
令人莫测  lìng rén mò cè






  • 它的音调变幻莫测,并有着令人吃惊的音响效果。
    Its tone varied considerably and its sound effect is dramatically amazing.

  • 这是一片广阔而变幻莫测的景致,但却美得令人惊讶。
    It was a vast and treacherous landscape, but breathtakingly beautiful.

  • 我们在那里立了好久,俯视着那没有肉的脸上令人莫测的龇牙咧嘴的样子。
    For a long while we just stood there, looking down at the profound and fleshless grin.

  • 这个故事发生在一个坚韧的,令人恐惧的,然而又是热情奔放并且神秘莫测的世界。
    It is a story that takes place in a world that is gritty and terrifying, and yet lyrical and mysterious as well.

  • 在伦敦这样一个五方杂处,令人莫测的怪地方,苏荷区恐怕是最最不适合福尔赛精神的了。
    Of all quarters in the queer adventurous amalgam called London, Soho is perhaps least suited to the Forsyte spirit.

  • 其实,命运是弯曲莫测的,要找出一个完全令人信服的诠释,需要无限漫长而迷惘的过程。
    In reality, fate is unpredictable and a winding path to go, It takes rather lasting period for one to find a convincing explanation, which makes one at a loss from time to time.

  • 其拍电影、做主持、走台做秀等招法变化莫测,常常令人大跌眼镜--这“土鳖”开始穿“马甲”了。
    The film, so chaired, to Taiwan, Dr. Law uncertain place, often a reaction -- the "Tubie" started wearing "vests.

  • 可以肯定的是,在面临着各种神秘莫测的事情时,只做一个容易轻听轻信的人,不是什么令人羡慕的境况。
    And surely, to be just a very gullible consciousness provisionally existing among inexplicable mysteries, is not an enviable plight.

  • 在灯光的配合下,变幻莫测,整个舞台就像一个五彩斑斓的巨型魔方,令人目不暇接,给人以震惊神秘的感觉。
    Under the light coordination, unpredictable, the entire stage looks like a a riot of color giant Rubik's cube, eyes cannot take it all, shocks the mystical feeling for the human.

  • 七色斑斓,变换莫测的太阳,忽而白,忽而黄,忽而又红……令人眼花缭乱,不禁陷入遐想,我们无法评判究竟哪种颜色最为绮丽,最为华美。
    The sun changes in untold colours, now white, now yellow, and then red… which makes us daze to be lost into dreaming. We can't tell which colour is the most gorgeous and beautiful.

  • 令人莫测造句相关
