
不一而足  bù yī ér zú








  • 其尺寸小至手枪,大至狙击枪,不一而足
    They ranged in size from small handguns to powerful sniper rifles.

  • 把他说成是英雄、天才、笨蛋,不一而足
    He is variously described as a hero, a genius and a fool.

  • 清代江南官学学田所采用的地租形态不一而足
    The official study of south of the Yangtze River in Qing Dynasty adopts different forms of landtax.

  • 关于复归何处的问题,历来是见仁见智,不一而足
    A consensus has never reached on the issue of which place it returns to.

  • 从空气污染、森林砍伐到酸雨和水源短缺,不一而足
    from air pollution to deforestation to acid rain and water shortage.

  • 在扶轮世界里,说明何谓扶轮与扶轮事迹的方法不一而足
    Throughout the world of Rotary, there are many ways to tell what Rotary is and what Rotary does.

  • 路面评价体系需要考虑到诸多因素,且实现方法不一而足
    Many factors should be concerned on pavement evaluation of indexes system, and there are some methods can resolve the problem from different aspects.

  • 对于被拘原因也从操纵市场、涉嫌行贿、非法挪用上市公司资金等等不一而足
    For the reasons detainees from market manipulation, suspected of bribery, illegal diversion of funds of listed companies and so on and so on.

  • 其他还有斗牛士原地不动,引逗着牛围着其身体打转的环体闪躲等等不一而足
    Still have matador in situ other not moving, the ring body revolving around whose body being luring a cattle dodges and so on there are more than one.

  • 睾丸扭转的病因多种多样,从遗传畸形到外伤,从剧烈运动到寒冷天气,不一而足
    Testicular torsion can have a variety of causes, from some congenital malformation to injury and strenuous excercise to cold weather.

  • 有的上司很挑剔但勇于承担责任,有的上司脾气不好能力却很强,如此等等不一而足
    Some boss are very captious Dan Yong at assuming responsibility, some boss are bad-tempered capability is very strong however, wait by no means an isolated case a moment so.

  • 该政府机构表示,这些缺陷从管理中的“业余文化”到不实用的法律体系,不一而足
    Flaws range from a "culture of amateurism" in management to an unwieldy legal system, the government agency says.

  • 对穷国来说,这听起来太微薄了,故对此的反应从“贿赂”到“连买棺材都不够”不一而足
    To poor countries, this sounds paltry: responses range from "bribery" to "it will not even pay for the coffins".

  • 你是个高中生,同时是你父母的孩子、你兄弟姊妹的手,也是你同侪的朋友,角色不一而足
    You may be a high school student, a son of your parents, a sibling of the children, a friend to your peers, etc.

  • 会议取消,背后原因不一而足。有时是为顾全形象,不希望摆出经济衰退时还大手笔花钱的阔相。
    Reasons behind the cancellations vary. In some cases, image – not wanting to appear to be spending lavishly in a recession – is the impetus.

  • 在周五游行表演的所有参赛者都进行过一些整容手术,从隆胸到鼻子整形甚至脚趾整形不一而足
    All the competitors in Friday's pageant had some sort of plastic surgery, from breast augmentation and nose jobs to surgically altered toes.

  • 参与者们分成小组,共造出约75个自动装置,从花苞一开一合的小纸花到木质过山车,不一而足
    Often working in teams, participants built about 75 robots, ranging from small paper flowers whose buds opened and closed, to a working wooden roller coaster.

  • 电视转播政府程序----审判,辩论,会议等不一而足----的种类越多,则社会将会获益更多。
    The more kinds of government proceedings - trials, debates, meetings, etc. - that are televised, the more society will benefit.

  • 它的首要性怎么强调也不为过:现代化需要它,商贸活动需要它,文化教诲交流需要它,等等,不一而足
    Its importance cannot be overstressed; modernization needs it, and so do regular business operations, cultural and educational exchanges, etc. etc.

  • 这项杯赛是一棵摇钱树──从旅游人数的骤增,国际电视转播权的出售,到赞助商获得的额外收益不一而足
    The Cup spells money - from increased tourism, to international TV rights, to added profits for sponsors.

  • 包装制卡和会员卡制作解决方案:包装企业的产品种类繁多,从折叠纸盒到带有表面整饰效果的纸箱不一而足
    Packaging business card printing and membership card making solutions: packaging enterprise wide range from folding carton with the effect of cardboard surface finishing.

  • 网球在1924年之后退出了奥运会,原因除了在职业运动与业余运动之间很难划出一条分界线之外,很多原因不一而足
    Tennis in 1924 after the withdrawal from the Olympics because in addition to professional sports and amateur sports difficult to allocate between one line, many reasons for this.

  • 家庭教育的倡导对学校教育鲜有褒奖,他们指责学校教育的种种弊端,从课和表上没有宗教课到放牧的教育方法,不一而足
    Home schoolers habor few kind words for public schools, charging shortcomings that range from lack of religious perspective in the curriculum to a herd like approach to teaching children.

  • 其他团体也将变得脆弱不堪:校内共和党团体将不得不接纳民主党人,犹太团体则得接纳新纳粹分子,凡此种种,不一而足
    Other groups would also be vulnerable: the campus Republicans would have to admit Democrats, Jewish groups would have to admit neo-Nazis and so on.

  • 这些改革应该涵盖方方面面,从税收体系的大调整到放松畜牧业管制再到诸如运输,能源等受保护经济领域的开放等,不一而足
    These could range from an overhaul of the tax code to deregulation of farming and the opening up of protected areas of the economy, such as transport and energy, to foreign competition.

  • 问题的起因不一而足,但是美国和欧洲的大部分研究者都认为是城区的无计划扩张和工业污染破坏了生物的栖息地从导致了这样的结果。
    No single factor is blamed, but researchers in the United States and Europe mostly cite urban sprawl and industrial pollution that destroy insect habitat.

  • 学者们或从字形的角度加以论述,或从字音的角度加以评骘,或从字义的角度加以考察,或从历史文化的角度加以观照,如此等等,不一而足
    Some expand it in terms of the shape of characters; some in terms of the sound of characters; some in terms of the meaning of characters, some in terms of the historical culture, and so on.

  • 今年夏天,他们一共开出了600张30美元的罚单,这个数字大大超出了往年,他们向司机罚款的原因从停车时间过长到停车位置距路肩太远,不一而足
    This summer, its members wrote 600 $30 tickets, a huge jump from years past, nailing drivers for everything for staying too long in one spot to parking too far from the curb.

  • 战后,盟军试图彻底根除纳粹主义的具体痕迹,所采取的措施从街头标语到学校课本不一而足。他们还审判那些幸存的纳粹宣传分子,指控他们为犯下反人道罪。
    After the war, Allied forces tried to root out the physical residue of Nazism, from street signs to school books, and try some of its surviving propagandists for crimes against ­humanity.

  • 两名国际货币基金组织经济学家——史蒂文。达纳韦和李向明(音)——的一项研究表明,因使用的方法不同,对于人民币低估的价值估计从零到50%不一而足
    A study by two IMF economists, Steven Dunaway and Xiangming Li, found that estimates for the undervaluation of the yuan ranged from zero to nearly 50%, depending on which method was used.

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