
伤天害理  shāng tiān hài lǐ







  • 伤天害理的畜牲! 你们从我口里半个字也掏不出来!
    Lawless beasts! You'll never get even half a word out of me!

  • 伤天害理,是的,”主教说。
    "Inexorable; yes, " said the Bishop.

  • 但他从来没做过什么伤天害理的事情。
    but then he hain't ever done anything to hurt anybody.

  • 希特勒是个伤天害理,屠杀掠夺成性的魔鬼;
    Hitler is a monster of wickedness, insatiable in his lust for blood and plunder.

  • 他做了这样伤天害理的事怎麽能过太平的日子呢?
    How could he live peacefully with such a wicked crime on his conscience?

  • 他们不会去听任坏人,去干一些伤天害理的事情。
    They will not go to allow bad person , do some grossly unjust matters.

  • 我想帮你的忙,但是这牵涉到一桩伤天害理的事。
    I want to help, but there is a tyranny involved.

  • 贩卖军火伤天害理的事情怎么是我们中国政府做的呢?
    Would our Chinese government do something as impudent and outrageous as peddle munitions?

  • 他们按照主人的指示办事,但决不接受伤天害理的指示。
    They handle affairs according to the instruction of host , but accept grossly unjust instruction on no account.

  • 「那麽你是做了一件伤天害理的事了!」风的母亲说道。
    "Then you have done mischief! " said the mother of the Winds.

  • 您认为那是伤天害理的一年,但就整个专制政体来说呢,先生?
    You think it inexorable, sir; but what of the whole monarchy, sir?

  • 刘景升与人为善,从没有得罪什么人,又是那个做出这样伤天害理之事来的呢?
    Liu Sheng and man-made good, from what not to offend people, but also that to make murderous rationale for such things come from?

  • 可那些无知的暴徒却火上加油,一步步进逼,做出杀人放火的伤天害理的事情。
    Ignorant thugs who may have added fuel to the flames, a steady closing, set fire to the murder victims injury days rationale thing.

  • 他也表示饮食健康,定时运动,更没有做过伤天害理之事,为何得病,太不公平了。
    He said he has a rather healthy life style, and never did any wrong to the others, he felt miserable and unfair.

  • 当今大不列颠(乔治三世)的统治历史,就是一部反复重演的伤天害理巧取豪夺的历史。
    The history of the present King of Great Britain [George III] is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

  • 混账东西,竟做出如此伤天害理,人神共愤的事情出来,罗伊是和你从小玩到大的兄弟啊!
    Mixes the account thing, unexpectedly makes sodishonorably, the person god altogether indignant matter comes out, Luo Yi is and you plays since childhood to brothers!

  • 还有网友分析:任何一个正常的人,都不至于传播如此伤天害理的视频,一定有人幕后导演。
    There are netizens Analysis: any normal person would not have spread so injured victims rationale days of video, it was behind the director.

  • 他也表示饮食健康, 定时运动, 更没有做过伤天害理之事, 为何得病, 太不公平了。
    He said he has a rather healthy life style, and never did any wrong to the others, he felt miserable and unfair.

  • 直是污蔑!贩卖军火伤天害理的事情怎么是我们中国政府做的呢?只有美国才做这种事情!!!
    Pure slander! Would our Chinese government do something as impudent and outrageous as peddle munitions? Only America does things like that! ! !

  • 昨天,恐怖行动又回到了伦敦的大街上。爆炸者又开始了伤天害理,使首都的交通系统陷入瘫痪。
    TTERROR returned to the streets of London yesterday as bombers once again sought to murder, maim and cause mayhem on the capital's transport system.

  • “我当然很爱你!”樵夫说。“妳若一定要多吃点东西的话,这种伤天害理的事我就再做一次。”
    "I love you very much, " says the woodcutter. "If you must eat more food, I will do this terrible thing again. "

  • 平时不爱说话,表情温驯,但逢到利害关头,就会露出本性,做尽各种伤天害理之事的危险人物。
    Usually reticent, gentle expression, but the interest Fengdao moment, it will reveal the nature and do best of all the murderous things dangerous.

  • 街上是充满了危险的,那里有疯狂奔跑的汽车、伤天害理的人贩,甚至还有无恶不作的地痞流氓。
    The streets are full of dangers, with insane drivers tearing around, abominable human traffickers out there, even gangs of thugs who fear nothing and will do anything.

  • 因此任何伤天害理的事都是可能的。绝望是由脆薄的隔板圈住的,这些隔板,每一片又都紧接着邪恶和罪行。
    Then all horrors become possible. Despair is surrounded with fragile partitions which all open on either vice or crime.

  • 失去儿子的甘肃省村民移永盛在谈到田文华时说,她看起来很和善,但她怎么能为了钱做出这样伤天害理的事?
    Yi Yongsheng, a villager in western Gansu province who lost his baby son, said of Ms. Tian, 'She looks very benign, but how could she do such a bad thing just to make money?

  • 他在信中写道:“亲爱的朋友,几时那些人对我和我的亲人做出伤天害理的坏事,我也不能蓄意伤害任何人。”
    He wrote, "Dear Friend, I cannot intentionally hurt anything that lives, much less fellow human beings, even though they may do the greatest wrong to me and mine."

  • 失去儿子的甘肃省村民移永盛在谈到田文华时说,她看起来很和善,但她怎么能为了钱做出这样伤天害理的事?
    Yi Yongsheng, a villager in western Gansu province who lost his baby son, said of Ms. Tian, 'She looks very benign, but how could she do such a bad thing just to make money?

  • 如果有人犯了过错,我也应该了解是怎样的过错,是伤天害理的错误,是无关紧要的小错,还是值得再给一次机会的错误?
    If someone makes a mistake, identify what's the mistake like. Is it a bloody mistake?Or it is a trifle one?Is this person worth one more chance?

  • 当今大不列颠国王的历史,是接连不断的伤天害理和强取豪夺的历史,这些暴行的唯一目标,就是想在这些州建立专制的暴政。
    The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

  • 真不知道你有没有一子半女的,以后可别真这样叫你儿子做这样伤天害理的事,那是“乱伦” 懂不?真是杂种。 这种事还要我来教育你!
    One thing I absolutely DO NOT want to see is the argumentative responses that offer no real help to those who want to learn something!

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