
众星捧月  zhòng xīng pěng yuè








  • 明星嘉宾们众星捧月地唱主角,大多数业主们被冷落一旁。
    Star guests have Zhongxingpengyue to play a key role, most owners have been cold-shouldered aside.

  • 众星捧月”来形容当前世界上的航天热潮似乎十分恰当。
    "Zhongxingpengyue" to describe the current upsurge of the world's space seems to be very appropriate.

  • 以前学业上风山水起,众星捧月,但现在却要在及格线上徘徊。
    The upper hand before the academic landscape, the Zhongxingpengyue, but now have to hover in the passing line.

  • 众星捧月的名誉中,她依然过着自己正常人的生活,不喜欢采访和邀请的纷扰。
    Yet she remains unaffected by her international fame, turning down interviews and starry invitations.

  • 我不喜欢帅哥,他们一般被很多女孩围着追着,众星捧月般的感觉早把他们给宠坏了。
    I do not like a handsome young man, they are general by a lot of girls round chasing after, numerous star holds the feeling like the month in both hands to give them early mothered.

  • 一次舞会上他与她相识。她非常出色,被男人众星捧月般簇拥着,而他却很普通,无人问津。
    He met her on a party. She was very gorgeous as the core by guys, while he was very normal without attention from anybody.

  • 拾阶而上,巨大的石拄众星捧月般支起豪华大屋。执法水平常受质疑,但其建筑气派倒很像衙门。
    The magnificent air which is like Yamen in feudal China, but we don't dare give any praise to the functionaries' enforcement level.

  • 然后,爸爸打电话问工作情况,知道我现在的工作很辛苦后要我放弃,他养我。呵呵,其实我真的挺幸福的了,第一份工作很幸福,众星捧月的感觉。
    After work, when all of the three went home, one of my colleagues talked on the phone, I hearted her accent, I thought her came from wuhan, and thing come out she was really come from wuhan.

  • 众星捧月造句相关
