
一针见血  yī zhēn jiàn xiě







  • 业内人士一针见血地指出原因。
    The industry pointed out the reasons.

  • 多想少说,要么不说,要么一针见血
    More thinking than speaking. Or do not speak or point.

  • 他对我的错误提出批评,真是一针见血
    His criticism on my mistake is dead on the target.

  • 这个批评的确是一针见血
    The criticism is trenchant indeed.

  • 我喜欢跟那种直截了当,一针见血的人做生意。
    I like doing business with people who get right to the nitty-gritty.

  • 我喜欢跟那种直截了当,一针见血的人做生意。
    I like do business with people who get right to the nitty - gritty.

  • 而这种促销活动,往往都是一针见血,很有实效。
    This kind of promotion always is an effective way to reach the monthly target.

  • 他说那家公司实际上正面临破产的危机,真是一针见血
    He hit the nail on the head when he mention that the company is actually facing the danger of bankruptcy.

  • 这或许是台梵关系一个最为讽刺但却又一针见血的事实吧!
    Perhaps this is the most sarcastic yet precise summation of Vatican-Taiwan relations.

  • 虽然一针见血,但是受挫的英国公众不大可能有争论这个的心情。
    Touché. But the bruised British public is unlikely to be in the mood for such argument.

  • 还必须有充分的想象力与创造力,能一针见血地为客户创造价值。
    Still must have sufficient imagination and creativity, can create value straight from the shoulder for the client.

  • 有一回我和妻子激烈争吵的时候,她竟一针见血地说出了神学观点。
    In the heat of an argument, my wife came up with an acute theological insight.

  • 一只狐狸一针见血的说:“你若有尾巴,就不会权威我们割掉了。”
    One fox pointed out sharply:" If you had your tail, you would never advise us to cut ours off. ""

  • 然而,他最大的失败是自己没能力一针见血的写出其所厌恶制度的两面性。
    His biggest failure, however, is his inability to articulate a plausible alternative to the system he loathes.

  • 演出效果很妙,尤其是马迈特在剧本里接二连三地撒上一针见血的俏皮话。
    The effect is clever, especially when Mr Mamet peppers the script with incisive one-liners. But it has been years since he wrote anything with punch.

  • 复旦大学房地产研究中心副主任华伟昨天一针见血地指出不规范的期房交易存在的漏洞。
    Fudan University Real Estate Research Center Deputy main Renhuawei yesterday sharply pointed out irregularities in the auction transactions exist loopholes.

  • 布冯的这番表态略带调侃的味道,不过却一针见血的指出:战胜皇马并不意味着危机的消失。
    The cloth Feng's this statement slightly belt teases flavor, but actually pertinent pointing out: Defeats Realmadrid not to mean crisis's vanishing.

  • 杰森:哦!真是这样吗,卡罗尔?谢谢你一针见血地分析,你这么聪明,因为是你养大了孩子们。
    Jason: Oh, is that what it is Carol? Well, thank you for you razor-sharp analysis. I'm sure your wisdom comes from all the kids you've raised!

  • 权威人士一针见血指出:如果二级市场的政策没有实质性变化,市场在一、两年内不会有大的改观。
    An sharply pointed out : If there are no substantive changes in the secondary market policy, the market in one or two years will not be a major difference.

  • 大无线通讯公司新的情人节当天会是最好的时候一年释放出一个粉红色的手机,他们一针见血的头部。
    The big wireless companies new Valentines Day would be the best time of the year to release a pink phone , and they hit the nail on the head .

  • 中国科学院著名理论物理学家,院士何祚庥一针见血地指出:“真正的原因就是来自利益集团的竞争。”
    "The real reason is competition from interest groups, " says He Zuoxiu, a renowned theoretical physicist and academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  • 更有国土局官员一针见血,认为开发商闹“地荒”,闹的不是地少是好地少,闹的是适合开发商的土地少。
    Bureau officials hit more land that developers make "to shortage" is not to make less good to be less because the land was less suitable for developers.

  • 南京工业大学房产教研室主任瞿富强一针见血地指出,开发商都是逐利的,房价还在上涨,谁会有钱不赚。
    Nanjing Industrial University Safety Office Director Qufu Strong pointed out sharply that the developers are seeking, prices are still rising, will not earn money.

  • 结果,弗兰明翰研究一针见血地指出:多达200种因素与患心脏病的上升危险有关,特别是高血压,高胆固醇和抽烟。
    As a result, the Framingham Study has pinpointed as many as 200 factors associated with increased risk of the disease, particularly high blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking.

  • 这份艾塞克斯大学的研究结论,直截了当且一针见血:「女性偏好年轻高大的男性,男性则较受年轻纤瘦的女性吸引。」
    The conclusion of the University of Essex study was blunt and to the point: "Women prefer men who are young and tall, while men are more attracted to women who are young and thin."

  • 于是,珠江地产独树一帜地提出的“好生活在珠江”的口号,一针见血地表示出要将“客户服务进行到底”的企业发展理念。
    Thus, the Pearl River real estate carve its own to make "good living in the Pearl River" slogan, sharply expressed to the "customer service through to the end" enterprise development concepts.

  • 但是看看诸如“要梳头不要出汗”等一针见血的建议,你就不会惊奇他这本46页的书为什么在所有年龄段的少男少女中如此风靡。
    But with classic plain-spoken advice - like "comb your hair and don't wear sweats" - it's no surprise his 46-page book was a hit with boys and girls of all ages.

  • 成语“直接出击”起源于拳击运动,用来表示一针见血而又措辞严厉的批评。“击打对方腰带以下的部分”则用来表示不公正的批评。
    Borrowed from boxing, "straight from the shoulder" is used to describe a well-aimed, strong criticism and "below the belt" is used to describe an unfair one.

  • 社会学家丁学良在谈到一大批海外华人所宣扬的“爱国主义”时,一针见血地指出:“在这些人的‘爱国主义’的民族主义下面,其实有一种深层的、不易被人觉察的自私心理。
    As the scholar Jia Ding Xue pointed out very straightforwardly, all those overseas Chinese are patriotic not just because of ethnocentrism, but also because of a selfish mentality from deep within.

  • 但是帕西自身的分量可能还是轻了点:许多北约盟国想要的是一个富有政治影响力的秘书长,一位北约内部人士一针见血地指出,新秘书长“应该能在任何时候找到任何他想找的欧洲国家领导人”。
    But he may be too obscure: many allies want a secretary-general with political clout, "somebody whose phone calls will be answered when he calls European leaders", as a NATO insider puts it.

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