
一板一眼  yī bǎn yīn yǎn







  • 公务员生涯,就像打卡钟那麽一板一眼
    Does the civil servant's career go like clockwork?

  • 小姐真是个一板一眼的人。
    Miss H is such a methodical person.

  • 时间一板一眼地行进在空间的每个角落。
    Time paces forward with exquisite regularity, at precisely the same velocity in every corner of space.

  • 有些人觉得她有点无趣,因为她是个一板一眼的人。
    Some find her a little boring because she's as straight as an arrow.

  • 一板一眼的黑蓝校服与两条粗粗的麻花辫带来格外的亲切感。
    Ornamented with thick plaits, Scrupulous suit of black and dark blue colors brings about nostalgic tenderness.

  • 微软做事非常正规,一板一眼,而这在我刚到盛大时根本就不适用。
    Microsoft working very formal, Yibanyiyan, which when I first came to a grand simply does not apply.

  • 用钱回挣钱以及保住钱的一个基本因素是作事要一板一眼,杀毒软件。
    The one essential ingredient to making money with money and keeping it is having an organized effort.

  • 她扮演过无数角色,从光纤亮丽的反串艺人到一板一眼的洛杉矶警察。
    Guy Pearce has played numerous characters ranging from flamboyant drag queens to straight-arrow Los Angeles policemen.

  • 韦小宝人虽聪明,但要他循规蹈矩,一板一眼的练功,却说什么也不干。
    Trinket was a bright sort of lad, but not the type to follow instructions to the letter, or learn something thoroughly according to the rules.

  • 空中四合院以老北京特有的四合院为样板修建,一板一眼都流淌着京味。
    The siheyun in sky is example to build with old Beijing's peculiar siheyun, scrupulous flows dripping Beijing flavour.

  • 那是三年级的时候,我班班长得不算漂亮,但学习成绩很好,做起事情来一板一眼的。
    It was third grade, I was not so very nice class squad leader, but a very good grades, something to start things by the book's.

  • 如果一个品牌以日内瓦为根据地,且制造手表时一板一眼毫无怠慢地去执行12条严格的准则。
    If a brand is base area with Geneva, and the scrupulous when production watch is without barratrous ground to implement 12 rigid standard.

  • 节奏以一板一眼为主,传统板式达28种之多,仍旧保留了全用打击乐伴奏(即大锣腔)的形式;
    rhythm to things by the book-based, traditional plate of 28 titles as well, still retained the full use of percussion accompaniment (that is, a gong cavity) form;

  • “不要,谢谢,”贝克小姐对着刚从食品间端来的四杯鸡尾酒说,“我正一板一眼地在进行锻炼哩。”
    "No, thanks, " said Miss Baker to the four cocktails just in from the pantry, "I'm absolutely in training.

  • 因为虚构作品的作者们重点刻画现实而不是一板一眼的报道现实,所以他们的创作具有更加深远的意义。
    Because the creators of fiction shape and focus reality rather than report on it literally, their creations have a more lasting significance.

  • 因为虚构作品的作者们重点刻画现实而不是一板一眼的报道现实,所以他们的创作具有更加深远的意义。
    Because the creators of fiction shape and focus on reality rather than report it literally, their creations have a more lasting significance.

  • 乃是真正的有闲富裕之家出来的人儿,不像那些穿得一板一眼的,还停留在对衣饰本身的追求的低层次上。
    Is a real time-out house people abuse, unlike those who wear stiff, but remain in their own pursuit of clothes are low levels.

  • “我理想中的妓女看起来不应该像个妓女”他说,“应该扮演成我的女朋友,随意的约会,别一板一眼的。
    "I want my ideal prostitute not to behave like one, " he said, "to role-play to be a pretend girlfriend, a casual date, not business-like or mechanical.

  • 吹腔仍保留着历史上用笛伴奏的传统,板式以一板三眼为主,但有一种被称为“批”的腔调,是一板一眼的。
    Wind Cavity still retains its history, with the accompaniment of traditional flute, a plate to the main board 3, but there is a known as "approved" the accent is the Yibanyiyan.

  • 我们也是在提倡一种生活方式,让人们感觉到,原来生活除了钢筋水泥、一板一眼之外,还可以这样随意、自由。
    We are also in the promotion of a lifestyle for people to feel that, in addition to the original life of reinforced cement, stiff, so they can, free.

  • 有的慢悠悠的走着,有的在跑步,有的在练嗓子,吼秦腔,那一板一眼的都练得很专业,腔调阴阳对挫,铿锵有力。
    Some of the walk slowly, and some in the running, and some voice in the training, roar Shaanxi Opera, it's all practice very professional, yin and yang of the accent down, articulated so forcefully.

  • 假如你的教会是一间常热切欢迎初信朋友的教会,你便会知道,初信者的一个可喜的特质,就是一板一眼的顺服态度。
    If your church is in the habit of welcoming newcomers in the faith, you know that one delightful quality of new believers is the straightforward manner of their obedience.

  • 在与中国男陪练的训练中,伊万诺维奇的发球、接发球、正反手和网前截击都打得一板一眼,并不时听取教练的指导。
    China sparring with men in training, Ivanovic's serve, return of serve, backhand and net are all playing Yibanyiyan interception, and from time to time to listen to the guidance of coach.

  • 你简直就那个项带珍珠,手拿抹刀,一板一眼,令人生厌的乡村家妇,嘴里吆喝着“我们还欠汉德森一家人一顿晚餐呢”
    You're this plastic suburban housewife with her pearls and her spatula who says things like "we owe the Henderson a dinner. ""

  • “不过(这些一板一眼的观念)似乎在新生代的学生身上不起作用,”康普又说:“他们不管在哪里,只要舒服就能念书。”
    "But these stern ideas don't seem to apply to the newer generation of students, " Camp adds. "Studying just seems to happen wherever they're comfortable.

  • 她将实现自己盘算已久的计划,寻找一个归隐之处,使自己一板一眼的习惯不受干扰,用一个安全的屏障把她和浮华的世界隔开。
    She would execute a long-cherished project: seek a retirement where punctual habits would be permanency secured from disturbance, and place safe barriers between herself and a frivolous world.

  • 温哥华冬奥会上加拿大人一板一眼的办事模式,加上加拿大本国选手在运动场地的训练机会比他国选手更多,这让国外的选手十分愤怒。
    This hard-nosed approach irritated some foreign athletes, who had less chance to practise at the facilities than did their Canadian rivals.

  • “那是我在行骑士道里最近的一个,” 他说道, 闪着某种我们以前认为这个一板一眼的演员不太可能做到的: 一个大大的灿烂笑容。
    "That's the closest I'll ever come to getting a knighthood, " he said, flashing something we never thought this magnificently intense actor was capable of: a broad, blinding smile.

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