
人心不古  rén xīn bù gǔ







  • 人心不古, 世风日下。
    Men are not what they were in times past and the general moves are getting worse and worse.

  • 这并不一定是“人心不古”,实可以说是人生的悲剧。
    Though this is not necessarily due to "degeneration of public morality", I do have good reasons to call it the tragedy of life.

  • (笑蜀语)的现实处境,我们能否把这一切统统都归之于“人心不古”呢?
    "(Laughter Shu language) the reality of the situation, we can all have attributed all this, "Renxinbugu"?

  • 在社会上风风雨雨这些年,你一定已经深深地感受到:世事纷繁,人心不古,为人处事越来越难。
    These storms in the community, you must have deeply felt: the world is diverse and, hearts, people doing things increasingly difficult.

  • 这句话是孔子对上古淳厚人心的赞颂,也是对于当时“世风日下,人心不古”的社会状况发出的感叹。
    "This sentence is the ancient Confucian Chun-Hou The tribute to the people, but also the time for "World Wind日下, Renxinbugu" the social conditions issued by the sighs.

  • 对于当代小说家们对性爱场面的过度描写哀叹人心不古的人,并非个个都反对性爱行为本身,或者反对提及这一行为。
    Not everyone who laments what contemporary novelists have done to the sex act objects to the act itself, or to its mention.

  • 蒋介石搬用古代巫医发明的这套哲理,来医治已经病人膏肓的中国社会的各种弊病,未能奏效,就归咎于世风日下,人心不古
    When he was unable to cure the ills of a mortally sick China with this philosophy borrowed from Chinese medicine men, Chiang blamed it on the loss of the ancient goodness.

  • 虽然现在物欲横流,人心不古,但我希望你心里仍有一块净土;都说在中国爱情已是奢侈品,甚至说已没有爱情,故我不奢求你什么,只需你与我能真诚、友好相待。
    I wish you are an honest, also loyal and healthy gentleman with peaceful personality. That would be better if you like to live in China.

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