
抓耳挠腮  zhuā ěr náo sāi








  • 再也不会为一个纵横字谜抓耳挠腮啦!
    Never get stuck on a crossword again!

  • 经济学家抓耳挠腮不知如何解释价格上涨。
    Economists are scratching their heads to explain the price jump.

  • 事实上他已经坐在他崭新的电脑面前抓耳挠腮三年了。
    Actually he's been sitting in front of his new Mac scratching his head for three YEARS now.

  • 他渴望得到金子,但却怕狮子伤害自己,急得他抓耳挠腮
    He thirsted for the gold, but was afraid of being hurt by the lion. He became very irritable.

  • 它们正抓耳挠腮地着急,一个小孩手里担着好多篮子走过来。
    When they pressed their ears and cheek, and felt very worried, they saw a child car-ring a few baskets and walking over.

  • 由于对我的消息来源不是很满意,我走开的时候,他还在抓耳挠腮
    Not satisfied with my sources, he continues to fidget as I walk away.

  • 有一次,我丈夫往回赶晚了,我急得抓耳挠腮,因为客人来了,主人却不在。
    Once, my husband was running late, and I was fretting because the guest was present, but the host was not.

  • 国外记者常常作不耐烦状,抓耳挠腮、咳嗽,找中国同行说悄悄话遭遇冷脸蛋。
    Foreign journalists kept making impatient moves, fidgeting, coughing, whispering things to their Chinese counterparts only to be met with stone-cold faces.

  • 黑金刚正急得抓耳挠腮,显示屏幕上出现了尊者米拉日巴,他仍旧諯坐在主席台前。
    Black King Kong was so upset he was pulling at his ears and beard. The Sage Milarepa emerged on the display screen. He was still sitting in front of the chairman's platform.

  • 虽然给小费的习俗会让游客们抓耳挠腮不得其解,但专家们称,给小费有一些基本经验可以遵循。
    While these conventions can leave travelers scratching their heads, experts say that there are a few basic rules of thumb to following about tipping.

  • 我宁愿花费4个小时在重要的项目上,也不愿意花费4 个小时抓耳挠腮地想我今天都干了些什么。
    I would much rather spend 4 hours working on an important project, then 4 hours spinning my wheels and scratching my head trying to figure out what I did today.

  • 正如法学学者在原始状态下就迷失了一样,公司管理的头头们也急得抓耳挠腮,尝试去指定新的规则。
    Like scholars of jurisprudence lost in a state of nature, corporate-governance gurus are scraping around, trying to formulate new rules.

  • 世上最怕雨的是男人,就凭女人的两滴眼泪,就能闹得他抓耳挠腮,乱了方寸。女人喜欢唠叨,唠叨如火,把生活照亮;
    In the world most feared the rain is a man, depends on woman'stwo drop of tears, can make him to touch own ears and cheeks, chaotic square inch.

  • 每当我看着一个中国人为了说出一句像样的英语那种抓耳挠腮、山穷水尽的样子,我仿佛觉得自己面对的是一面镜子,里边照出来的就是我自己当年所经历的千辛万苦。
    When I look into the face of a Chinese person struggling mightily to construct an English sentence, it's like looking into a mirror -- I see my own tortuous difficulties reflected in theirs.

  • 关于异形生命的问题被更普遍地与地外物种相关联,而这是一个让美国航空航天局(NASA)抓耳挠腮的探索,不仅是去哪儿找,还有就是如果找到了该怎么识别它。
    The question of alien life is more commonly associated with the extraterrestrial variety, a quest that has NASA scratching its head over not only where to look, but how to identify it if found.

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