
争权夺利  zhēng quán duó lì







  • 整个事件可以归结为他们之间的争权夺利
    The whole matter comes down to a power struggle between them.

  • 共和党在争权夺利的时候不是做得很好吗?
    Haven't Republicans done quite well when it comes to power?

  • 谈判的新规则将是政府部门之间的争权夺利
    The new formula for talks is bureaucratic infighting squared.

  • 推翻了萨达姆的统治,却揭开了不同族群、教派争权夺利的盖子。
    It overthrew the rule of Saddam Hussein, but it opened up the factional and sectarian struggle for power and interests.

  • 但是,它们很快被“政治化”,成为政治家们争权夺利的便利工具。
    However, they were soon politicized and became tools of the political scrambles for power.

  • 如果真有甚么比社会争权夺利还糟糕的,那就是教会里头的争权夺利
    If there is a anything worse than social climbing in the world it is ecclesiastical climbing in the church.

  • 只要你有联系的其他一些项目,免费争权夺利、你永远亏本给事物自由。
    Provided that you have links to some other item that compliments the freebie, you will never lose money by giving things away for free.

  • 各种改革异化为争权夺利,打击异己,结党营私,揽权植势的手段和机会。
    All reformation measures became the means and opportunity of contending for power and profit, of striking dissidents, of cliquing in order to feather their nest, of arrogating power to themselves.

  • 妻子们谁也不用看谁的脸色,更不会象中国妻妾成群的家庭那样争权夺利
    Wife people the look that who need not see, the family that won't resemble group of Chinese wife concubine more in that way contend for power and profit.

  • 从目前的剧透来看,后面的故事会再次陷入争权夺利勾心斗角的老戏路。
    Passes looking from the present play, the following story-telling session falls into the old play road which once more fights for power and profit, manipulates strategically.

  • 在罗马共和国后期,宗教被政治家扭曲并滥用,成了他们争权夺利的工具。
    In late Republic, religion is abused by statesmen and thus becomes a tool used to fight for power.

  • 然而,由于晚清官场的腐败,自救的新政被执政者们演变成了争权夺利的工具。
    But it has become a tool to scramble for power and profit for officialdom corruption.

  • 以后,议会成为军阀争权夺利的工具,发生了被称作“猪仔议会”的贿选总统的丑闻。
    Then parliament became a mere instrument for warlords in power struggle, and there occurred the scandal of the "parliament of pigs" and bribery in electing a president.

  • 以后,议会成为军阀争权夺利的工具,发生了被长征饭店作“猪仔议会”的贿选总统的丑闻。
    Then parliament became a mere instrument for warlords in power struggle, and there occurred the scandal of the "parliament of pigs" and bribery in electing a president.

  • 有的人穷其一生只为争权夺利,却换来了终身疲惫;而有些人平凡一生却快乐地生活一辈子。
    Some poor life for the great, but for lifelong exhaustion, And some ordinary life is a joy in life.

  • 人生旅程也和这个故事中所描述的一样,不少人每天竭尽全力争权夺利,而忽略了自己的爱好。
    Journey of life is also described in the story the same, many people do all day struggle for power, and forget all about their own preferences.

  • 违背集体民主权力规则,是整天都在为了争权夺利而闹情绪、搞攻击等,那是不规范的民主自由。
    Being depressed or aggressive for rights is a violation of communal democratic rights rules. It is nonstandard democratic freedom.

  • 李傕等人相互争权夺利,矛盾越来越激化,李傕计杀樊稠,又与郭汜率兵相攻,交战连月,死者万计。
    Li Jue and others struggle for power with each other, becoming more and more intense conflicts, Fan Chou Li Jue kill dollars, compared with Guosishuaibing attack, not even at war, millions of dead.

  • 为了争权夺利,为了拓展疆域,为了粮食矿产,为了贸易,甚至为了美女,大家打成一团,横尸遍野。
    To obtain power, interest, territory, food, mine, trade, even the beauty, people fight against each other in a field littering with corpses.

  • 白色的象牙塔内,二人的冲突与遭遇,揭露了医疗体系的腐败,以及医学界尔虞我诈争权夺利的阴暗面。
    Their complicated relation and interaction in the "Great White Tower" reveals the dark side of the medical system.

  • 自1991以来索马里一直没有正式的政府,这里已经成为了诸多部族与领主之间争权夺利的血腥角斗场。
    With no proper government since 1991, it has been a bloody kaleidoscope of competing clans and fiefs.

  • 1417年开始到义大利各地传教,竭力对抗由西方教会大分裂所造成的人心涣散、法纪废弛、争权夺利的现象。
    In 1417 he began preaching tours in Italy, seeking to combat the lawlessness, strife, and immorality resulting from the Western Schism.

  • 因为国民党最高领导中有许多人不过是把和平挂在嘴上,装装门面,以便背地里重新组合力量继续反共,并继续争权夺利
    For many of the top leaders, peace was merely a verbal facade behind which they realigned themselves for further resistance to the Communists and further struggles for power and wealth.

  • 卡拉奇,巴基斯坦--贝-布托的遇刺身亡加剧了巴基斯坦政局的不稳定性,该国的多个政治团体可能会(借机)争权夺利
    KARACHI, Pakistan -- Benazir Bhutto's assassination has deepened political uncertainty in Pakistan, with diverse political groups likely to intensify their jostling for power and influence.

  • 波士顿地区,暗杀事件大多,为争权夺利而开展的小规模战争大多,没有后台支持的个人蛮干活动也大多,对法律的嘲笑大明目张胆了。
    What could not be forgiven was that he could not keep order in his empire. The Boston area had too many murders, too many petty wars for power, too many unsupported free-lance activities;

  • 首先,这一任务需要更为强力的领导者,以停止国际机构间的争权夺利,需要有人将官僚机构的头头脑脑们联合在一起并制定出日程表。
    The first is the need for a strong leader to stop international agencies' turf wars. Somebody needs to bang bureaucratic heads together and set an agenda.

  • 此封信主要是欧阳修说自己是很笨拙的人,而自己自请外调,也不是因为生病的关系,而是不想要在朝廷中,与那些争权夺利的人相处。
    The reason he requested to transfer out of the capital was not because he was ill, he simply did not want to stay in the capital to work with those courtiers who chase power.

  • 在公布联邦网络安全政策评估报告后,奥巴马表示,由于这一问题的复杂性以及各机构之间争权夺利,政府到目前为止一直未能发挥作用。
    Releasing a review of federal policy on cyber-security, Mr Obama said the government had been hamstrung so far by the complexity of the issue and turf wars among agencies.

  • 在现实社会中以「老虎」暗喻著「权力」的象徵往往又与金钱、色欲环环相扣,因为傲慢的权力所衍生的问题,比方金钱游戏、尔虞我诈的勾心斗角与争权夺利…。
    In reality, "tiger" refers as "power" as well as relates to money and sex. Problems incurred from abusive power such as money game, plotting, and pursuing power that are all easily addictive.

  • 我们不是为了争权夺利而是为了伊斯兰信仰在打仗,穆斯林认为基督徒和他们所信奉的神其实都一样---所以打仗对我们来说是义不容辞的责任,就像每天都要做祷告一样。
    We are not fighting for positions but for Islam. It is agreed upon within Islam that Christians and those they support are the same — so war is incumbent upon us, like prayer.

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