
从一而终  cóng yī ér zhōng








  • 我是那种从一而终的女人。
    I am the one-man kinda woman.

  • 我是那种从一而终的人。
    I am a one-woman kind of man.

  • 我是那种从一而终男人。
    I am the one-woman kinda man.

  • 没有从一而终的宽容。
    There's not a whole lot of tolerance.

  • 谁说你可以从一而终?
    Who says you walk in a line?

  • 你相信从一而终不背叛你的男人(女人)存在吗?
    I believe this kind of woman lies, but very few.

  • 大联盟球队球员因其才能、坚韧和从一而终获得回报。
    Major league athletes are rewarded for talent, toughness, and single-minded dedication.

  • 但是艺术给人的感受不是从一而终的,而是根据周围的变化而变化。
    But art changes all the time, according to what's going on around it.

  • 非常珍惜自己喜欢的东西,从一而终内心虽是痛苦,但却活得很踏实。
    I cherish what I love. Though it wasn't always easy to be faithful, the life was whole.

  • 如果他在比赛中能够从一而终的话,他将是我们球队特别需要的一员。
    If he can keep improving on the little things so his game is more complete, he's a wonderful addition to what we do.

  • 课改以来,我校从一而终以课程评价为突破口去关注、实施、实践课改。
    Curriculum Reform, I have single school curriculum as a breakthrough point to be concerned with the evaluation, implementation, curriculum practice.

  • 独门生意想不赚钱也难,长期的感情关系也应该从一而终,不能心怀贰志。
    A monopoly would not be difficult to make money, long-term emotional relationship between the single and should not harbor Chi II.

  • 原因“茶树必下子,移植则不生”,包括有从一而终和必生贵子的双重意义。
    " Reasons "tea will Now, transplants are not students", including single and will have the dual meaning of Health and Takako.

  • 因此说起投资选择要一致的题目时,我很强调,要从一而终,不可三心两意。
    This is why, when I started on the subject of being consistent in ones investment selections I was enthusing about not changing your mind from one moment to another.

  • 他们像他们的父母一样勤恳工作,但是更喜欢行动自由而不是对公司从一而终
    They work as hard as their parents did but prefer free agency to loyal corporatism.

  • 瞒骗也许可以得手于一时,但唯有从一而终诚实以对,才是为人处事的最佳上策。
    11/27. Knavery may serve for a turn, but honesty is best in the long run.

  • 瞒骗也许可以得手于一时,但唯有从一而终诚实以对,才是为人处事的最佳上策。
    Knavery may serve for a turn, but honesty is best in the long run.

  • 从一而终”的思想从孔夫子时代就得到赞扬并且现在仍然根植于当代妇女的头脑。
    The saying "Be faithful to your husband" was praised since the time of Confucius and is still present in the minds of every Chinese woman.

  • 清朝前期,纲常名教特别是“三从四德”、“从一而终”的思想成为女性的日常行为规范。
    In earlier stage of Qing Dynasty, the Gangchang Mingjiao thought became a daily behavioural norm of guiding women, especially San Cong Si De thought.

  • 当然,婚姻并不总是快乐的,但这几对长期以来一直保持着不离不弃的婚姻关系─而且从一而终
    OK, maybe it wasn't always bliss. But each of them has stayed married -- to the same person -- for a very long time.

  • 这些图片从一而终地袒露着被拍摄场景的虚构和人造的质感,而从不努力让自己看起来确实可信。
    These images consistently make bare the constructed quality and artifice of the scenes in their photographs instead of trying to look convincing.

  • 『一见钟情』以及『从一而终』的感情是不切实际的,我们需要的不是这种不切实际而虚幻的感情。
    It is the natural process of developing emotion. "fall in love at first sight"and "be loyal to one's spouse until his or her death" is unrealistic; We need the emotion which is not unrealistic.

  • “一见钟情”以及“从一而终”的感情是不切实际的,我们需要的不是这种不切实际而虚幻的感情。
    "intriguing" and "simple" feelings is unrealistic, we need not such unrealistic and illusory feelings.

  • 现代员工的父母大部分从一而终,与今天32岁前一般换9次工作的员工不同,他们只换一到两次工作。
    Most of the parents of today's workers had the same job for a lifetime, changing jobs once or twice compared with the typical worker today who changes jobs nine times before the age of 32.

  • 泰国人已经习惯了普密蓬国王的美德:从一而终、佛教徒的虔诚和传统的节俭。作为继任者,王储实难企及。
    For Thais used to King Bhumibol's virtues, which include monogamy, Buddhist piety and old-fashioned thrift, the crown prince is a poor substitute.

  • 喜欢细长背带背包的女人:有从一而终的爱情观,不易为外界所诱惑,温婉柔和,感情细腻、真挚,但敏感。
    Like the woman of knapsack of long and thin braces: Have from one and eventually love view, it is environment place temptation not easily, henan is downy, love is exquisite, true, dan Min feels.

  • 研究发现,妇女,与男人的花心相反,在感情上喜欢从一而终,其原因是她们本能的选择,是对生育下一代有利滴。
    Researchers have discovered that women - unlike many men - instinctively prefer a monogamous relationship, mainly because they need help bringing up any resultant children.

  • 天长地久 ----- 女人的意思是从一而终, 男人的意思是老婆只可以有一个, 但情妇和女朋友可以有很多。
    Forever ------ Women think it means loving one forever. Men think it means a wife can be the only one, but lovers and girlfriends can be many.

  • 如今的购房人,无论是自住还是投资,早已没有了对房子“从一而终”的死心塌地,更多的人具备了根据生活水平提高提升居住品质的置业升级观念。
    Now, whether self-occupied or investment has already gone to the house "idea" dead-set, more people have to raise the living standard of living based on the quality of their promotion ideas.

  • 谁都希望有一个永远的真正的朋友,可事实往往是,连一个暂时的至友都成为奢求。也许这世上真的没有任何一个人是有责任对另一个人从一而终的。
    My friend, whenever this world is to much to handle, you can lean on my shoulder, hoping my little shoulder can relive your pain and sorrow.

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