
举止言谈  jǔ zhǐ yán tán








  • 你的言谈举止应更自然一些。
    You should speak and behave more naturally.

  • 从他的言谈举止来看,他肯定不是好人。
    Judging by his speech and manner, he is most certainly not a decent fellow.

  • 年轻人应该在举止言谈上学习彬彬有礼。
    Young people should learn to be urbane in departmentspeech.

  • 年轻人应该在举止言谈上学习彬彬有礼。
    Young people should learn to be urbane in department and speech.

  • 举止言谈不严肃,尤指在不适当的场合;轻佻。
    Lightness of manner or speech, especially when inappropriate; frivolity.

  • 高尚和得体的言谈举止是到处受人重视的通行证。
    Cultured and fine manners are everywhere a passport to regard.

  • 多观察他人的言谈举止会让你学到有价值的东西;
    You can learn valuable information if you listen and observe what others are doing and saying.

  • 轻浮,轻率举止言谈不严肃,尤指在不适当的场合;
    Lightness of manner or speech, especially when inappropriate; frivolity.

  • 特德言谈举止好像他生活在一个成熟的共产主义社会中。
    Ted behaved as if he lived in a full-blown communist society.

  • 住户从衣着打扮、举止言谈可睹思想层次,决非等闲之辈。
    Tenants from clothing dress, behaviour and conversation can watch level, not Su.

  • 真美来自一个人的心灵,可以从这个人的言谈举止识别出来。
    It is something that come from the soul and is seen in what the person says and does.

  • 在书中,亚历克建议男性要为自己选择一个言谈举止的好榜样。
    In his book, Alec suggests that men find a cool role model to base their behaviour on.

  • 面容,动作,言谈举止合宜得体,都是从日常生活中修养所得来。
    It is through the daily cultivation of tolerance and humility that we becone refined in demeanor and conduct.

  • 正因为这个原因我总是尽量在言谈举止方面显得专业而又不失个人仪态。
    For that reason, I always like to speak and appear in a professional yet personable manner.

  • 但是请记住:这仍然是面试的一部分,你的言谈举止还是要恰当地处理。
    But remember: This is still part of the interview and should be treated accordingly, both in how you act and talk.

  • 言谈举止出于不净之心,则痛苦亦步亦趋,如车轮紧随于拖车牲口之足后。
    If with an impure mind one performs any action of speech or body, then suffering will follow that person as the cartwheel follows the foot of the draught animal.

  • 我要爱每个人的言谈举止,因为人人都有值得钦佩的性格,虽然有时不易察觉。
    I will love all manners of men for each has qualities to be admired even though they be hidden.

  • 凡有疑心病的人,总是虚构一些因果关系去解释别人为什么会有这样的举止言谈
    Human who every has morbidly suspicious mind, always fictionalizes some causal relation to explain why others will have such speech and behavior.

  • 不同的是,有的流露于言谈举止、气质神采之中,而有的则化成字里行间的情愫。
    What is different is that while some express it in speech and deportment, and temperament and demeanor, others turn it into a feeling expressed between the lines.

  • 而她一厢情愿地认为,在玛丽安言谈举止之间,已有某种超越感激之情的因素萌芽躁动。
    While in the actions and words of Marianne she persuaded herself to think something more than gratitude already dawned.

  • 依我看,首先,我们应该在公共场合的言谈举止和自我形象方面给面试官留下好的印象。
    In my opinion, firstly, we should leave the employers a good impression an what we were, how we talk as well as how we behave in public.

  • 我该怎样行动呢?我要爱每个人的言谈举止,因为人人都有值得钦佩的性格,虽然有时不易察觉。
    How should I do?I love the the everyone 's conversation manner. because everyone has the admire disposition, though sometimes we may not be easy to find out it.

  • 在其他国家长大的印度人在言谈举止上与其在本地的亲戚有很大不同,但是基本的社区特性仍会保持不变。
    Indians brought up in other countries tend to be very different in their mannerisms from their native cousins; however, the basic community traits tend to remain the same.

  • 人文精神要求医生有针对性地做好喉癌患者的健康指导,让患者从医生的言谈举止中感受到人道主义的关怀。
    The humanistic spirit requires the doctor give the patients appropriate health education and good service to let the patients feel humanistic caution.

  • 教皇内侍此刻像在催眠状态中一样,言谈举止铿锵有力,这是莫尔塔蒂在罗马教廷的祭坛上不曾看到过的景象。
    The camerlegno was almost hypnotic now. He had a physical strength in his movements and voice that Mortati had never witnessed on a Vatican altar.

  • 中国要求监管工作人员具有较高的思想道德水准和文化知识,在日常工作中以其文明的言谈举止引导、启发罪犯。
    The state requires all prison staff to be ideologically morally sound in order to guide and inspire the prisoners with their civilized speech and behaviour in their daily work.

  • 教师的人格魅力是教师素质的一面镜子,它是通过教师的言谈举止得以体现的,并对学生产生着潜移默化的影响。
    The magic power of teacher" s personality is a piece of mirror of the teacher" s diathesis and it performanced through teacher" s action and speech. Also is does imperceptible influence on students.

  • 因为这种人不炫耀其富贵就不舒服,结果他们或是在举止言谈上神气活现,或是总要压倒一切相反意见或竞争对手。
    Being never well, but while they are showing how great they are, either by outward pomp, or by triumphing over all opposition or competition;

  • 伟大电影中的伟大演员,他们的言谈举止“和我们完全一样”;或者和我们想象中他们在特殊情境中应有的表现一样。
    The great actors in great movies act and speak "just like us" or as we would imagine they should in their particular situation.

  • 尽管如此,当进一步审视我们祖辈们的言谈举止时,我们发现他们仍然未把这些现象概括成纯描述性的、道德上中立的单一术语“性行为”。
    Still, as a closer look reveals, our distant forebears had not yet summarized all of this in the single, purely descriptive, morally neutral term "sexual behavior".

  • 举止言谈造句相关
