
承欢膝下  chéng huān xī xià







  • 十八年来,我家一直有青少年承欢膝下
    For 18 years, our home was blessed by the presence of teenagers.

  • 五十岁,又一次/孩童们在我膝下承欢
    At fifty once more, / Babies play round my knee.

  • 没有子女承欢膝下,没有孙儿嬉闹身边,孤独的老人只得豢养宠物。
    With no children at his knee and no grandchildren playing by his side, the lonely old man has only his pet for company.

  • 他们从未支持或鼓励过孩子,因为他们只想保留住这种让孩子承欢膝下不健康的权力。
    They have never encouraged or supported them because they want to retain power and control in that very lop-sided, unhealthy relationship.

  • 他也因为自己不是一个好儿子,未能承欢膝下而觉得气恼,可是又知道这是不可能的事。
    He felt angry with himself for not being a good son, for not trying to make his mother happy, but he knew it was impossible.

  • 十八年来,我家一直有青少年承欢膝下。时至今日,我们四个孩子当中最小的一个也已经二十多岁了,我们的孩子都长大成人了。
    For 18 years, our home was blessed by the presence of teenagers. But now that our youngest is in his 20s, my wife and I are all out of teenagers.

  • 为人夫,我有两个美丽、温婉的爱妻相伴;为人子,我亦承欢父母膝下;为人父,我尽享八子的天伦之乐。人生三幸,幸甚至哉!
    I have had the joy of two beautiful and wonderful wives, the happiness of parenthood and the love of eight children.

  • 独自住在乡下的老人,总是能收到城里儿子寄来的钱物,很让乡亲们羡慕,但老人最想要的不是这些,而是儿孙膝下承欢的天伦之乐;
    An old man living alone in the country often receives money and parcels from his son in the city, which is envied by the neighbours. However, what he really wants is to spend his time with his family.

  • 每个做子女的人都知道虽然父母嘴上说着如果工作忙就不用经常回来了,但是他们内心还是非常希望子女承欢膝下,能够享受天伦之乐。
    As a son or a daughter, we all know that parents always like children staying around them and enjoying themselves since they often say "you need't going home so frequently if you are busy."

  • 承欢膝下造句相关
