
不知去向  bù zhī qù xiàng







  • 睡美人醒来,王子却不知去向
    sleeping beauty was aroused, but the prince was gone…

  • 不知去向了,再未听到她的消息。
    She disappeared and was never heard of again.

  • 大家再睁眼看时,江已经不知去向了。
    When they could see again, Chiang was gone.

  • 那辆忧伤的黑色灵车载着你不知去向
    Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you.

  • 时光匆匆,当他返家时,发现牛不知去向
    Time in a hurry, when he returns the family, discovered the cow disappears without a trace.

  • 那些不知去向之珠宝的确切价值弄得清楚吗?
    Is the exact value of the missing jewels ascertainable?

  • 一时间,郁积心头的烦恼和愤懑也不知去向
    For a time I have forgotten the worries and irritations I was nurturing before.

  • 你坐在一列或一架不知去向的火车或者飞机上吗?
    Would you sit in a train or a plane without knowing where it was going?

  • 高月荣一直不知去向,被山西警方列为网上逃犯。
    On the high-jung has disappeared, Shanxi police were on-line as a fugitive.

  • 两颗年轻的双子星一升一落,赛后的朱书靖不知去向
    The two young twin a liter of a drop, after the book Zhu Jing disappeared.

  • 一天早晨,他的债主们发现他已连夜逃走,不知去向
    One morning his creditors discovered he had done a moonlight flit and vanished.

  • 因为有三名被定罪的警员仍不知去向,所以MAO成员的安危令人忧虑。
    With three of the convicted officers still missing, there are concerns for the safety of MAO members.

  • 情人们成双地乘着春风四处飘翔,他们不知去向何方,也毫不将此放在心上。
    The amorists flutter here and there on the spring breezes, unknowing where they go, uncaring.

  • 最后一个早晨安得鲁醒来后,他发现他的房间一片混乱,漂亮女子也不知去向
    The last morning when Andrew woke up, he found his room was in chaos and the woman was gone.

  • 已经过了很多年,文章早已不知去向,而且当时文笔稚嫩,没什么好看的,呵呵。
    Thank you for sharing this passage with us. I also enjoy this passage very much.

  • 最后,在一次去安徽办事的路上,他掉进一条河里淹死了。他的尸体也不知去向
    Finally, on a business trip to Anhui, he fell in a river and drowned. They never did find his corpse.

  • 在卡奥塔森林里的一个住宅里发生了很奇怪的事,伯爵突然死去,小姐不知去向
    Kaao Ta Senlin, in a house in a very strange thing, Earl suddenly dies, Miss disappeared.

  • 他从前的那身肥肉已全然不知去向,他的脸又瘦又苍白,双手没有血色,全身肌肉松驰。
    All his corpulency had fled. His face was thin and pale, his hands white, his body flabby.

  • 蓝胡子已经娶了很多妻子,但他的妻子都已不知去向,没有人知道他的那些妻子哪儿去了。
    Blue Beard had married many wives, but his wives had gone away. No one knew where his other wives had gone.

  • 朋友是每一段岁月的标签,可以在与某一个人相关的那一点上找到那些已不知去向的时光。
    The friend is each section of years label, may in find these with on someone correlation that already the time which disappears without a trace.

  • 恩赖特开玩笑说,在其它任何国家,他们可能已经跑得不知去向,享受这个额外的休息时间去了。
    In any other country, Mr Enright jokes, they would have been nowhere in sight, enjoying the opportunity for an unscheduled break.

  • 可是,翌日清晨打开中门,却见四壁辉煌,全本《佛传》故事,仅一夜即告成,画圣吴道子却不知去向
    However, early morning the following day to open the door, 却见walls brilliant, full of the "Buddha Biography" story, only comes into the night, has disappeared.

  • (前半句还是需要加工)现在这些钱的一部分已经被取走,这对夫妇的加油站已经关门了,他们也不知去向
    Now some of the money is gone, their gas station closed, the couple nowhere to be found.

  • 那些李树可能还在开花, 那个女人可能生了第七个孩子, 然而那朵云只出现了几分钟, 当我抬头,它已不知去向
    The plum trees bluer perhaps still And that woman has now perhaps the sieved child. But that cloud flowered only minute And as I looked up, shrank her already in the wind.

  • 他说:“几十亿美元、的确是几十亿美元,都不知去向,没有真正加以追查,也没有真正跟踪调查这些金钱的来龙去脉。
    "Billions, literally billions of dollars have disappeared without any real trace or any real way of following the money, " he added.

  • 军队愈走愈快,互相追赶,快步或小跑地前进着,在自己脚步掀起的尘雾中渐渐地不知去向,汇成一片的吼叫声震撼上空。
    More and more rapidly, vying with one another, at a quick run and a trot, the troops marched in, concealed in the clouds of dust they raised, and making the air ring with their deafening shouts.

  • 科学家们企图为宇宙里的所有物质和能量创建一份详细的列单,却遇到了一个奇怪的难题:绝大部分物质和能量不知去向
    Scientists trying to create a detailed inventory of all the matter and energy in the cosmos run into a curious problem--the vast majority of it is missing.

  • 他们为抢客源而盲目许下口头承诺,造成交付时货不对板,可当事的售楼人员早已不知去向,由此引发房屋交付时的纠纷不在少数。
    They promised to get customers and blind oral commitment not to board a cargo delivery, the sales staff has disappeared, resulting in the delivery of housing disputes far from a minority.

  • 元月3日,一件突发事件考验了万家灯火装饰城的服务质量,入驻市场的一家颇有影响的装饰公司因经营不善而倒闭,法人不知去向
    January 3rd, a sudden incidents test fit decorative City Quality of Service, be settled down a market influential companies as a result of mismanagement and decorative closure legal source.

  • 在我看来,跳蚤市场是一个令人伤感的地方,市场上卖的东西过去对一些人来说都是很宝贵的,但是他们老的老了,死的死了,有的人也已经不知去向了。
    For me a flea market is a sad place--all those memories of the past: stuff that used to be precious to people who have died or grown old or just moved away.

  • 不知去向造句相关
