
一龙一蛇  yī lóng yī shé







  • 爬行类科亚目的属。
    a reptile genus of suborder Plesiosauria.

  • 短颈种凶残的爬行动物,通常被比作海洋中的暴
    The short-necked plesiosaur was a voracious reptile often compared to the Tyrannosaurus rex of the oceans.

  • 授予“怪物”的称号。这是种我们之前没有发现过的
    Dubbed "the Monster, " it's thought to be a previously unknown species of plesiosaur.

  • 授予“怪物”的称号。这是种我们之前没有发现过的
    "It's as big or bigger than the largest plesiosaur ever found, " Hurum said. "This absolutely looks like a new species, " he added.

  • 他捉住那,就是古,又叫魔鬼,也叫撒但,把它捆绑千年。
    He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.

  • 他捉住那,就是古,又叫魔鬼,也叫撒但,把它捆绑千年。
    And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years.

  • 但是新发现的这种种上,上和其他是不同的。
    But the newfound plesiosaur is thought to have been a pliosaur, and pliosaurs were different from other plesiosaurs.

  • 2他捉住那,就是古,又叫魔鬼,也叫撒但,把他捆绑千年。
    He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.

  • 2他捉住那,就是古,又叫魔鬼,也叫撒但,把他捆绑千年。
    And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years.

  • 种海洋爬行动物,通常具有较小的头颅,长长的脖子和巨大的鳍状肢…
    Plesiosaurs were marine reptiles that typically had small heads, long necks, and large flippers.

  • 薄片种样子古怪的,活像长着超长脖子的侏儒般,靠四个鳍状肢游动。
    A bizarre creature whose body was dwarfed by its long, thin neck and tail, Elasmosaurus swam using four flippers.

  • 与巨非常接近的,其本身是来源于俄罗斯的鞑靼语言翻译,(猜测词)例如
    Really close to a serpent, and itself is a Russian rendering of Tatar language, such as snake.

  • 种虚构生物,其典型的描述为,具有魔法或某种超自然力量的大型、强而有力的或爬虫类。
    The Dragon is a mythical creature typically depicted as a large and powerful serpent or other reptile, with magical or spiritual qualities.

  • 灵魂是以种特别的理解力来铸造的,那允许来指挥天使灵魂和灵魂,在道所提供的全息和原型蓝图基础上编织造物。
    Dragon souls are cast with a special understanding that allows for directing angel souls and serpent souls to weave creation founded upon the holographic and archetypal blueprints provided by the Tao.

  • 尼斯湖水怪迷认为,这种动物应该是种水生爬行动物,生活在侏罗纪初期,很多人认为它们早已灭绝。
    Nessie enthusiasts believe the creature is a plesiosaur - an aquatic reptile that appeared at the start of the Jurassic period and is widely believed to be extinct.

  • 他捉住那,就是古,又叫魔鬼,也叫撒但,把它捆绑千年,扔在无底坑里,将无底坑关闭,用印封上,使它不得再迷惑列国。
    He seized the dragon, the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole inhabited earth, and bound him for a thousand years.

  • 中国种长形的、覆有鳞片的巨与其他动物的混合体,大部分(但并非全部)是没有翅膀的,每足四爪(王象征为每足五爪)。
    Chinese Dragons have a long, scale serpentine form combined with the attributes of other animals; most (but not all) are wingless, and has four claws on each foot (five for the imperial emblem).

  • 一龙一蛇造句相关
