
不堪入耳  bù kān rù ěr








  • 不要听信那些不堪入耳的谣言。
    I never listen to (ie believe) what salesmen tell me.

  • 不要听信那些不堪入耳的谣言。
    Don't believe the ugly rumours.

  • 到处是不堪入耳的咒骂。
    The air was blue with oaths.

  • 当我们又谈起不堪入耳的闲话时,母亲说,住嘴!
    Hush up , " Mother said, when we began to repeat ugly gossip."

  • 我们在还很穷的时候,做出了好多不堪入耳的音乐。
    We made a lot of unlistenable music when we were very poor.

  • 当我们又谈起不堪入耳的闲话时,母亲说,“住嘴!”
    Hush up, "Mother said, when we began to repeat ugly gossip."

  • 瓦格纳有几阵美妙的一瞬间,可有一刻钟令人不堪入耳
    A quarter of an hour's walk farther in the forest.

  • 我相信他平常听到的许多话,比我要说的这番话更是不堪入耳
    I dare say he often hears worse things said than I am going to say.

  • 我们的的耳边少了礼貌用语,取代而之的是不堪入耳的脏话;;
    Our ears less polite terms, and of replacing the bad language is ; ;

  • 欧洲两个最易动怒的邻国间一场旷日持久的争吵变得不堪入耳
    A long-running dispute between two of Europe's most prickly neighbours is turning nasty.

  • 也有人骂他,即使用不文明的网络语言标准来衡量, 也是不堪入耳的。
    some people call him names that are shocking even by online standards of incivility.

  • 凌峰走到那两个客户跟前时,那两个客户还在那骂,而且骂的内容不堪入耳
    Ling walked in front of two customers, then it also scolded the two customers, but also criticize the content of.

  • 许多人为了强化他们的说法或者为了讨好别人而随便使用不堪入耳的语言,千万别跟随他们。
    Many people casually pepper their speech with obscenities in an attempt to bring force and intensity to their speech or to embrace others.

  • 在全球金融风暴的消息已经吼到声嘶力竭,不堪入耳的地步时,本周总算是听到了一则好消息。
    AGAINST the ear-piercing screech of the global economy hitting the brakes, what sounded like a piece of good news could still be heard this week.

  • 楼上的这位姑娘,这时已是惊恐万分了,听到他们所讲的那些不堪入耳的脏话时便感到十分绝望。
    The girl upstairs, who was already very frightened, felt desperate when she heard the terrible things they were shouting.

  • 他还表示这些“流氓”辱骂观众,高喊不堪入耳的口号,撕下剧院海报,撞翻为电影做宣传的纸板人物。
    He said the "hooligans" abused patrons, chanted obscenities, ripped down posters and knocked over cardboard figures advertising films.

  • 虽然听起来不堪入耳,却说明了内心深处最本原的想法与爱的载体,虽然是潜意识的,但更真实、更纯洁。
    Although it sounds Debauchery of laughter, but describes the inner depths of the most primitive ideas of the vectors and love, although it is subconscious, but it is more real, more pure.

  • 一群群孩子跟在他身后听他用不堪入耳的话责骂黑人,而黑人则随着铁镐的上下起落有节奏地哼着劳动号子。
    The little boys would follow in groups to hear him cuss the riggers, and the riggers singing in time to the rise and fall of picks.

  • 有一天苏格拉底刚一进家门,很是莫名其妙,他的老婆就对他唠叨不休,接著就是破口大骂,言语不堪入耳
    One day Socrates just took a door, it is indescribable very, his wife is right his wag one's tongue, it is shout abuse then, utterance can'ts bear pleasant to hear.

  • 想不到弟媳背后这样糟塌人,她当然还有许多不堪入耳的话,自己简直不愿意知道,那句话现在知道了都懊悔。
    At night when he couldn't fall asleep, Hung-chien would feel sorry for himself, regretting more and more that he had come.

  • “你一句也不回敬她,”郝维仙小姐看到这一切,便对我说,“她说了你许多不堪入耳的话,你却一句不说她。
    You say nothing of her, ' remarked Miss Havisham to me, as she looked on. 'She says many hard things of you, but you say nothing of her.

  • 这下惹得其他人也破口大骂那瞎眼恶棍,并用不堪入耳的言语威胁他,还想把瞎子手中的拐杖夺走,但没有成功。
    These, in their turn, cursed back at the blind miscreant, threatened him in horrid terms, and tried in vain to catch the stick and wrest it from his grasp.

  • 那些家伙抓住这两个可怜的忠实的动物,用棍子狠打,嘴里还骂着不堪入耳的脏话,把他们赶到风雨交加的冰冷的屋外。
    They took and beat them severely with sticks, those two poor faithful creatures, and turned them out into the cold and the wet, with many insulting and uncalled-for remarks!

  • 我的言辞面对悲弱显的不堪入耳。给我一个能让你看得懂我的机会好吗?云是最漂亮的,是因为我看不到你身上的缺点还是说你根本就没有缺点。
    I know that you are a cloud in wind and rain. however, I can not reach you so I am willing to be star in the sky, the flash for you. you are so close. but still a world away.

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