
三六九等  sān liù jiǔ děng






  • 游行结束后毕业了的伙伴们逐渐给那些商标分出三六九等
    The graduated comrade gradually graded the trademarks after the parade.

  • 内阁的成员分三六九等级分明。教育大臣地位处在该级结构的下层。
    There is a distinct pecking order in Cabine, and the Minister for Education resides somewhere in the lower echelons.

  • 在大颈这个地方,孩子们彼此之间是靠鞋和衬衫上的商标来分三六九等的。
    Great Neck was a place where children measured each other by the logo on their shoes and labels on their shirts.

  • 世人按照自己的观念把人分成三六九等,富人看不起穷人,恶官歧视平民。
    People classify others into various ranks. The rich look down upon the poor and evil officials treat common citizens with contempt.

  • 我真的很反感把社会分成三六九等-我不明白为什么贵族对待穷人那么坏。
    The idea of social classes really makes me sick - I don't understand why aristocrats treat poor people so badly.

  • 为什么要把我分成三六九等,分为这一间属于公共部分那一间属于私人空间呢?
    Why should I divided into 369, are divided into a public part of this is that a private space?

  • 面对不同的消费群体、不同城市的房地产市场,宏观调控都应大而化之,不分三六九等
    Face the estate market of different consumptive group, different city, macroscopical adjusting control answer big and change, do not divide etc.

  • 模糊不清的定位:许多楼盘定位为白领阶层,到底什么样的人算白领,白领也有三六九等
    ambiguous position : many flats as white-collar class, just what kind of people are white-collar and white-collar are 369.

  • 显然,中介的信用级不同是中介市场地位的一个重要指标,因此市场上也分为三六九等
    Clearly, the intermediary credit ratings of different market position is an important indicator of an intermediary, the market is divided into 369.

  • 另一方面漫长的封建社会重农抑商,人分三六九等,商人的享受是有限制的,违反了要坐牢。
    On the other hand the long feudal society, agriculture business, merchants 369 wait points to be restricted, enjoy violates to jail.

  • 不,也许是第N个,在中考、高考一路求学的路上,我们都选择了不同的道路,也许从那时开始,人就被分成了三六九等
    N, in the test, the test on the road all the way to learn, we have chosen a different path, perhaps Since then, people were divided into a variety of level, and so on.

  • 是自由散漫的,需要进行纪律约束,并将他们划分成三六九等,设立班长,组长官职,而后利用个别孩子去压制另一群孩子。
    Chinese believe that children are loose and need restrict, so children are divided into different levels, labeled with monitor, group leader and so on, then teach some children to restrain others.

  • 这并不是说美国人在自己的生活社交圈子里没有三六九等的划分,这是性别不同、年龄差异、财富不均或社会地位高低的必然结果。
    This is not to say Americans make no distinctions among themselves as a result of such factors as sex, age, wealth, or social positon.

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