
以毒攻毒  yǐ dú gōng dú








  • 叫小偷去抓小偷, 这就叫 “以毒攻毒”。
    To set a thief to catch a thief, that is what we call “to counteract one toxin with another”.

  • 让恶魔去打恶魔;以毒攻毒
    Let one devil ding another.

  • 我们只能用爱情治愈爱情,以毒攻毒了。
    The only way is we use love to cure love just like using poison to restrain preceding toxicity.

  • 治愈的方法是以毒攻毒
    The cure is in the poison.

  • 我想这话多少还是有点道理。以毒攻毒嘛。
    Sometimes, the only way to stay sane is go a little crazy.

  • 我明白啦,治七伤拳的方法以毒攻毒,伤上加伤!
    You must hurt yourself in order to cure the wounds.

  • 我明白啦,治七伤拳的窍门就是以毒攻毒,伤上加伤!
    You ought to hurt yourself in order to cure the wounds.

  • 如果他们用卑鄙的手段的话我们也会。我们得以毒攻毒
    If they are going to use dirty tactics, so we will have to fight fire with fire.

  • 最后,让我来“以毒攻毒”,“以子之矛攻子之盾”吧!
    At last, let me combat poison with poison, and attack your shield with your spear!

  • 拔疯狗之一毛治疯狗所咬之伤。以毒攻毒。酒醉以酒解。
    Take a hair of the dog that bit you.

  • 无论是多么难处理的物质 ,正如俗语所说的可“以毒攻毒”。
    No matter be how unmanageable material, place of common saying of no less than says but " combat poison with poison " .

  • 不用担心,等我咬一口你,你就会没事的了。因为可以以毒攻毒
    Don't worry, my son, let me bite you , and you will be OK. (I can not translate the last sentence, please help me to translate it if some one can)

  • 相爱就好象以毒攻毒,明知中毒已深,却依然无悔,因为你就是我的解药。
    Love each other to fight poison with poison for the good elephant, know perfectly well poisoned already deep, but still without regrets, because you are my antidote.

  • 以毒攻毒、唯心论和超自然的神秘主义代替天主教教义,成了他在成年生活中的信条。
    homeopathy, spiritualism and the occult replaced Catholicism as his creed in adult life.

  • 重点阐述了“恶毒”的发病机理和以毒攻毒的治法,从而丰富和发展了土家医毒气学说内容。
    The mechanism of E-du and the approach of like cures like were emphasized, so it enriches the content of theory of Du-xie in Tu-jia medicine.

  • 30爱情是一种疾病,面对疾病法律是没有作用的。(我们只能用爱情治愈爱情,以毒攻毒了。)
    Love is a kind of disease, but we can't cure it by laws. We just can cure love by love.

  • 流感抗体和新城疫抗体效价以2%虫粉组最高,攻毒后鸡的发病率和死亡率以2%虫粉组最低,与对照组的差异显著(P<0。05)。
    Morbidity rate and mortality rate after inoculation with Escherichia coli of 2% P. americana meal treatment were significantly lower than those of the control (P<0. 05).

  • 在这份瑞士的研究结果发表之前,这种「以毒攻毒」的疗法已引发争议多年。顺势疗法的支持者认为:可以大量稀释引发过敏反应的物质,再用来治疗过敏等病症。
    Proponents of homeopathy believe that conditions such as an allergy can be treated with highly diluted doses of the substance that caused the allergic reaction.

  • 不过,这次毒品“合法化”的目的是要“以毒攻毒”,试图通过解禁毒品来控制毒品。欧洲个别国家还进行了相关的尝试,并公开宣扬取得“积极成果”,企图向国际推广。
    Drug "legalization" advocated the rise in 1990s again. however, the goal of it is to combat poison with poison and try to control it by the ban.

  • 以毒攻毒造句相关
