
不知所终  bù zhī suǒ zhōng








  • 哦宝贝。当我摇摆手中的旗帜的时候而你却不知所终
    OH BABY . When I swing when the hands of the flag but you disappeared.

  • 这些人往往被就地枪决,也有些人给带走,不知所终
    Others were taken away and never heard of again.

  • 在警车到达之前,男子挣脱了保安控制,其后又不知所终了。
    Before the police vehicle arrives, the man has worked loose the security control, after that did not know the outcome.

  • 最终,失去了肉体,也没有来世可言,亚斯塔罗斯离去了——不知所终
    Eventually, with no afterlife to call his own, stripped even of his physical existence, Astaroth simply went -- elsewhere.

  • 虽然一些部分已被拆毁或不知所终,但是毫无疑问,它是非常值得一游。
    Though part of it has been taken apart or removed, there is no doubt that it is well worth visiting.

  • 二石结合当晚,希儿做了一个恶梦,不久寒山便不知所终,叫她忐忑不安。
    The night when the two pieces of jade are brought together, Xi'er has a nightmare. Shortly after that, Cold Mountain goes missing, which bothers her immensely.

  • 「我」的确有「生」有「死」,每天睡觉,「我」都会不知所终,然而每次都。
    Without doubt, the "I" has a "life" and a "death". Every day when we sleep, the "I"

  • 流亡政府要求苏联交还一万五千波兰俘虏,但苏联声言那些俘虏逃走了,不知所终
    The Soviet government claimed the prisoners had escaped and their whereabouts were unknown.

  • 其实自己真正的所需要的,往往要在经历许多年后才会明白,甚至穷尽一生也不知所终
    In fact, their true needs, often experiencing so many years will understand and even exhausted life are gone!

  • 其实自己真正的所需要的,往往要在经历许多年后才会明白,甚至穷尽一生也不知所终
    One's own a real one in fact need, often in can understand after going through a lot of years, even limit is it end to know whether all one's life!

  • 其实自己真正的所需要的,往往要在经历许多年后才会明白,甚至穷尽一生也不知所终
    In fact, his real need, often after many years will understand that life has come to an end or even disappeared!

  • 主前722年,亚述王撒缦以色,掳去北国的十族,他们被迫散居在亚述的各省,不知所终
    In 722 B. C. the King of Assyria, Shalamaneezer, took the ten tribes of the North into captivity. They were dispersed among the provinces of Assyria and never heard from again.

  • 庄某破门而入,见到一名年轻女子躺在床上,而其父母则不知所终,房内恶臭难闻,遂马上报警。
    Zhuangmou break down the door and saw a young woman lying on a bed while their parents were disappeared, the room stench was unbearable, and subsequently police immediately.

  • 为了获得,忙忙碌碌,真正的所需所想往往要在经历许多流年后才会明白,甚至穷尽一生也不知所终
    In order to obtain, busy, the real requirements are often thought to be experienced in many of the fleeting time before understand that life has exhausted or even disappeared!

  • 中国这个越来越多元的时代,不知所终地将把我们带向何方的现代化过程,使一切都变化的急速而扑朔迷离
    China, in a time of increasing multiplicity and in a modernization process leading us to an unknown destination, is undergoing changes that are rapid and complex;

  • 在这些未知中,最为确定的是,战争的结束会像其开始那样,纷乱糟杂,不知所终,没有泾渭分明的胜负之别。
    Amid the unknowns, the nearest thing to a certainty was that the war would end as messily as it began, with no clear win for either side.

  • 电视购物公司通常能在很短时间内就收回成本,这也是它愿做隐身人,经常更换电话,令消费者不知所终的原因。
    TV shopping company can call in inside very short time normally cost, this also is it wishes to do concealed body person, often change phone, your consumer does not know place eventually reason.

  • 世间有太多美好的事物,美好的人。对没有拥有的美好,我们一直在苦苦地向往与追求。为了获得,忙忙碌碌,真正的所需所想往往要在经历许多流年后才会明白,甚至穷尽一生也不知所终
    Every body knows that study is one of the most important things for the young people, and a lot of people think that young men should study everyday to get a good score.

  • 不知所终造句相关
