
令人发指  lìng rén fà zhǐ








  • 谋杀是邪恶而令人发指的罪行。
    Murder is a vile and loathsome crime .

  • 他就是不会输,强得令人发指
    Savior just would not lose, and it was sickening.

  • 他的惩罚方式的严酷是令人发指的。
    the severity of his punishment was inhuman.

  • 恐怖分子的罪行令人发指
    The terrorist crimes dripped horror.

  • 这种强暴的行为令人发指
    The act of violence made people boil with anger.

  • 这次大屠杀是当今最令人发指的事件之一。
    This massacre is one of the towering obscenities of other time.

  • 他们的暴行真令人发指
    Their brutality made one's hair rise on end.

  • 许多令人发指的罪行都是借宗教的名义犯下的。
    Horrible cruelties and frightful crimes were perpetrated in the name of religion.

  • “他的行径极端残忍,他折磨的孩子的手段令人发指,”霍伊特说。
    "What he did was so horrendous, how he tortured our children, " Hoyt said.

  • 在共和国末期,班多•戈拉邪教令人发指的暴行让许多人谈之色变。
    In the waning days of the Republic, the Bando Gora cult terrified many through horrific acts of violence.

  • 四十年前,在我8岁时,他与一个极端民主组织从事了令人发指的行为。
    Forty years ago, when I was 8 years old, he engaged in despicable acts with a radical domestic group.

  • 他不是希特勒,他并不像他的敌人所说的,但是他最近的行为令人发指
    He is not Pol Pot and he is not Hitler, like some of his enemies say, but he has been behaving brutally.

  • 他说,这场战争“不仅在道德上错误,也是对美国法律令人发指的违背”。
    He said the war was "not only morally wrong but a horrible breach of American law".

  • 而且,鬼魂不喜欢在能被人看到的地方活动,因为他们想要保留这种令人发指的神秘感。
    Also, ghosts don't like to work in conditions where people might see them, because they want to retain the mysteriousness that makes them so scary.

  • 这儿的税收倒是不高,最高所得税率为17%,公司税为35%,但它的复杂程度令人发指
    Taxes are low, with a top income-tax rate of 17% and a corporation tax of 35%, but they are hideously complex.

  • 在1940年,他们被苏联强行吞并,这是促成里宾特洛甫条约最清晰和最令人发指的证明之一。
    Their forcible annexation into the Soviet Union in 1940 was one of the clearest and most outrageous consequences of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

  • 在法庭外,支持原告的当地防范艾滋病运动者,都对祖马先生的解释感到既令人发指又使人愤慨。
    Local Aids activists and supporters of the complainant, who have been picketing the court, have been horrified and outraged by Mr Zuma's comments.

  • 中毒的者,不分男女老幼,你会在一星期的最后一天,突然七窍流血死亡,死亡场面之恐怖令人发指
    The poison, does not divide the male and female old and young, you can in one week last day, bleeds profusely from the head suddenly the death, terror of the death scene makes the blood boil.

  • 尤其令人发指的是,该部落的所有成人都被定了死罪,唯一的证据是他们反对政府,而且战争发生时,他们在场。
    All adult males were found guilty of murder and sentenced to death with the only evidence against them being they had been present during a war which they themselves had declared against the ***.

  • 毫无疑问,主张极刑的必要性有准确的成分,但是,支持者好像忽略了这种做法不能阻止令人发指的罪行这一事实。
    There is undoubtedly an element of truth in assertions that capital punishment is necessary , but proponents seem to ignore the fact that the practice has failed to deter heinous crimes .

  • 非营利组织肌肉和骨骼移植基金会发言人辛迪•戈登担心,此类令人发指的案件有可能使人们在做捐赠时犹豫不决。
    Cindy Gordon, a spokesman for the non-profit Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation, fears that disgusting cases like these two could put people off donating.

  • 几个月前,我们的网站出现了一些‘游客’捣乱,他们发一些很令人发指的内容,这些内容对孩子而言是觉得禁止的!
    A couple of months ago, our website was under attack, there were some guests who uploaded numerous disgusting stuff on our website, the contents are absolutely forbidden to children.

  • 根据专门恐吓黑人的相关法律,成千上万的非洲裔美国人被任意逮捕,遭受令人发指的罚款,并支付逮捕自己的费用。
    Under laws enacted specifically to intimidate blacks, tens of thousands of African Americans were arbitrarily arrested, hit with outrageous fines, and charged for the costs of their own arrests.

  • 毫无疑问,主张极刑的必要性有正确的成分,但是,支持者似乎忽略了这种做法无所不能阻止令人发指的罪行这一事实。
    TITe is undoubtedly an element of truth in assertions those capital punishment is necessary , but proponents seem to ignore the fact those the practice have failed to deter heinous crimes .

  • 美国广播公司新闻频道拿到一些在加拿大追踪校园恶霸在操场行为的录相带副本,成人很难看到这种残酷场面,真是令人发指
    ABCNEWS obtained copies of Canadian research tapes that followed bullies in school playgrounds - cruelty that adults rarely see. It's horrifying to watch.

  • 希望他们坚强起来震碎了多少人的心。看到屏幕上的令人发指、触目惊心的画面,我的心象被个魔爪抓住一样,一阵一阵的揪心痛。
    Their strong hope that it shattered many people's heart. Heinous see on the screen, shocking picture, my heart was like a devil's talons to seize, attempted a while a while the heartache.

  • 套用巴菲特的话——当潮水退去,你就知道是谁在裸泳——你也很显然会知道哪些锦标妻子是令人发指的、令人厌恶的、轻浮贱女人。
    To paraphrase Warren Buffett, when the tide goes out, you get to see who's swimming naked — and you also, apparently, get to see which trophy wives are heinous, loathsome, shallow bitches.

  • 当我一直扮演这样一个几个月我排列出来,其他东西我的生活是我的困扰,或者我只是运行令人发指不好,我会采取一种扩展脱离扑克。
    When I have been playing this way for a couple months and I am strung out, other things in my life are bothering me, or I am just running hideously badly, I will take an extended break from poker.

  • 在帝国主义和顽固的沙文主义方面,英国也有着令人发指的记录。当你挥舞英国国旗时,你是在庆祝英国的何种历史记录,没人能够了然。
    Britain also has an appalling record of imperialism and pig-headed jingoism, and when you wave the flag, no one can be sure which record you are celebrating.

  • 这无论如何也不能证明乌鲁木齐的骚乱分子令人发指的行为是正当的,那些武装了棍子、刀子和大石头的骚乱分子冲着无辜群众滥杀一气。
    This can in no way justify the horrific acts of rioters in Urumqi who, armed with sticks, knives and big stones, went on a killing rampage against innocent people.

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