
任劳任怨  rèn láo rèn yuàn








  • 为了这个梦想我要任劳任怨不再满腹牢骚。
    For my dream i will grin and bear it, without complaint.

  • 他们是多麽任劳任怨,多麽平凡,又是多么伟大啊!
    How hard working they are, how ordinary, but also how great ah!

  • 他虽然自称为人类的奴隶,也的确任劳任怨地在为人类服务。
    Though it claims to be a slave to man, it does indeed serve man uncomplainingly.

  • 全心全意为人民服务、任劳任怨是对这位老党员的真实写照。
    It is descriptive of the senior party member to serve the people with all one's heart and stand the strain of labor and injustice.

  • 公司之所以有今天的成功,全赖员工们任劳任怨疲于奔命的精神。
    The company's success is attributed to hard working employees who are constantly on the run.

  • 他们以前为政府和人民任劳任怨的服务,但政府却没有感激他们的服务。
    They have served the government and the people well but the government probably did not serve them well.

  • 是不是因为我没有工作,就该继续在他工作的时候任劳任怨的干家务活?
    Should I continue to do my thing around the house while he works since I don't have a job?

  • 总是全力以赴、任劳任怨,欧阳老师是一个忠诚的朋友和事业最佳搭档。
    Always willing to push himself just a little bit harder, he was a reliable business partner and faithful friend.

  • 任劳任怨是他们的工作态度,勤勤恳恳是他们的工作作风,他们乐为他人作嫁衣。
    Hard working is their working attitude, diligent work of their style, they are happy for others to make the wedding dress.

  • 董先生勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨、敢于承担,表现出对国家、对香港高度负责的精神。
    Mr. Tung worked very diligently, willing to bear any burden on his position, and dare to take any risk, all these showed that he has the high responsible spirit on our country and Hong Kong.

  • 热爱本职工作,本着对事业高度负责的态度,坚持刻苦钻研,任劳任怨,扎实细致。
    Love our work, in the cause of a highly responsible attitude and adhere to assiduously, Renlaorenyuan, solid and meticulous.

  • 为了我们,他们在血汗作坊里任劳任怨,愿开西进之先,头顶毒辣皮鞭,俯首寒耕暑锄。
    For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth.

  • 有谁想过这是多麽瞭不起的成就呢?一切都要感谢台湾这一群任劳任怨,经耕细作的稻农。
    This remarkable achievement is a credit to the island's industrious, dedicated rice farmers.

  • 他一心一意的爱着我和儿子,宠着我们,任劳任怨的付出,却从来不计较自己的辛苦与委屈。
    His heart and soul and the love my son, us pay of hard working, but never hard and care about their own grievances.

  • 尽管她聪明,任劳任怨,且工作起来富有成效,她的梦想总是被她不美丽…的外貌蒙上阴影。
    Despite being smart, hard-working, and productive, her dream has always been shadowed by the fact that she isn磘 the best looking young woman.

  • 也因此各小单位都服从它的领导,接受它的指令,每个单位都任劳任怨,没有劳役不公的争执。
    Its decision is made for all members, without any private interest, so all small units accept his leadership and orders and each unit does its own duty without complaint and dispute.

  • 本次实习时间为六周,要求同学展示职专人的风采,团结友爱、尊敬师长,爱护幼儿,任劳任怨
    The time for the six-week internship, the students asked to display special level of presence, solidarity, respect for teachers, child care and patience.

  • 尽管她聪明,任劳任怨,且工作起来富有成效,她的梦想总是被她不美丽(更新)的外貌蒙上阴影。
    Despite being smart, hard-working, and productive, her dream has always been shadowed by the fact that she isn´t the best looking young woman.

  • 尽管她聪明,任劳任怨,且工作起来富有成效,她的梦想总是被她不美丽游戏社区的外貌蒙上阴影。
    Despite being smart, hard-working, and productive, her dream has always been shadowed by the fact that she isn´ t the best looking young woman.

  • 我不可能走的,但我总感到在外我是个任劳任怨的赚钱工具,在内是个不知不扣的保姆,是不是我错了?
    I can't leave. Am I wrong to feel like all I am is a cash cow and a maid?

  • 但更让人可怜的是,它是地球上最任劳任怨的生物,它就像一条狗一样跟着主人,既不需要笼头也不需要缰绳。
    But what is peculiarly pitiful is that it is the most willing creature on earth, it follows its master like a dog and does not need either bridle or halter .

  • 护士有一颗金子般的心。她们从事一份任劳任怨的工作。我知道她们应该得到一份鼓励,因为我就是一名护士。
    Nurses have a heart of gold …They are in a thankless profession and deserve a note of encouragement I know - I am a nurse.

  • 而且他还总是穿着公交司机制服、别着闪亮的徽章(象征他任劳任怨、工作负责),琢磨自己那点儿烦心事儿。
    but he often supped his stew still dressed in his bus-driver's jacket with its shiny badge, a token of his devotion to his job.

  • 他们两年里任劳任怨地追随奥巴马,是为了“希望”和“变革”,不是为了看到克-希老妖和其手下一群妖魔鬼怪重现人世。
    They did not spend two years of their life working for "hope" and "change" only to see the Clintons and their various incubuses and succubuses restored to power.

  • 除了少数顽固分子和一些任劳任怨的人愿意如此外,大多数的人是不会选择美国火车公司的方式从加利福利亚前往芝加哥的。
    Except for a few diehards, and some gluttons for punishment, most aren't choosing to take Amtrak from California to Chicago.

  • 按钮像个任劳任怨、永不知倦的仆人一样服务于世界各处,电梯里、手机上、汽车仪表盘和各种控制板上你都能见到它的身影。
    This war is against buttons of the electronic variety, those tireless servants that dot elevators, cell phones, car dash boards and control panels the world around.

  • 消防队员不顾一切,冲上浓烟滚滚的楼梯,父母为了子女心甘情愿的操劳,正是这种赴汤蹈火任劳任怨的品质成就着我们的未来。
    It is the firefighter's courage to storm a stairway filled with smoke, but also a parent's willingness to nurture a child, that finally decides our fate.

  • 作为一个中国人,我要说的是,如果易建联在下赛季必须要为雄鹿打球,他会为球队竭尽全力打好比赛,因为中国人是任劳任怨的。
    As a chinese I have to say if Yi have to play for Buck in the next season, he will do his best he could , be cos chinese are hard working people with no complain.

  • 影片围绕着三代年轻女工人的生活经历展开,描写了在工厂搬迁、时代变迁的大背景下,厂内三千多名任劳任怨的工人经历了怎样的生活变化。
    Centered on the experiences of three beautiful female workers of different generation, the film depicts how the deconstruction affected the lives of thirty thousand dedicated workers in the factory.

  • 江北某小学语文老师龙小姐有不同看法,她认为老廖“做好事要表扬”不宜提倡。如果变成为了表扬才做好事,今后上课怎么给学生讲解“任劳任怨”?
    North of the Changjiang River some elementary school language teacher Miss Long has the different view, she thought that Lao Liao "does good wants to praise" is not suitable advocated.

  • 任劳任怨造句相关
