
井底之蛙  jǐng dǐ zhī wā








  • 井底之蛙不会知道海洋有多大。
    The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.

  • 一条大鱼在一个小池塘里面。井底之蛙
    A big fish in a little pond.

  • 井底之蛙不知汪洋大海。
    The frog in well knows nothing of the great ocean. ", ""

  • 我们都是井底之蛙,但有些人看的是天上的繁星。
    We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

  • 我们都是井底之蛙,但有些人却总是盯着星星看。
    We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

  • 待在山谷中的人,永远越不过山;井底之蛙不识海。
    he that stays in the valley shall never get over the hill.

  • 否则就糟了。被人耻笑为井底之蛙是多没面子的事啊!
    Otherwise, I will lose my face for being sneered as a frog on the bottom of well by others.

  • 井里的青蛙对海洋的事一无所知。-----井底之蛙
    The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.

  • 这仅仅说明你不能做“井底之蛙”,而需要朝其它方向搜索。
    It simply means you need to get rid of your tunnel vision and start searching in other directions.

  • 谁才是真正的王者,谁才是真正的井底之蛙,这一些即将见分晓。
    Who is genuine Wang Zhe, who is the genuine shortsighted person, this some soon are clear.

  • 他用了井底之蛙做类比。这只蛙对它小井之外的任何事情都一无所知。
    He used the analogy of the frog in a well, who does not know anything beyond his little well.

  • 日复一日的生活在这里,你会成为井底之蛙,相信任何事情都一陈不变。
    Living here day after day…you think it's the center of the world. You believe nothing will ever change.

  • 只要这些井底之蛙可以向外看一看,利用地理上的优势,希腊便可统一天下!
    Now if only these frogs could look outward…and act on their favored position at the center, Greece could rule the world!

  • 因此,当他听到人们井底之蛙似的言论时,大都一笑置之,不与他们一般见识。
    He laughed off others' talk, he deemed they were like a frog in the well and was not bothered to argue with them.

  • 进食障碍的恶性循环就好像一口枯井,井底之蛙是看不到外面的世界的开阔和美好的。
    The vicious circle taking food hindering is just like a mouthful of dry well right away , be but a frog in a well being outside world widening fail to see and fine.

  • 透过一扇窗看外面的景物,就如同井底之蛙所能见的,然而局部的有时却也反映了整体的。
    Through a window to see the scenery outside, just as 蛙can see, but sometimes local is also reflected in the overall.

  • 我们要感谢你们在知识和学理上的挑战,鞭策我们在学识海洋中不停地灌水而避免成为井底之蛙
    What I have to mentioned is your challenge on science and knowledge, it urges us keeping study to avoid being a person with a very limited outlook;

  • 对这样的井底之蛙,我们又如何能够与之讨论,类似天体运行、日蚀、月蚀等有关天文范围之内的事。
    they understand the sky with their limited knowledge. So they can't discuss with us about the operation of planet and the phenomenon of eclipse.

  • 经济问题把两人是否合得来的问题搅得一团糟,让人们如井底之蛙,更容易停留在一段不再带来满足的关系中。
    The financial aspect muddles the compatibility issue, making it harder to see the forest for the trees, making it easier to stay in a relationship that's no longer satisfying.

  • 井底之蛙,永远看不到天空的广阔,“好男儿志在四方”,让我们踏歌而行,看高高的灯塔照亮我们远航的路。
    of the sky. "ambitious men ams far", let's get started, with the tall minar lights up our long voyage , and the voice of singing accompanies.

  • 许多学生在选择专业上的目光如同井底之蛙他们选择专业基于的是这个专业是否是通往理想工作唯一的快车道。
    Many students have tunnel vision when it comes to choosing their major - they pick their major on the assumption it's the only fast track to their lucrative dream job.

  • 红色娘子军“ 反对一味守旧的传统思维、反对井底之蛙的学术视野、反对一切阻碍世界文明前进的思想渣子!”
    "Miss Red" against the traditional thinking and blindly tunnel vision, the academic opposition against all thoughts of the world civilization progress! ! ! ! ! !

  • 红色娘子军“ 反对一味守旧的传统思维、反对井底之蛙的学术视野、反对一切阻碍世界文明前进的思想渣子!”
    The aiming "MISS RED" is to reject fogyish thinking, reject a kind of science view to be like a frog at the button of a well, reject anyone who wants to being as barricade of civilization progress.

  • 朋友们:在知识就是资本的今天,终身成长的时代已经来临,我们不能再做井底之蛙以至于被淘汰出局还不自知。
    Friends: knowledge is in the capital today, life-long growth of the times has come, we can not be eliminated even Jingdizhiwa do not know.

  • 几乎没有机会去尝试,整个世界在他们的范围内,印度人已经还是井底之蛙,直到最近不像其他的国家的巨大和繁荣。
    With little opportunity to travel, and a whole world within their borders, Indians have tended, until relatively recently, to be rather inward-looking—unlike the country's vast and thriving diaspora.

  • 不能静心阅读,就没有新的知识和信息充实,没有新的知识和信息的充实,我就开始变得越来越蠢,犹如一只井底之蛙
    Without reading, I no longer have new ideas and new knowledge inject into my brain, without new info I am getting dumber and dumber, like a frog stuck ing in a well.

  • 你所做的只是万千世界的一小部分,千万不要自以为是,井底之蛙,只见树木,不见森林,把自己的思想圈在一个小圆中。
    The guideline should be right and open. What you do is a part of the world. Don't never ever be complacence.

  • 毫无疑问,假如你站在山脚下,你会被群山包围而障目塞听。当你抬头仰望,你只能看到一小片天空,就像一只井底之蛙
    Needless to say, if you were to stand at the foot of a mountain, mountains would be all around you, surrounding you, blinding you.

  • (我就像井底之蛙,起床,上班,被指使,吃饭,睡觉,起床,上班,被指使。我到底在想什么?)(你觉得犯法会得到自由吗?)
    I'm like living in the bottom, get up, go to work, get yelled at, eat, sleep, get up, go to work, get yelled at. what was I thinking?

  • (我就像井底之蛙,起床,上班,被指使,吃饭,睡觉,起床,上班,被指使。我到底在想什麽?)(你觉得犯法会得到自由吗?)
    I'm like living in the bottom, get up, go to work, get yelled at, eat, sleep, get up, go to work, get yelled at. what was I thinking?

  • 井底之蛙造句相关
