
一技之长  yī jì zhī cháng








  • 人人都应有一技之长
    Man should have a skill.

  • 是无能者、孤儿和无一技之长之类人的天堂。
    It's a heaven for reptiles and orphans and people with no skills, what so ever?

  • 由于完全依赖政府,今天的印第安男性身无一技之长
    Today, Indian males have little function as they are completely dependent on the government.

  • 可能是因为我的专业不太好找吧,又没什么一技之长
    Maybe my major is rather narrow for finding a job.

  • 后来,「一技之长」就用来形容一个人有一项特殊的本领。
    Later, people use it to describe anyone who has a special professional skill.

  • 不论何时,企业都更愿意招请有社会经验和一技之长的人。
    Whenever, the company is willing to enrol the person that has social experience and proficiency in a particular line please more.

  • 他鼓励孩子们,如果想要拥有一技之长的话就必须努力练习。
    He encouraged them to work hard and practice if they wanted to be really good at something.

  • 德国的这种短期措施既保住了员工的饭碗又让他们发挥一技之长
    The short-time arrangements mean that workers stay in employment and keep their skills fresh.

  • 据说,当年中国人移民到伦敦,凭着一技之长,就把香酥鸭卖得红了起来。
    Accordingly, when Chinese migrate to London, they are trying survive by their own skills-cook, and it makes London Aromatic Duck become famous.

  • “呼,呼,呼”风婆婆使劲地吹着这个世界,仿佛在显示自己的一技之长
    "Call, call, call the" mother-in-law wind blowing hard in this world, as if to show their skills.

  • 道尔顿太太,想要摸索出一条规矩做人的道路,要他到学校去学个一技之长
    Mrs. Dalton, trying to grope her way toward a sense of decency, wanted him to go to school and learn a trade.

  • 没有一技之长的他想到一个挣钱的“好办法”——办会所为男同性恋提供服务。
    No skills to earn money, he came up with a "good way" - do clubs to provide services for the Gay Man.

  • 生活中唯一可以给予阿祖一种满足感就是开电单车,这也确是他唯一的一技之长
    In the life may give the Arab League ancestor one kind of feeling of satisfaction only drives the motorcycle, this also is really his only professional skill.

  • 那些已经出名的人绝大多数是因为拥有一技之长:唱歌,跳舞,美术,写作等等。
    Those who gain fame most often gain it as a result of possessing a single talent or skill: singing, dancing, painting, or writing, etc.

  • 每个人都有自己的一技之长,我也有自己的本领。我的本领就是会做香喷喷的蛋炒饭。
    Everyone has their own skills, I also have their own skills. I will do is the ability tasty Egg Fried Rice.

  • 而私有股权经理的一技之长到底是在于公司选择还是对于其所投资公司带来的专业管理意见?
    And does the skill of private-equity managers lie in company selection or in the management expertise they bring to the companies they fund?

  • 公司现有员工20余名,其中专业技术人员8名,均有在长期铜加工实践中锻炼的一技之长
    We now have more than 20 staffs, 8 of which are professional expertise; each gaining their professional skill from the long-term practice and training in copper processing.

  • 现在要想在这个社会上 生存除自己要有一技之长,也要有机会,有了那些,还有要努力!
    Now in order to survive in this society, in addition to their own skill to have, but also have the opportunity, with those, there are efforts to!

  • 对于灾难,像我们这样远离地震中心,又没有救灾一技之长的人,捐款可能是最容易做到的善举。
    Facing the catastrophe, the most practical thing that ie can do is to donate as we are away from the center of the quake-hit area and lack the special skills to help relieve the disaster victims.

  • 希望从事于所学专业相关的工作,以发挥自己的一技之长,为企业创造价值,并达到自我价值实现。
    In the hope that Engaged in the related work of professional to create value for enterprises, and reach self-realization of value.

  • 当被问及最近有关的计划时,董说;“我希望能帮助年轻人有一技之长和他们要有准备面对人生的挑战。
    When asked recently about her latest project Tong said I want to help young people gain competence and prepare them to face life's challenges.

  • 在知识就是财富、知识就是生产力的信息时代,只要掌握一技之长,相信所有投资者总有一天都将不同凡响。
    At the information age that knowledge is wealth as well as productivity , as long as one master skills, I believe that all investors will be outstanding one day.

  • 通过教育发展其语言,培养其语言表达能力,具有一技之长,残而不废,成为有文化,有社会主义觉悟的劳动者。
    Through the development of education in their language, to develop their language skills, have the skills but not the residual waste has become a cultural and socialist consciousness of workers.

  • 他们大多数虽无一技之长,但愿意来美洲一试身手,因为在英国或欧洲大陆,他们要上升为土地拥有者的可能性很小。
    Most came without specialized, but they came to America voluntarily because the likelihood of rising to the status of landowner was very low in Britain or on the Continent.

  • 今天我们已经面试了150位学生。他们都口口声声说自己身怀绝技,够资格进入这所学校。那么你有什么一技之长呢?
    We've seen 150 students today. They all swear they have a special gift to offer the school. Do you have a special gift?

  • 换句话说,近年来移居到外国者,虽不完全都是各行各业顶尖的人才,但至少他们都有一技之长,长远来看,无疑是人才的流失。
    They are all well-trained and skilled, though not necessarily the best in their professions or trades. This is, without doubt, a drain of talent from Singapore.

  • 凡成名者,大多有一技之长,或能歌,或善舞,或长于绘画,或精于写作,都因各自演艺中形成的强烈个性和鲜明风格而名声鹊起。
    Those who gain fame most often gain it as a result of processing a single talent or skill: singing, dancing, painting, or writing, etc.

  • 一技之长者鄙读书,无知者慕读书,为明智之士勇读书,然书并不以用处告人,用书之智不在书中,而在书外,全 凭观察得之。
    Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation.

  • 相反的,那些摇旗呐喊,身先士卒,领头进行串联活动的年青人,他们在这漫长的十年中不但白白的浪费了青春,现在迈入中年,还身无一技之长
    On the contrary, those guys, who waved flags, shouted battle cry and took the lead to gang up, lost study time within the ten years. In their middle age, they are skillful at nothing.

  • 也许在不久将来的某一天,凯丽会成为一个拥有一技之长的成熟女人,她才华横溢并且充满了爱心,而这一切都归功于她妈妈,归功于她母亲现在对她影响一生的教育。
    Someday, all too soon, Kailee will be a grown woman with skills, intellect, compassion and so many good attributes that her Mommy and this time in her life have taught her.

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