
不胜其烦  bù shèng qí fán








  • 伦敦雾曾经一度让当地居民不胜其烦
    London's fog used to be a plague to residents.

  • 我走进大街,心中不胜其烦
    I walk down the main street, and the harassment is thick.

  • 她回答这些幼稚的问题觉得不胜其烦
    She was tired of answering these puerile questions.

  • 你提的这些愚蠢的问题真使我不胜其烦
    You are taxing my patience by asking such stupid questions .

  • 你提的这些愚蠢的问题真使我不胜其烦
    You are taxing my patience by asking such stupid questions.

  • 除了愤怒的老记,这则报道也让产煤大市孝义不胜其烦
    This story was produced for the big city of Xiaoyi This is really annoying.

  • 前几天城管科就派施工队逐家逐户敲门拆除,不胜其烦
    Section construction area a few days before sending teams door-to-door to knock on their doors removed, This is really annoying.

  • 路易士:近来我每五分钟就要上厕所小便,真是不胜其烦
    Louis: I'm fed up with having to go to the toilet every five minutes to pass water these days.

  • 一个人能否找到工作可能决定于其基因,这一观点让人不胜其烦
    THE idea that people might be chosen or rejected for jobs on the basis of their genes disturbs many.

  • 这位警察的脸上虽然不乏同情,但也露出一种不胜其烦的怀疑表情。
    Not devoid of sympathy, the policeman's face also expressed a fatigued skepticism.

  • 对于我的室友,虽然我总是不胜其烦,但有时她正是我想见到的人。
    Though she annoys me to no end, sometimes my roommate is just the person I want to see.

  • 我们为没完没了的火车上乘客或在饭店用餐者利用手机聊天不胜其烦
    We hae all been annoyed by the seemingly endless nattering on cell phones by passengers on trains and by fellow diners in restaurants.

  • 他的编辑终于对这位农夫记者不胜其烦,因为他的文章太索然乏味了。
    His editor finally got pretty much annoyed at the farmer-journalist because his pieces were so uninteresting.

  • 不胜其烦,特拟定关于这句话的N个回复,供大家参考,请灵活使用。
    Can not stand the harassment, especially draw-up the N of concerning this sentence reply, provide everyone reference, please vivid usage.

  • 李明博似乎已经对来自民主党,朴槿惠以及她的支持者的反对不胜其烦
    The president seems fed up with the resistance to his plan from Miss Park, her supporters and the opposition Democratic Party.

  • 他可以删掉手机上的数据信息,他还可以调至尖叫模式,让盗贼不胜其烦
    He can delete the data off the device and he can put it into scream mode which will annoy the thief very much.

  • 家住“春申景城”的何小姐也不胜其烦:“为什么中介知道我的手机号码?
    "says" spring Shenjing City "Miss Ho also This is really annoying :" I know why the mobile phone number of intermediary?

  • 员工的流失率高企,企业不胜其烦地频繁招工但仍然是跟不上员工离职的速度。
    Staff losing highly, Enterprises recruited continually but couldn't catch up losing spread.

  • 初,其母尚能觅其踪影,劝其用膳;久之,鹏不胜其烦,遂离家愈远,归家愈疏。
    First, the parent can find its trace, its mess, For a long time, so far from home, more off-putting to heal.

  • 当对爱情的赞美之词不绝于耳的时候,不知道你的看法怎样,反正我是不胜其烦的了。
    I don't know about you , but I'm sick and tired of being told how wonderful love is.

  • 上班族觉得交通不便,有车者对来回交纳过路费不胜其烦,要是遇上堵车更是让人心急如焚。
    Office workers feel that the traffic inconvenience, car persons to return their road toll This is really annoying, if they block the traffic is so great sense of urgency.

  • 我并没有不胜其烦地追问他是否还对蜥蜴进行了其他的训练,除了这些蜥蜴是否还有其他什么东西。
    I didn't bother asking if he only trained his lizards to sit in relaxing human possess or if there were other ones too.

  • 该软件还带有所谓的信息服务,那些有关其他公司产品及节目的广告词时不时跳出来,让你不胜其烦
    The program also installs a so-called message service that bugs you with pop-up blurbs about programming and ads for other companies.

  • 几千年过去了,我们在为诸多城市问题不胜其烦的时候,古人的那些古老做法似乎让我们找到了化解矛盾的金钥匙。
    thousands of years have passed, many urban problems This is really annoying for us in time, those ancient Chinese practice to let us find the key to resolve contradictions.

  • 这道用污泥和垃圾筑成的可怜城墙,倒是与这位国王很相称,与诗人的歌唱也很相称:环绕巴黎的墙垣叫巴黎不胜其烦
    that miserable wall of mud and spittle, worthy of the king who built it, worthy of the poet who sung it: The wall walling Paris makes Paris murmur.

  • 一天,史东突然于车祸中丧生,其心脏更被移植到蒙尼的体内,而史东的鬼魂亦因此不断出现于蒙尼身边,令他不胜其烦
    But when Moony suffers a heart attack and Stone dies suddenly in a car accident, the two become closer than they ever dreamed possible - Stone's heart is transplanted into Moony's body!

  • 埃米斯一向行文生动,气势逼人,而也许正是这种风格让他的父亲不胜其烦,不过在这部著作中他的行文技巧得到了出色的施展。
    The compulsive vividness of Mr Amis's style may have annoyed his father, but he puts it to good use here.

  • 不过,一般来说,候选人们所表现的是他们宁可依靠令人不胜其烦的陈腔滥调也不愿去了解并面对现实。在经济问题方面,这次辩论完全不及格。
    In general, though, the candidates showed that they would rather rely on tediously familiar rhetoric than come to grips with reality. On economics, the debated gets an F-minus.

  • 每当做批量的操作,比如一次建立20个新的记录,移动一串A记录从一个区域到另一个,或仅在翻转区域搜索下一个可用的IP,都可能使你不胜其烦
    Doing mass operations like creating 20 new records at once, moving a bunch of A records from one zone to another, or just searching for the next free IP in a reverse zone, can challenge your patience.

  • 然而,好处还是有的。对于偶的室友,虽然偶总是不胜其烦,但有时她正是偶想见到的人。假如她没有接纳偶的一些习惯,偶也不会对她的习惯了如指掌。通常,偶还没开口她就知道偶要说什么了;
    There is some good news, however. Though she annoys me to no end, sometimes my roommate is just the person I want to see. I didn't get to know her habits so well without her taking in a few of mine.

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