
一触即发  yī chù jí fā







  • 武装冲突有一触即发之势。
    Armed conflict may break out at any moment.

  • 他的脾气一触即发就像火山一样。
    His temper was as explosive as a volcano.

  • 贫民窟的不满情绪正一触即发
    The mood in the slums is tinder-dry.

  • 一触即发的怒气会毁了一整天。
    A triggered stress response (that doesn't resolve with a relaxation response) can throw off an entire day.

  • 军事要塞充满肃杀感,战事一触即发
    Fortress filling amuck and wars being going to launch.

  • 西亚的形势依然是一触即发
    The situation in West Asia continues to remain explosive.

  • 尽管战争一触即发,人们仍像平时一样工作。
    Despite the threat of war, people go about their work as usual.

  • 尽管战争一触即发,人们仍像平时一样工作。
    Despite the threat of war, people went about their work as usual.

  • 本周末一触即发的米兰德比同样是这次的重点。
    This weekend is ready to be set off at a touch Milan Derby is this time key point similarly.

  • 薄膜键盘:键盘采用薄膜开关技术,一触即发,用户无后顾之忧
    Membrane keyboard: the keyboard using membrane switch technology, hair-trigger, free to users.

  • 种族之战处于一触即发的状态,各个种族的囚徒们都在准备着武器。
    The lead-up to the race war intensifies and inmates of all colors prep their weapons.

  • 战事一触即发,台湾岛内人心惶惶,许多国人选择移民或避走他乡。
    With people on Taiwan proper worried about the possibility of military escalation, many chose to leave the country, either temporarily or permanently.

  • 你可能比平时更加的敏感,而你的情绪就像将要决堤的洪水一触即发
    Yet you may feel more sensitive than usual, and your emotions may seem all over the map.

  • 这种冲突在中东地区尤其显著,但在世界其他地区也同样存在,并且一触即发
    This was particularly serious in the Middle East, so is it in other parts of the world. It is an explosive situation.

  • 他在大炮俱乐部作了那次有名的报告以后,船长的怒火简直达到一触即发的程度。
    When he made the famous communication to the Gun Club, the Captain's wrath passed all bounds.

  • 金博士遇害的噩耗传开之后,美国的各个城市都弥漫着愤怒的绝望情绪,暴乱一触即发
    Across the country, cities were about to break out in angry desperation and rioting as the awful news began to spread.

  • 不过,光说不练可是不够的哦,想要感受今年夏天最激烈的比赛吗,爆爆堂,一触即发
    However, that do not deliver But not enough, oh, want to feel this summer, the most intense competition you, blasting explosion Church, the explosive!

  • 最初被剥削劳工之间只酝酿著不满情绪,其后却因官僚主义而一触即发,转化为满腔怒火。
    At first only smouldering discontent was found among the exploited labor. It reached bursting point when the labor was simmering with anger because of the bureaucracy.

  • 缉私警察基层单位不仅担负着繁重的缉私任务,而且执法环境异常复杂,廉政风险一触即发
    Anti-smuggling police not only undertakes heavy tasks but also the complicated working environment makes it easy for policemen to be corrupted.

  • 迄今为止,NPC已经和大约170家公司合作,其中一些公司正面临一触即发的财政危机。
    To date, the NPC has worked with about 170 companies, some facing imminent financial ruin.

  • 乔斯地处尼日利亚的“中间地带”,冲突一触即发。北部主要为穆斯林,南面主要为基督徒。
    Jos is a tinderbox that sits in Nigeria's "middle belt", between the country's predominantly Muslim north and largely Christian south.

  • 缺少这种制动闸的植物最后对感染会有一触即发的反应,这有助于它们在发病前消灭潜伏的感染。
    Plants that lack this brake end up with a hair-trigger response to infection, which helps them to snuff out a smouldering infection before it catches.

  • 最后几个官员到了并缓解了那一触即发的紧张局势,有几个可能在战火中丧生的生命被挽救了回来。
    Finally some officers arrived and defused the explosive situation, and just a handful of the lives that went up in that particular bonfire were saved.

  • 周四俄罗斯与格鲁吉亚之间的关系也趋于紧张,格鲁吉亚总统警告说两国关系已到了战争一触即发的地步。
    Thursday was also marked by heightened tensions between Moscow and Georgia, whose president warned that the two countries had come close to war in recent days.

  • 那两位对手的争吵,仍旧可能一触即发,不过,他们已坐了下来,一个坐在煤火的这一头,一个坐在另一头。
    The two enemies were still on the very breach of a quarrel, but down they sat, one upon each side of the peat fire.

  • 曼德尔森本人领导参与了和中国的谈判。这次谈判达成了互利的拖鞋,有助于避免贸易双方一触即发的贸易战。
    Mandelson himself led the talks with China, which helped to avert a looming trade war between the two trading partners with a mutually beneficial compromise.

  • 博尔曼清晰地向我们表明,宫廷是一个丑闻充斥、变幻莫测的地方,政治派别林立,王族内部公然争斗一触即发
    As Ms Borman vividly shows, the court was a scandal-mongering, fickle place, riven by political factionalism and held at fever pitch by the royal family's own very public quarrels.

  • 将小部队部署到偏远地区,史威泽上校的伞兵安排了支尔格会议(地方会议)以解决几十年来一触即发的部族争端。
    Deploying small groups of soldiers into remote areas, Colonel Schweitzer's paratroopers organized jirgas, or local councils, to resolve tribal disputes that have simmered for decades.

  • 围绕对空中客车和波音补贴而展开的全面贸易战也一触即发,双方为寻找一条不那么残酷的解决之路而达成了暂时的停战协议。
    And there is still the prospect of an almighty trade war over subsidies to Airbus and Boeing; a temporary truce has been called while the two sides look for a bloodless way out.

  • 2006年底,俄罗斯提出要对销往白俄罗斯的天然气进行涨价,白俄罗斯人对此进行了抵制,新一轮所谓的“天然气之战”一触即发
    At the end of 2006, Belarusian resistance to Russia's demand that it too pay more for gas threatened to unleash another so-called "gas war".

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