
打成一片  dǎ chéng yī piàn








  • 知识分子应该和工农兵打成一片
    Intellectuals should identify with the workers, peasants and soldiers.

  • 他在农村生活,与农民打成一片
    Living in the countryside, he identifies himself with the peasants.

  • 他和群众打成一片,从来不摆架子。
    He never thinks for himself, but always goes with the crowd.

  • 他“擅长”与孩子们打成一片
    He has a genius for getting along with children.

  • 如果可以的话,去大笑,去打成一片吧。
    Just laugh, if you can, and roll with it.

  • 你必须和学生打成一片
    You must make a connection with all of your students.

  • 我们期待,让孩子在这里”和英文打成一片”!
    We expect to let your children "play with English"!

  • 他能说各种语言,也就能和一切心灵打成一片
    As he spoke all tongues, he entered into all hearts.

  • 这不是那种不分高低贵贱人们打成一片的俱乐部。
    This is not the sort of club where the great rub shoulders with the humble.

  • 交际不要挑肥拣瘦,应该和各种各样的人打成一片
    Do not be picky in the social intercourse . Try to make friends with all kinds of people.

  • 在航行的途中,罗讷德几乎和船上的每个人打成一片
    During the cruise Ronald made friends with almost everyone on the ship.

  • 有个建议是在发言前与听众打成一片——一个可怕的想法。
    One tip is to mingle with the audience before a speech –a horrible idea.

  • 系统分析师最好和业务人员打成一片,这样才会获得用户的信任。
    The systematic analyst had better become one with business personnel, will obtain users ' trust like this.

  • 在任何情况下,他们都能如鱼得水般与四周的人打成一片,和睦相处。
    Under any condition they get well along with people around them as if fish stays with water.

  • 我在一个广播电台找到一份好差事,孩子们也都能和新环境打成一片
    I found a good job at a radio station and the children thrived in their new environment.

  • 最终,”三号魔鬼“:当事情遇到困那,不要心烦--和它打成一片
    And, finally, Demon Number Three: When something goes wrong, don't get upset — roll with it.

  • 吉姆那年夏天在奥兰多遇到了几位大学朋友,不久就和他们打成一片了。
    Jim found some college friends at Orlando that summer, and soon was in the swim of things.

  • 既然进了狼窝,要想生存,最好的办法就是先学会狼叫,跟狼打成一片
    The hardest thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing.

  • 他们必须与人民群众打成一片,与人民同甘共苦,并发动人民执行党的政策。
    They must mix well with the people, share good times and bad with them and rouse them to implement Party policies.

  • 周五和周六,你会迫不及待地和当地人打成一片,男孩子们都准备好了要见你。
    Friday and Saturday, you can't wait to mix and mingle with the locals, and boy, are they ready to meet you.

  • 这些临时工作者可以选择回韩国,而不定觉得有必要和一般美国人同化或打成一片
    The temporary workers have the option of returning to Korea and don't necessarily feel the need to assimilate or mix with the general population.

  • 他强调和艺术''。'圈'。''一呼''。'四'。''应的人物打成一片的重要性。
    He emphasizes the importance of hanging out with the mover and shaker of the art world.

  • “你也应该和别的年轻人打成一片。”尽管他妈妈为这事责备他,她对他却是发自内心的关爱。
    "But you might mingle with other young people, " his mother reproved him, but felt a kindness in her heart.

  • 我认为,法律训练曾经帮助了我,但是图书馆那些没有法学学位的同事照样也与师生打成一片
    I think legal training has helped me, but my librarian colleagues without law degrees also have good relationships with students and faculty.

  • “对,对。”威尔逊连忙答应,随即向小办公室走去,他的身影马上就跟墙壁的水泥色打成一片了。
    "Oh, sure, " agreed Wilson hurriedly, and went toward the little office, mingling immediately with the cement color of the walls.

  • 但此时地上的杨柳已经发芽,早的山桃也多吐蕾,和孩子们的天上的点缀照应,打成一片春日的温和。
    Now, the sprouting willows, the budding peaches on the mountain, and the sky dotted with the kites the kids flew formed a picture of spring, birmming with pleasant warmth.

  • 也不像入宋后的诗僧那样,完全地融入世俗社会,与士大夫们打成一片,“除却袈裟在,其余便是士”。
    They are different of the poem monk community after Song Dynasty who is assimilated by the intelligentsia .

  • “希特勒青年”师的侦察大队从左翼展开试图和其他德军部队打成一片,但是梅耶的侧翼却暴露在空军的眼皮底下。
    Out on the left flank, the Hitlerjugend's reconnaissance battalion tried to link up with any German units still putting up resistance, but Meyer's flank was effectively hanging in open air.

  • 作为罗姆尼本人,他其实已经走了一条谨慎路线,他试图对“主流”进行拓展,并使自己与那些最具代表性的自命忠贞者们打成一片
    For his part, Romney has trod a careful line seeking to broaden that mainstream and fit himself into the widest category of those who identify themselves as faithful.

  • 在欧洲两个城市的街道上,暴乱者和警察厮打成一片。意大利的暴动是因为不知道谁该来处理那不勒斯的那些垃圾。而比利的暴乱者则是在一场足球比赛后开始争论。
    On the streets of two European cities, rioters clash with police. In Italy, the issue is who gets garbage from Naples. In Belgium, groups sparred after a soccer game.

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