
一了百当  yī liǎo bǎi dàng







  • 我们做件事,做到了整场比赛,分之
    When we do something, do it the whole way, a hundred percent.

  • 我第次登上长城的时候,就被它的雄伟气势震惊了,真是闻不如见啊。
    The first time I ascent the great wall I was amazed at its grandiosity.   It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

  • 本月另火花引燃了这个火药箱,切都结束了——虽然不久前另有来人死亡。
    When another spark lit the tinderbox this month, it was all over—though not before another hundred had died.

  • 日前,建材连锁巨头安居南京店正式开业,并且进南京城就上了“价格杀手”。
    Recently, a building materials shop chain tycoon Baianju Nanjing official business, and one on the chin Nanjing City became the "price killer."

  • 你对这实相有所体验,你会开始了悟自己的害不侵,你的害不侵再也不受外境左右了。
    When you experience this realization, you will begin to understand your invulnerability and you will never again attribute your invulnerability to circumstances.

  • 份食物是吉饼,如果他们食用了半个吉饼,仅有60%的病人能够计算出其中的碳水化合物消耗。
    Only 60% of patients could calculate the number of carbohydrates consumed if they ate half a bagel, when the serving size was a whole bagel.

  • 8以撒在那里过了段时日后,日,非利士人的王,亚比米勒从窗口往外看,见到以撒拥吻他的妻子利加。
    After Isaac had been there a long time, Abimelech king of the Philistines happened to look out a window and observed Isaac caressing his wife Rebekah.

  • 你认为典型的并购估值已经以相高的双位数字的数以万元持续了相长的段时间的时候,那的确是个相惊人的数字。
    That's a pretty daunting number when you consider that the typical M&A valuation has hovered in the high double-digit millions for quite some time.

  • 路线收支从横跨太平洋落分之到$366。66万,亚洲欧洲看了分之12 下落到$234。56万和内部亚洲遭受了分之三衰落到$171。6万。
    Route revenue from transpacific fell one per cent to $366. 66 million, while Asia-Europe saw a 12 per cent drop to $234. 56 million and intra-Asia suffered a three per cent decline to $171. 6 million.

  • 一了百当造句相关
