
一手包办  yī shǒu bāo bàn






  • 我们不能期望美国或欧盟一手包办
    We can't expect the Americans or the Europeans to do it all.

  • 稻香歌词谱曲都是周董一手包办,他的创作才华并非浪得虚名哦。
    This song is done totally by Jay Chou. He still is a genius musician.

  • 本公司自设厂房,提供一站式网上落单服务至生产过程均一手包办
    Our company has our own factory which providing a one-stop service from ordering on the web to the production.

  • 该饮料都是由媚姨一手包办以及采用新鲜的桔仔及沙梨,完全不加防腐剂。
    All kind of these drinks are made by Mdm Chiam and completely without preservatives.

  • 他很乐意一手包办鲍里斯的事,于是就和他一起到多尔戈鲁科夫公爵那里去了。
    He very readily took up Boris's cause, and went with him to Prince Dolgorukov.

  • 问:“公共选择”计划本身就是一种妥协,是政府一手包办模式的改良版,对吗?
    The public option was itself a compromise, a moderation of the single-payer model -- is that right?

  • 我觉得比较像在经营杂志社,编辑,摄影,校对,甚至是推广都是自己一手包办
    It's more like operating a magazine publication firm. I have to deal with editing, photography, proof reading and marketing, all by myself.

  • “东田造型”工作室一手包办了无数明星的包装、闻名国际品牌时装秀的造型设计。
    "East cropland modelling " atelier keep everything in one's own hands of countless star pack, the modelling design of show of fashionable dress of famous international brand.

  • 地点场所、食物音乐全都一手包办,不光她自己,每个人都会期待她的夏日婚礼的。
    "We have a venue, food and music so far, " she tells PEOPLE of her upcoming summer nuptials.

  • 考虑到这样的事实,政策实际上是由政治权贵们一手包办的,那就可能错得更离谱了。
    And given the realities of how policy is actually made inside the Beltway, things are more likely to go wrong than right.

  • 然而,到他成年之后,史蒂威开始对莫顿公司一手包办他的演艺事业的做法感到厌倦。
    But as he grew into adulthood, Stevie began to get tired of the way the Motown company controlled all aspects of his career.

  • 由于比较熟悉病情的传播途径,除了不能母乳喂养外,孩子的日常生活几乎由田菲一手包办
    As the more familiar route of transmission of the disease, in addition to not breast-feeding, the child's daily life is almost single-handedly by Tian Philippines.

  • 与曾经在丹佛上演过的《兵马俑》《热股热舞》一样,编剧,制作,导演都是罗先生一手包办
    Law. As with "Heartbeat" and "Terracotta Warriors, " both of which have played Denver, the entire production is over the moon. Absolutely beautiful.

  • 人工处理工作时,「一手包办」的方式通常比较佔优势,因为成本和错误发生的机会都比较低。
    When the work is managed manually, once and done is generally superior, because there is less overhead and chance for error.

  • 另一种方法,同时也是比较普遍的,是倚赖专家。让那些受过高度训练的员工一手包办复杂的流程。
    The other approach, equally popular among the experts, is to have highly trained staff handle the complete process, once and done.

  • 此外,所有借款人均为虚假购房、身份和住址不明、或由开发商、包工头一手包办的假按揭也比比皆是。
    In addition, all per capita borrowing for false purchase, identity and address unknown, or by the developers, labor contractor single-handedly at the mortgage also abound.

  • 力宏不仅谱写大部份歌曲的创作,这位现年24岁的大众情人更一手包办了所有歌曲的制作、曲以及后制。
    He not only has written and composed most of the songs, but also the24- year-old heart-throb has single-handedly produced, arranged and co-ordinated all of the songs on the album.

  • 本公司拥有全线生产技术及设备,从设计,制模至注塑,生产全部由本工厂一手包办,不假外求,质量可靠。
    We possess the complete technical know-how and machinery for gear production. From design, mould production to injection moulding; all under our control, thus quality is more reliable.

  • 中国从拍摄到发行基本是由一家电影公司全程负责,比如《夜宴》的拍摄和发行都是华谊兄弟公司一手包办
    The shot and the emission is basically took charge wholly by single film industry in China, such as the new move《Banquet》, which is shot and e missed by the Hua Yi Brother Company.

  • 词曲及一些音乐后期工作,包括联系出版社等全由自己一手包办,没有公司宣传、运作,次专辑已销量过万了!
    Music and lyrics and some music the late work, including publishing houses, such as contact by their own single-handedly, there is no company propaganda operation, sub-album has sold over a million!

  • 黄钰然一手包办本书的写作和绘图,她是个说故事高手,读到这本故事书的人,都会忘记在十二月里打开信箱哟!
    Zoe Huang, who both wrote and drew this book, has a knack for storytelling. Once you have read this book, you will never open your mailbox in December without thinking of it.

  • 「基地」有了,其次当然是要为它添置硬件,大至文件柜、影印机,小至电话及清洁用品等,通通都要一手包办
    With the shell ready, I'm busy with furnishing the interior from sourcing furniture and photocopier to telephone and cleansing tools.

  • 在婚姻家庭法方面,婚姻的缔结往往是出于经济、政治和家族利益的综合考虑,由父母一手包办,结婚没有自由。
    On the law of marriage, boys and girls had no matrimonial freedom, because the aim of matrimony was for the benefits of economy, politics and family.

  • 五是所有借款人均为虚假购房,有些身份和住址不明,有些为外来民工,或由开发商一手包办,或由包工头一手包办
    5 per capita for all borrowing false purchase, some identity and address unknown, some for foreign workers, or by developers single-handedly, single-handedly or by labor contractor;

  • 今日继续介绍「完美小姐进化论」,今日介绍的是其动画版的片尾曲。这首同样都是他一手包办了作词、作曲和主唱的啊!
    Today still in the topic of "perfect girl evolution". The ending song of this anime s. Also, Kiyoharu write the lyrics, music and sing by himself!

  • 此外,刚由美国回港的孙耀威,就透露了与跟当地音乐人制作录新歌时的经历:「我一个人过去,监制等工作都由自己一手包办
    In addition, Eric has just returned to Hong Kong. He disclosed his experience of producing and recording new songs with local music makers. "I went there alone and did all the work of a producer."

  • 看起来这2天旅游有不少的活动,还包括“娱乐”,真是不公平。在美国,娱兴节目都嘛是由男童子军在营火活动时,一手包办的。
    Loos like the 2-day trip covered a lot of activities, including "entertainment". This is not fair. In the US, the entertain is all managed by the boy scouts in the campfire.

  • 全部的事都要自己一手包办,另一方面又要安抚家长们的心,要想办法然他们觉得我们的幼儿园即使更换了院长,一切还是照样进行。
    Since then we teacher need to take care of everything. We also need to comfort and tell the parents to trust our kindergarten, even the principle have changed but the system is still the same.

  • 很显然,他不赞成由政府一手包办的国民医疗保险,也不建议建立个人医疗储蓄账户——任何有关医保系统的改革都必须首先得到政府的支持。
    He pointedly avoided proposing single-payer national health insurance or individualized Health Savings Accounts -- any change to the system had to be politically palatable.

  • 金矢国际取得成功的原因之一,是我们提供一站式的服务,由简单的业务联系到周全的计划统筹、财务管理、宜传推广以至实际运作都一手包办
    One of the reasons to be successful in Kingship International Limited is that we provide a chain of service, which includes plan, financial management, promotion and practical operation.

  • 一手包办造句相关
