
扬长而去  yáng cháng ér qù








  • 我看见我的话语扬长而去
    And I watch my words from a long way off.

  • 然后我就这样看你开着我的船扬长而去
    and watch you sail away in my ship?

  • 劫犯跳进汽车扬长而去,可他并没有逃多远。
    The thief jumps in and roars off, but he does not get far.

  • 看了看那位目瞪口呆的学生,教授扬长而去
    Professor looked at the flabbergasted student and proceeded on his way.

  • 不料想,那几个人看见他,一阵大笑之后扬长而去
    Unexpectedly, after seeing him, those people laughed for a while and then left.

  • 司机把我丢到了一个了无人烟的地方然后扬长而去
    The driver dropped me off in the middle of a desert and left without a word.

  • 道上尘土飞扬,他们推开你,扬长而去,没有理睬你。
    They push thee and pass thee by on the dusty road, taking thee for naught.

  • 如果他想玩,就跳到我膝盖上来。如果他没心思玩,就扬长而去
    When he wants to play, he jumpssintosmy lap. When he doesn't feel like playing, he walks away.

  • 如果他想玩,就跳到我膝盖上来。如果他没心思玩,就扬长而去
    When he wants to play, he jumps into my lap. When he doesn't feel like playing, he walks away.

  • 一个粗鲁的司机抢了你的道并扬长而去—要尽量当场就控制你的怒火。
    A rude driver who just cut you off has left the scene-work to put your anger on hold right then and there.

  • 卢平接过斯内普递来的药,刚刚送到嘴边,那个魔药专家就扬长而去了。
    The potion expert swaggered away as soon as Lupin took the bowl, set it to his lips.

  • 到那时,那两个亡者将会与他们所追求的一起扬长而去,连同他们的盔甲。
    By then, both the revenants and those they pursued would be long gone, the armor with them.

  • 赵壹读信后,不顾皇甫规“追修前好”的期待,仅作了一封复信,继续扬长而去
    Zhao read one letter, regardless of Huangfu regulation" to recover repair before the "expectations, only made a reply, left to continue.

  • 你把那破车轮装上,这就是它被扔掉的原因了,然后你拉住驮马,骑上它扬长而去
    You fix the broken wheel that caused it to be left behind, hitch a draft to it and ride off.

  • 他们拍摄了十五至二十分钟,拍摄完后也不给病童穿好衣服盖上被子,便扬长而去
    After they finished shooting, they left the child undressed and didn't even cover the latter with the quilt.

  • 生性耿直的赵壹在接到信后,以关节发病为借口,不顾皇甫规的诚恳挽留,扬长而去
    Zhao upright nature of the receipt of one letter, in order to joint the incidence as an excuse disregard of the sincere HUANGFU regulation to retain, left.

  • 他已经气得喘不过气来,无法再说下了,于是把公文包啪地一声挟在腋下,扬长而去
    he could say no more but snapped his attaché case under his arm and left us.

  • 他已经气得喘不过气来,无法再说下了,于是把公文包啪地一声挟在腋下,扬长而去
    Already out of breath with exasperation he could say no more but snapped his attaché case under his arm and left us.

  • 我们本能缩了回来,不过,只是有惊无险,鲨鱼咧著满口乳白色闪烁的尖突锯齿,扬长而去
    We both recoiled instinctively, but we were in no real danger. The shark flashed a jagged smile of ivory saw teeth and then slipped back into the sea.

  • ——你跑步追上一辆公共汽车,可是刚要迈步上车时售票员把车门关上,按铃启动,扬长而去
    your ran overtakes a bus, but just wanted to take a step, the booking clerk when getting on a car closes door, ring the bell start, swagger off;

  • 麦当劳叔叔:哈哈哈~这就是贪吃的下场~你们两个~来当我的奴隶吧!(带走两人扬长而去
    Uncle Mac:Hahaha… This is the result of eating too much! Now you two are my slaves!

  • 仪式刚结束,蒋介石就连个招呼也不打,抛下尴尬的副总统一个人孤零零地站在那里,扬长而去
    When the inauguration was just over, Jiang left the embarrassed vice president standing lonely there without saying anything and went away.

  • 祝你鼠年喜气洋洋,满面阳光灿烂,爱情扬眉吐气,事业洋洋自得,晦气扬长而去,万事阳关大道!
    I wish you a happy Rat, looking bright and sunny, love and elated and cause, Huiqi and sped away, everything-related road!

  • 难道在布思的头脑中,那只不过是一场骑士式的对决,胜者将可用矛头挑着那笔赏金,扬长而去
    Or was it, in Booth's mind, a knightly trial by combat, with victory the reward to the just?

  • 但奇迹并没有发生在他身上。他奋力追赶,却被红灯阻挡向,只能呆望着车扬长而去无可奈何
    The bus run away while he was prevented by the red lamp, only standing there looking at the bus slightly lost in eyes but can do nothing to help.

  • 在这种情况下,即便有军舰赶到现场,只能是眼巴巴地看着海盗们押解着货轮扬长而去,并且开始新一轮的讨价还价活动。
    In this case, the warship arrived on the scene even if there can only be looked on helplessly while the pirates were escorted off the ship and began a new round of bargaining activities.

  • 监狱的监控录像显示,这两名囚犯当晚6点接受狱警点名后,在监狱图书馆里换上制服,走出监狱,驾驶一辆事先准备好的汽车扬长而去
    Video surveillance shows the men put the uniforms on in the prison library after the 6 pm headcount, walked out of the prison and drove away in a sedan that had been left for them.

  • “有教养的消费者就是一个最佳成交与最佳经历双丰收,开着新车扬长而去的人,”购车产品部经理罗伯。简泰勒在消费者调查报告中这样说。
    "The educated consumer is the one who will drive away with the best deal and the best experience, " says Rob Gentile, director of car-buying products at Consumer Reports.

  • 报道说,大部分盗油行为都发生在深夜的农场院内。还有的驾车人加完油后不付钱便扬长而去。从停放在路边的轿车内偷油的情况也呈不断上升之势。
    Most thefts take place at night in farm yards, but there have also been increases in people driving away from petrol stations without paying and in thefts of fuel from cars.

  • 这有关她南卡罗来纳州乡村家园的图画。一张描绘的是一名赶往发生严重公路交通事故现场的救护车司机,但是当这名司机发现受伤的人是黑人季节农工的时候,他竟然扬长而去
    One was of an ambulance driver who rushed to the scene of a terrible highway accident, but drove off when he discovered that the injured were black migrant workers.

  • 扬长而去造句相关
