
不屑一顾  bù xiè yī gù








  • 对这一问题他们都认为不屑一顾
    They regard the problem as not worthy of serious consideration.

  • 邻居一直盯著我瞧,我不屑一顾
    My neighbours stare at me, nevermind!

  • 我这样说,可是他却不屑一顾地听着。
    I spoke, but he listened with scorn.

  • 她撅着个嘴,露出一付不屑一顾的样子。
    Her scorn is shown by the curl of the lips.

  • 她对我的观点不屑一顾
    She poured scorn on my ideas.

  • 我的建议人家不屑一顾
    My suggestion was received with disdain.

  • 我暗暗地想,我对妈妈的举动真是不屑一顾
    Secretly I want to, I told her was dismissive of the move.

  • 啊,美,你践踏着你不屑一顾的牺牲品的尸体;
    You walk upon corpses which you mock, O Beauty!

  • 工业和金融在他看来都是绅士们不屑一顾的行当。
    Industry and finance seem to him to be activities unworthy of gentlemen.

  • 总统不能无礼地对一位“国家”“元首”不屑一顾
    The President cannot rudely ignore a head of state.

  • 对于表面的荣誉、职称、地位这类东西他们是不屑一顾的。
    For outward glamour, or rank they have nothing but a cool contempt.

  • 在这个问题上的不屑一顾已经导致了一个严重后果的出现。
    A deplorable ignorance on this subject has resulted in a serious consequence.

  • 让我们惊奇的是,他对那个女孩的求婚被不屑一顾地拒绝了。
    To our surprise, his proposal to that girl was turned down with disdain.

  • 西班牙球队说切尔西只会长传,穆里尼奥对此说法不屑一顾
    Mourinho also rubbished claims from Spain that his team relied on " long-ball" tactics.

  • 不过,对西方石油公司来说,这种不屑一顾的反应有点自满。
    For western oil companies, however, such a dismissive response would be complacent.

  • 他对儿子的要求非常严格,对传统的训练思维和方式不屑一顾
    He drove his son extremely hard, rejecting conventional wisdom and traditional training methods.

  • 打工,有的人对此不屑一顾,而打工对于中学生来说却是一种锻炼。
    To work, some people ignore, while the wage for secondary students, it is a workout.

  • 她姐姐却绝不肯把她的不屑一顾藏在心里,偏要挺不客气地形之于色。
    But her sister, not caring to hide her disdain, expressed it pretty openly in her looks.

  • 让我感到颇为惊讶(和高兴)的是,售货员对待我俩同样都是不屑一顾
    Much to my surprise (and delight), the sales assistants doled out snootiness in equal measure to both of us.

  • “有什么要说的吗?”他的语气波澜不惊,平淡得甚至可以说不屑一顾
    You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning.

  • 这正是一些参议员对破产威胁采取不屑一顾的态度可能造成不良后果的原因。
    That is why it is counter-productive for some senators to simply dismiss the bankruptcy threat.

  • 大多数人认为会把生活装点得更加优雅、美丽的东西,而布兰德肖却不屑一顾
    Brandshaw cared nothing for those things which with most people make life gracious and beautiful.

  • 当邓不利多向哈利解释爱的力量的重要性时,他反复重申伏地魔轻视这种力量,对它不屑一顾
    When Dumbledore is explaining to Harry the importance of his power of love, he reiterates that Voldemort underestimates this power and does not value it.

  • 对一批新的筹资用于购买抵押贷款和地产资产的地产投资信托IPO,投资者就表现得不屑一顾
    Investors turned up their noses at a new batch of real estate investment trust IPOs raising money to buy mortgages and real estate assets.

  • 最近我们一些总统完全是圈外人,对华盛顿的行为方式不屑一顾,而且从自己的家乡州带来了太多的人。
    Many of our recent presidents have been outsiders who in some ways thumbed their nose at the Washington ways and brought in too many people from their home state.

  • 这一天土地又发话了:“孩子,你就看我一眼吧!”可大树却不屑一顾:“不行,我不会低头。”大树绝望了。
    On this day the land has spoken again: "My child, you look at me a bar! " To trees is dismissive: "No, I will not bow. " Tree desperate.

  • 1999年就脱离英联邦的一次全民公投以失败而告终,主要是因为大众对政治家们推行改革的动机不屑一顾
    A referendum on becoming a republic in 1999 failed, largely out of popular cynicism about the motives of the politicians promoting the reform.

  • 但若与海德共命运,则意味着无数兴趣和雄心抱负势必全部告终,从此变成一个人所不齿的,亲朋不屑一顾的人。
    To cast it in with Hyde, was to die to a thousand interests and aspirations, and to become, at a blow and forever, despised and friendless.

  • 学习一种语文不是一件容易的事,积极的作法是认识我们的弱点,不是不屑一顾,把它当成另一件无关紧要的事。
    It is hard learning a language. But it is more fulfilling recognising our weakness and not dismissing it as just another irrelevant problem.

  • 许多工党支持者,特别是工会,有很多各类不屑一顾的自由主义者,他们则把他们看做是思想上背信弃义的浅薄资产阶级。
    Yet many Labour supporters, especially the trade unions, have long disdained liberals of all sorts, whom they regard as ideologically perfidious, bourgeois dilettantes.

  • 不屑一顾造句相关
