
传宗接代  chuán zōng jiē dài








  • 传宗接代是生命中最重要的事情之一。
    To continue the family bloodline is one of life's most important things.

  • 女人是传宗接代的工具吗?
    Are the women a tool for reproduction?

  • 妇女的职责是劳动,生儿子,以便传宗接代
    A woman's duty was to work and bear sons to carry on the family line .

  • (毛姆)爱情只是套我们去传宗接代的卑鄙手段。
    Love is only the dirty played on us to achieve continuation of the species.

  • 站得最好的动物存活了下来并不断繁衍,传宗接代
    The animal that stands the best survives and reproduces, passing on its characteristics.

  • 身为邢家的一分子,邢家期待着我能传宗接代,光宗耀祖。
    As a member of the family, I am expected to carry on the Hia line and uphold the honor of my ancestors.

  • 太好了啊!每一代人都肩负着传宗接代的责任,这就是人生啊。
    That's so wonderful! Every generation repeats the natural cycle. It's just a simple fact of life.

  • 凯特:我只是想让你们知道,除了传宗接代性别纯粹是毫无意义的。
    KITT:I was merely pointing out that other than for reproduction, one's sex is purely arbitrary.

  • 男人们通过这一行为传宗接代,女人们籍此来避免在一棵树上吊死。
    It gives the men a chance to reproduce and the women a chance to spread their bets.

  • 奇妙之处在于,每一种花都和特定的昆虫有一定的关联才能传宗接代
    Point is, what's so wonderful is that every one of  these flowers has a specific relationship with the insect that pollinate it.

  • 《长巷》企图打破中国人重男轻女、传宗接代的传统观念,颇富教化意义。
    A movie with a message, Long Alley challenged age-old Chinese male chauvinism.

  • 嫁入豪门,连续生两个女儿的小S,是否有为许家生个儿子传宗接代的压力?
    Jia Ru rich, two daughters of the Health and consecutive small S, Xu Jia-sheng whether for a son of the family line pressure?

  • 阿昌族社会对于“性”的认知和态度往往与传宗接代的生殖观念糅合在一起。
    The comprehension and attitude about the sex in Achang society often mixed with the traditional idea of procreate.

  • 慢慢地,不能做到的猫只能灭绝,那些能够拿到食物的猫存活下来并且传宗接代
    In time, the cats who couldn't manage that trick would die out. The ones who could manage it would survive and reproduce.

  • 所有婚姻中的重要决定由家族的年长者作出,他们认为婚姻的目的就是传宗接代
    The all-inportant decision of marriage was made by older family members, who understood that the goal of marriage was to the produce healthy sons.

  • 一些人由于受封建思想的影响,觉得应该生个男孩传宗接代,所以导致人口的增长。
    Some people are affected by feudalist and think giving birth to a boy can keep generation . In this case , the quantities of people expanded.

  • 农村青年李水库来到深圳寻找来打工的妻子程小桂,打算回去完成传宗接代的大事。
    Li reservoir of rural youth to come to Shenzhen to work to find the wife of Cheng Xiao Gui, intends to go back and complete the procreation event.

  • 一个不好的错误可能导致男人传宗接代的可能性成为泡影,就像拼刺刀时不带刺刀一般。
    Making a bad mistake would be almost as deleterious to the potential for reproduction, as forgetting to bring a dagger to a knife fight.

  • 希林人的生理结构跟人类很接近,因此很多希林人通过与人类或类人种族杂交来传宗接代
    Their biological makeup was close enough to humanity that many Theelin blood lines were continued through cross-breeding with human and near-human species.

  • 而奋力搧沙的雌鱼,肩负著传宗接代、延续生命,是否让你感受到任何生命都应该尊重呢?
    Looking at the fanning female who is responsible for the continuation of life, it is also difficult not to think that all life should be respected.

  • 教男孩子做饭和打扫,这样他就不会把自己的妻子当做传宗接代的家仆,教他们懂得怜悯和独立。
    Teach the boys to cook and clean so they don't treat their wives as child-bearing domestic servants-teach them compassion and independence.

  • 他十五岁那年,四十岁的父亲把他和素未见过面的新娘锁在一个屋子里,交代他要给家里传宗接代
    When he was fifteen, his father, a man of forty, had locked him in a room with a girl bride he had never seen before and laconically told him to produce a son.

  • 埃赫那顿首先迎娶了以惊世美貌著称的纳芙蒂蒂,但两人没有子嗣。为传宗接代,他又娶了自己的亲姐妹。
    Akhenaten first married Nefertiti, who was renowned for her great beauty, but had no sons so he then married his sister in an effort to have a son.

  • 那些O型血的人真的会得病,但不会病死,而且还有机会传宗接代。于是O型血的基因就这样代代相传下来。
    Those people who had type O actually would get sick, but wouldn't die, and had an opportunity to reproduce, and that's how the gene goes forward.

  • 做饭、洗衣、拖地,将来生孩子、带孩子,一样也不能少,必要的时候,还得排除万难给他生个传宗接代的香火。
    Cooking, laundry, mopping the future child, children, the same can not be less, when necessary, to him will have to overcome a line of incense.

  • 中国是一个传统的国家,传宗接代是我们的一份职责。如果我们不去遵循这种职责,中国人口岂不出现一个很奇怪的状况!
    is a traditional country, have baby is our responsibility. If we can't obey the responsibility, the population of China will have a strange situation!

  • 既然我们已经完成了传宗接代的任务,我太太希望我去做输精管结扎手术,并强烈暗示我,除非我照办,否则她将取消所有的性生活。
    Now that we have completed our family, my wife wants me to have a vasectomy, strongly hinting that she will withdraw all sexual favours unless I comply.

  • 伊斯里尔认为单身女性一面要应付传宗接代的传统思想,一边却要被排挤、被边缘化。在她看来,这种不断扩大的社会分歧像一个监牢将人禁锢其中。
    With one foot in the conventional world of species propagation and the other foot in the domain of the marginalized female singleton, Israel thinks this growing segment is in a kind of limbo.

  • 祖父母则是另外的情况,祖父母给祖孙辈一种安全以及传宗接代的感觉,如同我丈夫说的:我的祖父母给我深刻的印象就是事情发展到最后,总是会是好事。
    Grandparents are a special case. They give grandchildren a feeling of security and continuity. As my husband put it, "my grandparents gave me a deep sense that things would turn out right in the end."

  • 我国 90年代出生性别比的异常偏高是客观事实 ,是产前性别选择的结果 ,也是农民不愿多生但想生儿子的生育意愿的反映 ,而农民想生儿子的主要目的是为了传宗接代
    The high sex ratio at birth in the 1990s in China was a result of prenatal sex selection, reflecting farmer's desire for fewer children but one son to continue family line.

  • 传宗接代造句相关
