
专心一志  zhuān xīn yī zhì








  • 我是个专心一志的人。
    AM a heart man.

  • 专心一志要明白智慧,要明白狂妄、和愚昧,就知道这也是捕风。
    Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.

  • 如果专心一志,任何事情都能达成。)-------[光年网原创。
    You can do anything when you put your mind to something.

  • 你也会希望那个人在处理案件时专心一志、坚决果断,直到破案为止。
    You would also want someone who would attack a case with single-minded determination until it was solved.

  • 传授些道理,罚球的时候专心一志,或者在加索尔的脸上扔杂物怎么样?
    How about some discipline, focus at the free-throw line and someone throwing a hand up in Gasol's face?

  • 专心一志用智慧去寻求窥探天下所发生过的切事,就知道上帝给世人所劳碌的是多么吃力的劳苦。
    I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a heavy burden God has laid on men!

  • 他回过头,对门徒们说:「听到了吗?只要专心一志,心无旁骛的做事,以及研究学问,肯定没有不成功的。
    He turned his head to his disciples and said, "Devotion to doing something or studying means success."

  • 网站的正式编辑仰赖你我这样的读者(加上群精挑细选的工)来审阅、纠正文章的谬误,他们则专心执行中立的政策。
    The official site editors rely on individuals like you and me (plus a group of selected volunteers) to review and correct errors in the articles, while they focus on enforcing the non-bias policy.

  • 网站上的正式编辑仰赖你我这样的读者(加上群精挑细选的工)来审阅、纠正文章的谬误,他们则专心执行中立的政策。
    The official site editors rely on individuals like you and me (plus a group of selected volunteers) to review and correct errors in the articles, while they focus on enforcing the non-bias policy.

  • 现在那个无头巫师的遗体就躺在我的眼前,面对此情此景,我试着尽量不去盯着那条尸体转而专心一志的将刚才发生的事记录进日记里,但我失败了,那条尸体的诱惑实在是太大。
    The headless body of the old wizard lay before me. Try as I could to avert my gaze and press on with my journey, I failed. The lure of the corpse was too much.

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