
不远万里  bù yuǎn wàn lǐ







  • 谢谢你不远万里来到我们公司。
    Thank you for coming all the way to our company.

  • 感谢您不远万里专程造访本市。
    Thank you for coming all the way to our city.

  • 白求恩大夫不远万里从加拿大来到中国。
    Bethune doctor traveled long distances to come to China from Canada.

  • 不远万里来中国度暑假。
    He has come over to China for the summer.

  • 许多玉米曾经不远万里到基金会进行捐赠。
    Many fans even traveled a long distance to go to the foundation with their donations.

  • 我来自荷兰,和其他两位姐妹不远万里来到中国。
    I come from Holland . I come to China with other sisters. I'm very freiendly . enthusiastic .

  • 为什么美国人刚赢得独立就不远万里要到中国来通商呢?
    Why do Americans traveled long distances just to win the independence to go to China to trade it?

  • 他们不远万里随队出征花了很多钱,没我们他们就活不了。
    They travel far and wide and spend a lot of money watching us, and for a lot of them it's what they live for.

  • 请听我说!如果没有充分的理由,我不会率部不远万里来到这里。
    Hear me out! I would not have come so far, leading an army, if I did not have a good reason.

  • 一个外国人,不远万里来到中国,毫不利己,专门利人,这是什么精神病?
    A foreigner, has no fear of great distances arrives China, is unselfish, is utterly devoted to others, what neurosis is this?

  • 如果我告诉他我在哪里,他会不远万里的来帮我,但只会给我增加麻烦罢了。
    If I told him where I was, he would go the whole nine yards to help me but only to add to my trouble.

  • 甚至更有疯狂的韩国歌迷,不远万里一路赶到中国,“追”至长沙,“追”到本报。
    Even has the crazy South Korean singer fan, has no fear of great distances a group to rush to China, "pursues" to Changsha, "pursues" to the newspaper.

  • 那里的神秘感太强烈了,并不仅仅是这个地方,还有那些不远万里来到这里的人们。
    There's a sense of mystery that is overwhelming, and it's not just the place, but it's also the people that come from so far away.

  • 她吸引着国内外爱好者和收藏家,许多国际收藏家不远万里来到这里,圆他们的寻宝梦。
    It attracts local and international enthusiasts and collectors, many international collectors come here from very far away just to make their dream of searching treasure come true.

  • 就在这时,欧美的学者、汉学家、考古家、冒险家,却不远万里、风餐露宿,朝敦煌赶来。
    At the same time, European and American scholars -- Sinologists, archaeologists and adventurers -- began to travel thousands of miles toward Dunhuang.

  • 白求恩以近50岁的年龄,和护士琼·莱彻组成两人医疗小分队,从温哥华不远万里来到中国。
    Bethune, then nearly 50 years old, came to China from Vancouver with Joan Fletcher, a nurse, as a two-person medical team.

  • 同时,也要感谢我的老朋友安博大使,他不远万里,从上海给我们带来关于世博会的最新消息。
    I would also like to thank my dear friend Ambassador Serge Abou for having taken such a long journey to bring us fresh information from Shanghai.

  • 那一刻,天上升起一颗又亮又大的新星,天使们在天空高唱赞歌,信奉上帝的人们不远万里来膜拜圣子。
    At that moment, the big, bright sky A rising star, angel eulogizing high in the sky. believe in the people of miles to worship the Son of God.

  • 100年来,许多中国学者不远万里到剑桥求学访问,中国杰出的数学家华罗庚就是其中最著名的代表。
    For 100 years, many Chinese scholars, best represented by Mr. Hua Luogeng, an outstanding Chinese mathematician, have traveled l0ng distances to study in Cambridge.

  • 如果我们完全考虑自己就不会一条心。我们一起传道和学习(尽管不远万里),我们来到一起就如同一个人。
    When we are working together preaching and studying God's word (even if we are many miles apart) when we come together we will be as one man.

  • 最近以来,越来越多的学生朋友们为了接受高等教育,以及更好的生活,不远万里从中国或是其他地方来到澳洲。
    Recently, more and more students, who come from China or others, come to Australia to receive a higher education and have a better life.

  • 三年来,许多美国志愿者不仅捐了钱,还不远万里来到这里义务劳动,这种国际主义志愿精神,令我们每一个人肃然起敬。
    During the past three years, many American volunteers have not only donated money, but also put force a great deal of hard work to complete this Project.

  • 在这里我寻找到了我的真爱----一个加拿大人,他在这里与我相识,经过短暂的交流,他不远万里来到中国和我相会。
    Be honest, I never believe that I can really find the one I love from a dating site. But at here, it actually happened. Just one signing up, with one email. All the miracle began.

  • 这个大个子,不懂英语,又是不远万里从中国而来,和他同场打球,对我来说是种疯狂的体验,对他来说,也一定是这样的。
    Being on the court with this huge man, someone who didn't know English and came all the way from China, was just a crazy experience for me, so it had to be a crazy experience for him.

  • 它是一部纪实性小说,讲述了淑雯,一个结婚仅3周的年轻中国妇女为了寻找她挚爱的丈夫———克军,不远万里跋涉到西藏的故事。
    It is a non-fiction novel that tells about ShuWen, a young Chinese woman who has only married for 3 weeks travelling to Tibet to look for her dearest husband, Kejun.

  • 整个一年内,各种代表团,有些是来自国外,都不远万里来到这个修道院来听教长、阿訇和政客们探讨宗教对社会、战争与和平的态度。
    Throughout the year delegations, some from overseas, trek up to the monastery to listen to church leaders, Imams and politicians discuss religious attitudes to society and war and peace.

  • 半个多世纪以前,当中国人民最困难的时候,白求恩大夫离开加拿大,不远万里来到中国华北抗日前线,救助伤病员,培训急需的医务人员。
    Over half century ago, during a very difficult and crucial period for Chinese people, Doctor Bethune left Canada, and took the long to Northern China and the front line of the war against Japan.

  • 多年以来,一大批意大利厨师追随前人的脚步,不远万里来到苏州,他们创办的餐馆为这座城市带来了经典的意式美味和用餐时的愉悦感受。
    Following in the footsteps of their illustrious compatriots, a number of Italian chefs have settled in Suzhou over the years, and the restaurants they founded have long delighted the city's gourmet s.

  • 五一对于很多中国年轻人来说是比过年还重要的节日,大家不远万里从中国的各个角落聚集到一起,是朝圣,更是狂欢,一切皆以音乐之名。
    For many Chinese youth, Labor Day is a holiday that is more important than Spring Festival. They come from every corner of China to get together.

  • 还有那些退伍老兵,孩提时的朋友,以及纽约和阿肯色地区的人们,感谢他们不远万里来到这里,是他们告诉那些愿意聆听的人们为什么要支持我。
    To the veterans and the childhood friends to New Yorkers and Arkansans who traveled across the country telling anyone who would listen why you supported me.

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