
不堪入目  bù kān rù mù








  • 不堪入目的景象往往难以忘怀。
    It is hard to forget repulsive things.

  • 现在许多大城市不堪入目
    Many large cities are anything but beautiful.

  • 食物或油脂粘在玻璃杯边缘都是不堪入目的。
    It's unsightly to see food particles or grease on the rim of your glass.

  • 偷拍好乐迪量贩KTV内不堪入目的淫场面!
    Steal the obscene beat appearance easy to enlighten amounts happily buying and reselling the KTV inner entering purpose extremely!

  • 金属模压剑装。比较多见。只是剑条不堪入目
    Metal mounding fittings. Rare. It's the blade that we can't bear seeing.

  • 更甚者,以这辆轿车来运货,那真是不堪入目
    More very person, will carry with this car goods, that is to enter order extremely really.

  • 仅存的人丑陋而冷漠,到处是我不堪入目也无法容忍的事。
    The presence of people is ugly and cold and something I can neither watch nor bear.

  • 夏天,他穿上宽松肥大的裤子,上衣不堪入目,帽子脏得教人不敢碰。
    He wore his pantaloons very loose and baggy in summer. His coats were execrable; his hat not to be handled.

  • 你的老总给你发了一条不堪入目的消息或者你的同事让你实在是很生气。
    Your boss sends you a nasty message or a coworker really dos you mad.

  • 有关部门查封华新宾馆时,曾扣押6盘录像带,里面的镜头“不堪入目”。
    China closed down the relevant departments of the new hotel had video seized 6, the lens inside the "offensive."

  • 但是他把它们穿在自己身上!它们穿在他身上比穿在汤姆小猫身上更加不堪入目
    But he put them on himself! They fitted him even worse than Tom Kitten.

  • 临时工失去了工作后,有的更是流离失所,经济滑坡确实使去年冬天的景象不堪入目
    The image of temporary workers losing their jobs, and sometimes their home, as the economy slumped last winter was a poignant one.

  • 这家公司还就另外一部德国同性恋毛片儿提出了类似的要求,并且标题更加不堪入目
    The lawyers also sent out similar demands for a second German gay porn film with an even more offensive title.

  • 曾是不堪入目的街巷出现了新式的学校,充满了现代气息的商场、酒楼、影院、歌舞厅;
    Along the lanes and streets which once were dirty and shabby are newly set up schools, modern market buildings, cinemas, dance halls, etc.

  • 登机以后,我就看报纸,然后看了两部电影,两部都是不堪入目,我不想说是那两部戏。
    After we got on the plane, I read the newspaper, then watched two movies which were both terrible.

  • 夏思可说到,“我们(的广告)有好的,有不好的;有不堪入目的,也有被誉为经典的。”
    "We had the good, the bad, the ugly and the outstanding, " says Mr Cescau.

  • 与NBA球员在赛场上表现出的光鲜照人形成鲜明对比的是他们在场外不堪入目的私生活。
    NBA players on the court and show the people dressed as a sharp contrast to their over-the-counter offensive in private life.

  • 市民刘女士无意间发现,上小学五年级的孩子书包里竟装着好几张文字和画面不堪入目的贺卡。
    Madam Lau people unintentionally revealed that on the grader bag rules…… at several pieces of text and pictures were intolerable to the eye.

  • 现在许多大城市不堪入目。街道上满是被乱丢乱放的垃圾,而在这些垃圾里,仍有一些有用的东西。
    Many large cities are anything but beautiful. Streets are littered with trash. In this trash, however, there is still something that can be useful.

  • 现在许多大城市不堪入目。街道上满是被乱丢乱放的垃圾,而在这些垃圾里,仍有一些有用的东西。
    Many large cities are anything but beautiful. Sspxeets are littered with spxash. In this spxash, however, there is still something that can be useful.

  • 一直以来,家长、心理学家以及媒体评论员都在讨论,此类不堪入目的内容是否会对未成年观众产生恶劣的影响。
    The question that has been debated by parents, psychologists and media critics for years is whether such racy content has an adverse affect on young viewers.

  • 牢骚发完之后,摄影师就离开了工作室。一边收拾起他已经被砸得不堪入目的高价相机,一边嘴里还在嘟囔着什么。
    After his little tirade, the photographer walked briskly out of the studio. He could be heard outside screaming as he picked up the remains of his expensive camera.

  • 在我们的人生中,我们会被自己的决定和身处的环境所丢弃,所糟蹋,以至变得不堪入目,似乎感到自己一无是处。
    Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless.

  • 如果用百分比比喻,户型不错的为30%,一般般的为30%,还在用老掉牙、执迷不悟、不堪入目的也能占到30%。
    If the percentage analogy, Huxing good 30%, as the 30% general, also in Old Toothless, unrepentant, simply can account for the 30%.

  • 小峰经常去网吧,最初登录黄色网站看到那些不堪入目的画面时,脸都红了,但看得多了,便上了瘾,时间久了,也想模仿。
    Small-often to the Internet, the first to visit pornographic websites to see those pictures offensive, blushed red, but much more to see, on the addiction, long time, would like to imitate.

  • 虽然表面上是一张音乐专辑,还是专业人士打造,可有钟丽缇在,估计和张元新片一样不堪入目,搞不好就是一个情色专辑。
    While ostensibly a music album or building professionals, will have Zhongliti in, estimates and Zhang Yuan While new movies, simply, is a well distributed album.

  • 这种情景也曾经作为幸福而出现过;但如今,透过她随之而来的生活的悲惨的折射,只能归类于她回忆中最不堪入目的部分了。
    Such scenes had once appeared not otherwise than happy, but now, as viewed through the dismal medium of her subsequent life, they classed themselves among her ugliest remembrances.

  • 非常不幸地,这份杂志立即成为台湾最畅销的杂志,而其每一期的封面几乎都是不堪入目的名人绯闻,并且必定附上用长镜头偷拍而来的彩色照片。
    Quite unfortunately, the magazine immediately become the best seller, with its cover always occupied by indecent celebrity's scandals and colored pictures photographed secretly.

  • 德维威迪说:“那些宝莱坞演员们正在使各种粗俗行为在整个印度社会蔓延开来。普通的印度家庭根本就不可能去观看这类电影,他们有的时候简直俗得不堪入目。”
    "Bollywood actors are conveying vulgarity in the society, " Dwivedi told Reuters. "These films cannot be watched with our families, they are so vulgar at times. "

  • 今天我走在路上,看到了一个让人不堪入目的一幕,一个穿的洋气的女孩,吃着香蕉,吃完后竟然随手扔到地上,这时一个残疾人看到了,没有说什么,捡起来扔到垃圾箱里了。
    Today I walk on the road, and saw a scene, enter the girl wearing a brim, eating bananas, after eating thrown to the ground, and actually see when a disabled, said nothing, pick up into the dustbin.

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