
伯乐相马  bó lè xiàng mǎ







  • 伯乐相马,相而不骑,不如不相!
    Bole's evaluating horses, not riding in, not to be!

  • 韩寒的“彩票投注站”,是伯乐相马还是商业炒作?
    Is Hanhan's "Lottery Agency" a talent scout or merely the commercial speculation?

  • 现实中,干部选拔模式主要有两种:一是,伯乐相马
    In reality, cadre choose mode basically has two kinds: ; of horse of photograph of emperor?

  • 伯乐说得挺深刻:“这正说明九方皋真正懂得相马。”
    "brilliantly profound Pak Lok said :" This is a description of nine side holds true to Ma.

  • 9看笑话:伯乐著的《相马经》里有描写良马姿态的句子。
    9 see joke: Bai Le writes " photograph horse classics " in the sentence that has attitude of depict horse of fine breed.

  • 朋友你说,韩寒的“彩票投注站”,是伯乐相马还是商业炒作?
    Is Hanhan's "Lottery Agency" a talent scout or merely the commercial speculation? What is your opinion?

  • 伯乐善于辨认千里马,他想把自己的儿子也培养成相马的能手。
    We recognize that he is winged his son to cultivate the horses into ace.

  • 伯乐的得名,看上去似乎是他的善于相马,其实更得益于世间的千里马稀少。
    Bo Le became famous was not because of his ability in picking out the well-bred horses, but because of the scarcity of such kind of horses.

  • 伯乐是一位著名的相马师,他写了一本叫《相马经》的书来教别人区分马的好坏。
    Bo Le was a famous master of horse-judging. He wrote a book titled Xiang Ma Jing (classics of how to judge a horse) to explain how to recognize a good horse.

  • 伯乐是一位著名的相马师,他写了一本叫《相马经》的书来教别人区分马的好坏。
    Bo Le was a famous horse-judging master. He wrote a book titled Xiang Ma Jing (classics of how to judge a horse) to tell people the way of recognizing good horses.

  • 伯乐到了老的时候,根据自己长期积累的相马的知识和经验,编写了一本《相马经》。
    When Bo Le reached his elderly years he compiled, based on his many years of experience, a book entitled "The Appraisal of Horses."

  • 按图索骥伯乐是一位著名的相马师,他写了一本叫《相马经》的书来教别人区分马的好坏。
    Bo Le was a famous horse-judging master. He wrote a book titled Xiang Ma Jing (classics of how to judge a horse) to tell people the way of recognizing good horses.

  • 而基于好的规则的规则赛马模式可以在很大程度上克服伯乐相马模式的弊端,大大改进制度效率。
    And the malpractice that the mode of regular horse race that is based on good regulation can overcome mode of Bai Lexiang horse greatly, improve system efficiency greatly.

  • 伯乐相马模式存在几种较为严重的外部性,存在较大的腐败机会,也不具有现代性,这是其固有的弊端。
    Equestrian mode puts Bai Lexiang in a few kinds of relatively serious exterior sexes, put in greater corrupt opportunity, also do not have modernistic, this is its inherent malpractice.

  • 伯乐相马造句相关
