
久经风霜  jiǔ jīng fēng shuāng






  • 们那被太阳晒黑的脸阴沉着,他们那久经风霜的眼睛熠熠放光。
    Their sun-burned faces were dark and their sun-whipped eyes were light.

  • 一张典型的爱尔兰面孔,因为久经风霜而变得聪明、镇静、捉摸不定。
    A typically Irish face was made wise and calm and undecipherable by much experience.

  • 他矮短身材,瘦削结实,身上筋筋节节的,给人的印象是个久经风霜、脾气执拗的人。
    A short man with a bunched wing body that gave the impression of being gnarled and sour.

  • 脚步随着谷型而变,在山的对面,你像一位慈祥的久经风霜的老人,向我们陈述神谷的史前神话。
    Footsteps change as the shape of the valley chang-es. In the opposite hill, you tell us the myth of Mag-ic Valley in pre-history like an old merciful man.

  • 夏天正在结束,所有的事物都换上了一副久经风霜的面孔,而整个国家,布满树林和灌木丛,意味着一场野人般的拓荒。
    for summer being ended, all things stand in appearance with a weatherbeaten face, and the whole country, full of woods and thickets, represented a wild and savage hew.

  • 他个子矮小,只有五英尺多一点,体重不到一百斤,由于久经风霜,脸膛黑黑的。他上身穿着一件蓝制服,下身穿着一条农民式样的裤子。
    He was quite a tiny man, not more than five feet tall and about a hundred pounds in weight, with a wind-and-suntanned face, and he wore a blue uniform jacket over a pair of peasant pants.

  • 久经风霜造句相关
