing Dynasty.

  • 苏轼与王朝云的爱情生活,堪称是中国古代才子佳人的爱情典型。
    Sushi and Wang Zhaoyun's love was one of the model of the genius man and beautiful lady's love in Chinese ancient times.

  • 在清初的才子佳人小说中,爱情婚姻的美满结局是一种普遍的模式。
    In the Romantic Novels about Talented Scholars and Beautiful Ladies in the Qing Dynasty, there was a general mode that the lovers would have a happy ending.

  • 流行于明末清初的才子佳人小说具备两大叙事要素:“才”与“情”。
    The Scholar Beauty Novels, which were very popular in the period between the end of Ming and the beginning of Qing, possessed Narration factors: scholarship and love.

  • 因此,明末清初的才子佳人小说在人情小说中是一个值得注意的文学现象。
    So Scholar—Beauty Romance will it be clear the beginning end of Ming Dynasty novel one noteworthy literature phenomenon among human feeling novel.

  • 好,就去丽江,多少佳人才子曾到过的地方,多少荡气回肠故事曾发生的地方。
    I said"Ok, let's go ". A lot of able men and beautiful women have gone n there, and a lot of exciting adventures have happened there.

  • 才子佳人小说不应是公认的一个特定(时期)的狭义概念,而是历时的广义概念。
    The Caizi-Jiaren Novel (CJN) should not be a definite (periodical) concept in a narrow sense, but a historial one in the broad sense of the term.

  • 吴趼人系列写情小说的这些特点在与才子佳人小说文本的叙事模式比较中显得更为清晰。
    Compared with the narrative model of the genius arid beauty novels, The above points of Wu Jianren's love novels can been draw clear.

  • 但素政堂主人从事才子佳人小说出版事业时,冯梦龙已死,故素政堂主人当是冯梦龙后人。
    But the Bookstore only began to engage in publishing after the death of Feng Menglong, so its owner should be his descendant.

  • 但长期以来,才子佳人小说一直受到学术界的贬斥冷落,才子佳人小说诗词也得到了极不公正的评价。
    But for a long time, Scholar—Beauty Romance has demote and treat coldly by academia all the time, the novel poesy of the gifted scholar and beautiful woman has got extremely inequitable appraisal too.

  • 在老四陈胜国的编导下,明华园剧本中寓含丰富的人性,不落一般歌仔戏教忠教孝或才子佳人的俗套。
    Dramatist Chen Sheng-kuo ensures that Ming Hua Yuan librettos are rich in philosophy of life, avoiding conventional folk opera morality lessons and scholarly romances.

  • 而亦真亦幻的“才子佳人梦”作为中国通俗小说史上首次对情爱意识的专题探讨对《红楼梦》产生深远影响。
    Thus the" beautiful woman of and gifted scholar dream" as the first love theme in the popular novel history exerts a far-reaching influence on Dream of the Red Chamber.

  • 清初才子佳人小说以描写知识阶层青年男女的爱情婚姻为主要内容,并塑造了一系列前所未有的理想女性形象。
    The novels about the gifted scholars and beauties in early days of the Qing dynasty, mainly describe the loves and marriages of ideal female images that are unprecedented.

  • 第三章从才子佳人剧、士子妓女剧、劳动妇女爱情婚姻剧等三个方面对元杂剧中的爱情婚姻剧进行了具体分析。
    The third chapter analyzes in great details about love between scholar and beauty in Zaju of the Yuan Dynasty, drama of young men and prostitute, drama of work women"s love-and-marriage."

  • 为迎接新生的到来,《天龙八部》特地为大家备下清新的古装校服——“才子佳人”,届时人人都能免费领取哦!
    To meet the arrival of new students, "Tianlongbabu" specially prepared for everyone under fresh Guzhuang school uniforms - "Caizaijiaren", then everyone can receive free of charge!

  • 个体意识与主流意识的冲突,“婚外情”的存在,才子佳人一见钟情式的爱恋,是形成唐宋文人爱情悲剧的主要原因。
    The conflict between the idea of individual and that of the mainstream, the existence of feeling beyond marri…

  • 具象联想:中国古代帝王将相、才子佳人的服装面料,富贵荣华、权高位重;舞台上的戏服面料,轻柔飘逸、明艳动人;
    As a Lenovo: Ancient Chinese emperors would phase, Caizijiaren apparel fabrics, wealth and splendor, the right to high weight of the costumes on stage fabrics, elegant gentle, touching Mingyan;

  • 布谷布谷!”是呀,民以食为天,甚至政要巨贾、才子佳人,尽管哪个都有成群的粉丝,可两顿饭不吃照常饿得灵魂出窍。
    Yes, Hunger breeds discontent, and even prominent politicians, romantic, in spite of which there are groups of fans can not eat rice twice hungry as usual.

  • 参加这次才子佳人相亲活动,假设没有奖品与票选,我也将会从大家的笑声中赢得这场比赛。我很愿意再次体会心跳的感觉。
    Even with no prizes or voting, I would have won this completion from the laughs I got while competing. I'd play again in a heartbeat.

  • 这些特点的出现既是与中国美学传统和作者的心态密不可分的,同时也是在当时才子佳人小说和观众的审美口味影响下形成的。
    They are deeply rooted in Chinese aesthetic tradition, the authors' predilections, as well as the prevalent and popular taste for romance fiction of the time.

  • 才子佳人小说叙事模式的形成与传统文化、传统思想意识的积淀有着密切的关系,同时也与明末清初这个特定的历史横断面相联。
    The appearance of the narrative model has a close connection with the traditional culture and ideology, it also has a close connection with the special history period from Ming to Qing.

  • 才子佳人小说是产生于明末清初的一种特殊的文化现象,它描写了青年男女的婚姻爱情,并在一定范围内展示了明末清初的社会风貌。
    Bel-esprit and beautiful woman novel is a special cultural phenomenon which appears from the end of Ming dynasty to the beginning of Qing dynasty.

  • 书中所叙大多于史有征,在情节、人物、战争等描写上模仿《三国演义》的痕迹十分明显,因此可以说《岭南逸史》是一部《三国演义》化的才子佳人小说。
    The most part of narration base on history, its plot, characters, battle description imitate Three Kingdoms, so we can say that Ling Nan Yi Shi is a Three-Kingdoms-ized romance.

  • 展现在眼前目眩神迷的金光闪闪中,姚瑞中让历史的宏大叙事与个人的私密传记神交于瑞气千条内,透过才子佳人的风流韵事,成就了如梦似幻的花花世界,只恨今世不能缠绵。
    Through the mesmerizing gleam of the images, Yao weaves together historic events and personal fables; though the amorous affair continues in the dream-like world, he can linger no more.

  • 佳人才子造句相关


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