
人手一册  rén shǒu yī cè






  • 这本书中国留学生几乎人手一册
    Chinese students studying in this book is almost a copy.

  • 复印了学习材料,人手一册
    Reproduction of learning materials, a list of manpower.

  • 学生们人手一册新书。
    The students each have a new book.

  • 购买《行政许可法释义》,做到厅机关公务员人手一册
    the purchase of "on administrative licensing Interpretation, " a book to the Office of the Civil Service bodies.

  • 9月17日起发放全校大学部学生人手一册「英语学习护照」。
    English Learning Passports will be issued to all undergraduate students beginning September 17th.

  • 提供中文图书,帮助加盟机构建立汉语图书室,并馈赠学员最低人手一册
    We provide Chinese books and help franchises in setting up Chinese language library; and each student shall be presented at least with one book free of charge.

  • 在那,家长们和学校的全体工作人员人手一册该区提供的基础课程“教学指南”。
    There, parents and school board members take "tech know" basics classes offered by the Fabens Independent School District.

  • 考研英语真题大家肯定人手一册,真题可是大家取得胜利的关键,如何利用好呢?
    Graduate English Zhenti sure you have a copy, Zhenti but we won the key to good use?

  • 一本精心编制的宣传小册,通过街道、社区,人手一册地送到每一位浦东百姓手中。
    A carefully prepared publicity booklets, through neighborhoods, communities, staff sent a copy to every Pudong population hands.

  • 因为不会有足够的图书让学生们人手一册,所以可以把学生们分成小组,然后为每个组分配一本书。
    Since there will not be enough books for each student to read one, separate them into small groups and assign one library book to each group.

  • 确保在校学生的免费教科书“课前到书,人手一册”,杜绝“一边免费、一边乱收费”现象的发生。
    To ensure that students in school textbooks free of charge "to the class before, a manual" stop "on the side for free, while collection of fees, " the occurrence of the phenomenon.

  • 洛杉矶警察人手一册年度手册,第一页就是警官的道德守则,第一句就是作为一名法律执行者,基本职责就是服务人类。
    Los Angeles police every one volume of year handbook, the first page is police officer's moral rules, first takes a legal performer, the basic responsibility is serves the humanity.

  • 如果不幸生在文革时期,红卫兵闹得天翻地覆,人手一册语录,身为中大学生,你不拿一本红色小册子,那你就很难生存;
    If we were unlucky to live in the age of culture revolution in China when red guarders stirred up turmoil and as a student you had to hold a red booklet, or you would have difficulty to survive.

  • 工作组要求,所有专班成员必须做到“郭台铭语录人手一册,郭台铭传记深入研读,富士康公司现状与发展规划熟烂于心”。
    The team required each member must study Guo's quotations and biography closely, and know thoroughly about the current conditions and future plans of Foxconn.

  • 人手一册造句相关
