
与虎谋皮  yǔ hǔ móu pí







  • 向他求助无异于与虎谋皮
    To ask him for help was like asking a tiger for its skin.

  • 找老婆要零花钱——与虎谋皮
    Seek the wife want zero spend money-a doomed request.

  • 网民普遍认为,让老百姓与开发商商量房价,无异于“与虎谋皮”。
    The cyber citizens generally believed that asking the ordinary masses to negotiate housing price with the developers would be nothing short of asking a tiger for its skin.

  • 靠这对快乐的玩伴中的一个来治理房地产市场,那不是与虎谋皮吗?
    on this happy playmates to the governance of a real estate market, It was not making a futile effort?

  • 网民普遍认为,让老百姓与开发商商量房价,无异于“与虎谋皮”。
    The cyber citizens generally believed that asking the ordinary masses to negotiate housing price with the developers will be nothing short of asking a tiger for its skin.

  • 有一个成语,叫做与虎谋皮,恰好可以说明这种可能性到底有多大。
    There is a proverb, called asking them, can explain precisely how this possibility in the end.

  • 因此,污名、羞辱和歧视实际上是与虎谋皮,它在客观上将加重艾滋病流行。
    Therefore, stigma, stigma and discrimination are in fact trying, it will add to the objective at the AIDS epidemic.

  • 发行制度就是要改革机构在发行中的强势地位和特权,单单去征求他们的意见,岂不是与虎谋皮
    Distribution system is to reform institutions in the issuance of a strong position and privileges, just to solicit their views, is it trying?

  • 这个故事原来叫“与狐谋皮”,后来转化成“与虎谋皮”,比喻跟恶人商量要他牺牲自己的利益,那是绝对办不到的。
    This idiom means that it is impossible to discuss with the vicious about getting profits from them.

  • 与虎谋皮造句相关
