
不拘小节  bù jū xiǎo jié








  • 他为人和做官都不拘小节,讲求实效。
    He did not bother about small matters in personal behavior and in being an official.

  • 你常常敷衍了事,你把它叫做不拘小节
    You are often half-hearted, you call it sloppy.

  • 换你上司忽视---他是大方,不拘小节
    When your boss is a day off sick, he must be very ill.

  • 陈:我们都是天生乐观与不拘小节的性格。
    Chen: We are optimistic by nature with the informal character of the section.

  • 抓大放小、不拘小节
    Large and deregulating the small, sloppy.

  • 但是也不拘小节
    but also in any section!

  • 随和,不拘小节,稳重,对感情专一,能相守一生。
    Amiable, does not arrest the section, steady, is single-minded to the sentiment, can defend the life.

  • 与亚洲人相比,北美人士似乎比较常微笑且不拘小节
    Compared to Asians, North Americans seem to smile a lot and be very informal.

  • 金先生受过很好的教育,但他是一个极其脱俗不拘小节的人。
    After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the Bohemian life of an artist.

  • 不拘小节并不代表他不会有美好的前途,并不代表没有出息。
    Informal section does not mean he will not have a bright future, does not mean sterile.

  • 他们之所以不拘小节,很可能是因为他们总是处于匆忙之中。
    They are informal, most likely because they are always in a great hurry.

  • 休闲游戏的精髓在于不拘小节,尽情娱乐享受游戏来带的快乐。
    The leisure game's essence lies in not bothers about trifles, the entertainment enjoys the joy which heartily the game brings.

  • 王思也是有才能的官员,但是琐碎,不拘小节,做官做到九卿,封为列侯。
    Officials also thinking, no broken harsh natural environment, and as Jiuqing, Feng Chien.

  • 26岁的夏宁是一家电视台的节目编导,在生活中是个不拘小节的大男孩,。
    Xia, 26-year-old director is a television station in life is an informal sections of the big boys.

  • 巴茨为人随和,不拘小节,她向同事们承认,自己对“救火队员”的角色很满意。
    Ba Ci humanness is amiable, regardless of tribal matters, she admits to work in the same placing, oneself are right " fireman " the part is very satisfactory.

  • 年轻的瑞典人受雇于外商或国际组织经常会碰到麻烦,太不拘小节或者太不尊重制度。
    Young Swedes employed by foreign companies or international organizations often run into trouble being too informal or too disrespectful of structures.

  • 我首先是没能坚持严格自律,廉洁奉公,从不拘小节开始,成为腐朽庸俗作风的牺牲品。
    I first failed to adhere to strict self-discipline, integrity, from the beginning in any subsection, a decadent vulgar style of a victim.

  • 在言辞的修饰和辞藻丰富方面从来不拘小节的总统简单地说:“这个傻家伙可以下去了。”
    Never a stickler for rhetorical ruffles and flourished, the president simply said"This sucker could go down. ""

  • 能够敢说大事不拘小节的人必须要有两个条件:一个是高度的智慧,一个是敢于担当的力量。
    It takes two preconditions to say that: one is superior wisdom; the other is the power to shoulder responsibility.

  • 没礼貌礼节是不行的,不拘小节可以,但也要谢谢面试官,否则再大的面试官也会觉得没面子的。
    Forgetting to thank your interviewers in writing for their time can take the luster from even the most stellar interviewee.

  • 虽然美国非常不拘小节,但您不能在对他人的感情问题上,给热以错误的印象,这一点是很重要的。
    Although there is much informality in the United States, it is important not to create a false impression regarding your feelings for another person.

  • 直到他无力反抗你。我的格言:李志艺你一定要记住这世界上你不该有爱,仁慈。成大器者,不拘小节
    Revolts against you incapable until him. my maxim: Li Zhiyi you must certainly remember in this world you should not have the love, benevolent. becomes the great talent, not bothers about trifles.

  • 比利知道已没有坐位,于是他做了一般不拘小节的大学生会做的事 —— 他在前面厚厚的地毯上坐下来。
    When Bill realized there were no seats left, he did what any casual college student would do—he sat down on the plush carpet up front.

  • 雪莉:问题不仅仅在于这些讨厌的坏习惯,比如捏手指、挠痒和吸鼻子,关键还有一些非常不拘小节的习惯。
    Friend 2: What matters here isn't a few annoying little habits like cracking his knuckles, breathing through his nose, scratching himself, hit and miss personal hygiene.

  • 与所有不拘小节的澳大利亚人的热情相匹配的一个独特品牌。你享有充分的证明坐长途飞行到达那里是称不上昂贵的。
    Pair all of that with a unique brand of casual Aussie warmth and you've got more than enough to justify the otherwise prohibitively long flight to get there.

  • 男孩就是这样,洒脱豪迈,不拘小节,假日里,三三两两,结伴而行,抱着吉他,哼着走调的歌曲,闯进大自然的怀抱。
    The boy is so free and easy bold, informal section, holidays, small groups, go hand in hand, holding guitar, humming a tune of the song, broke into the embrace of nature.

  • 教授们并不认为只是一种不尊敬或学生们一种不拘小节,相反,他们会认为这显示出一种亲切以及人与人之间的平等关系。
    The professors do not regard this as a sign of disrespect or familiarity, but rather, as an indication that the professor is considered affable and has a sense of equality.

  • 不拘小节、不爱干净、不擅交往,他崇尚自由,喜欢无拘无束,虽然她乖巧得像上帝的羔羊,可他仍觉得婚姻束缚了他。
    He does not like cleanly, not doing well in communication, he advocates the freedom, likes unrestrained, although she is clever and understanding, but he still thought the marriage has fettered him.

  • 不过,侯总承认,大家的精神面貌还是有了一些微妙的变化:人们的心情似乎比过去好多了,一些“不拘小节”的人的散漫习惯,多少也有了收敛;
    However, 侯总 admit that everyone faces or have some subtle change: people was much better than in the past, some " " frank in its design habits of the person who's got a convergence;

  • “还好,”考利昂太大说,“他上年纪了,老糊涂了,竟让这样的事发生在他头上。”她一面说,一面不拘小节地用手做个手枪的姿势敲敲自己的脑壳。
    "Fine, " Mrs. Corleone said. "Fine. He's getting old, he's getting foolish to let something like that happen. " She tapped her head disrespectfully.

  • 不拘小节造句相关
