
打情骂俏  dǎ qíng mà qiào







  • 我想是吧。他老是跟我打情骂俏
    I think so. He's always flirting with me.

  • 我看见他跟一个女的在打情骂俏
    I saw him chatting flirtatiously with a girl.

  • 班里的女孩们都喜欢和他打情骂俏
    All the girls hit on him in class.

  • 在海滩上,女孩子都喜欢跟他打情骂俏
    Babes at the beach hit on him like crazy.

  • 他老是跟我打情骂俏
    He is always flirting with me.

  • 我们经常在一起说缠绵的情话,互相打情骂俏
    We often say the lovers' prattle of lingering together, flirt each other.

  • 他们在那里打情骂俏呢,我们别去打扰他们了。
    They are flirting over there. Let's not disturb them.

  • 此外,我还可以跟她们打情骂俏,顺便要到电话。
    Besides, I can flirt with them and get their phone numbers.

  • 不要再跟酒保打情骂俏了。妳让马克忌妒得半死。
    Stop flirting with the bartender. You're making Mark green with envy.

  • 你有无注意到,杰克一直在和那些女孩子打情骂俏?
    A. Have you noticed that Jack has been flirting with the girls?

  • 你不认为他们互相在打情骂俏吗?你为什么这样想?
    Do not you thought they are flirt with each other? what make you thought so?

  • 你不认为他们互相在打情骂俏吗?你为什么这样想?
    Do not you think they are flirting with each other? what makes you think so ?

  • 而荤段子、打情骂俏更是办公室里不可缺少的“娱乐”。
    And Duan Zi of meat or fish, flirting is the office more in indispensable " recreation " .

  • 直到在工作中开始出错,西尔威斯特和莉娜才不打情骂俏了。
    Sylvester dallied about Lena until he began to make mistakes in his work.

  • 你必须记住这种打情骂俏司空见惯的,在工作场所中一直都在发生。
    You have to keep in mind that this type of flirting is common and happens all the time in the workplace.

  • 假如你上班时打情骂俏,要当心。老闆会不高兴。约会的事晚点再说吧。
    If you're flirting on company time, take care. The boss will not be amused. Set up a date for later.

  • 假如你上班时打情骂俏,要当心。老板会不高兴。约会的事晚点再说吧。
    If you're flirting on company time, take care. The boss will not be amused. Set up a date for later.

  • 相比于此刻你是否在和别人打情骂俏她更愿意把注意力集中在生活的乐趣中。
    She has more curiosity in life than wondering if right now you are flirting with someone else.

  • 有些事情大家都做,区别是有涵养的人不当众做,——比如剔牙,比如打情骂俏
    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

  • 猪八戒一边走路,一边发短信给高老庄的娘子,同时跟蜘蛛精,蜈蚣精打情骂俏
    Pig eight quit part walk, part hair message give Gao Lao3 Zhuang's Niang son, in the meantime heel spider Jing, centipede Jing dozen the feeling scold Qiao.

  • 因为通常你必须要隐瞒办公室恋情,而其他员工可能会与你的伴侣打情骂俏,或是相反的情况。
    Because you must usually keep office relationships a secret, other employees may flirt with your partner or vice-versa.

  • 不仅会打情骂俏,主动勾引人,其热辣的香吻恐怕也没多少雄性能抵挡(山姆同学称其有柴油味)。
    Not only will seduce people, active, flirting with the hot kiss I didn't also many males could withstand (Sam classmate say the diesel.

  • 他会觉得很不自在如果有别的女人对他打情骂俏。他只会对你那样。(个人认为这种男人就象恐龙,已不复存在)
    He gets uncomfortable when another woman flirts whim.   he only likes to flirt w u. To me, guys w that quality just like dinosaurs, they r all extinguished.

  • 440名注册硕士学位的学生将会学习如何编写打情骂俏的短信和邮件用来让参加聚会的人们留下印象及应付被拒绝的场合。
    The440 students enrolled in the master's degree course will learn how to write flirtatious text messages and mails, impress people at parties and cope with rejection.

  • 但77%的女性认为,在网上互相聊一些下流的话题或通过网络摄像头打情骂俏是不忠的表现,而持此观点的男性只有57%。
    But 77 percent of women also think using the Internet for online sexual talk or cavorting in front of a Webcam is also cheating, compared to only 57 percent of men.

  • 但77%的女性认为,在网上互相聊一些下流的话题或通过网路摄像头打情骂俏也是不忠的表现,而持此观点的男性只有57%。
    But 77 percent of women also think using the Internet for online sexual talk or cavorting in front of a Webcam is also cheating, compared to only 57 percent of men.

  • 但77%的女性认为,在网上互相聊一些下流的话题或通过网络摄像头打情骂俏也是不忠的表现,而持此观点的男性只有57%。
    But 77 percent of women also think using the Internet for online ***ual talk or cavorting in front of a Webcam is also cheating, compared to only 57 percent of men.

  • 有研究小组发现,一些女性可以很高兴地同她们甚至一点兴趣都没有的男性聊天和打情骂俏——这势必会使那些羞怯而又自尊的人更加舌头打结。
    One group of researchers has found that some women chat happily and flirt, even if they have absolutely no interest in the man – which is bound to make the bashful and proud even more tongue-tied.

  • 但77%的女孩以为,在网上互相聊一部份下流的话题或经过internet摄像头打情骂俏也是不忠的表现,而持此观点的男性只有57%。
    But 77 percent of women too consider using the Internet for online sexual talk or cavorting in front of a Webcam is too cheating, compare nots to only 57 percent of men.

  • 当他的小哥们儿正在外面玩棒球、同女孩子打情骂俏、回家后又能睡在自己床上的时候,达斯汀却只能躺在医院的病床上,靠一部机器来维持心跳。
    While his friends were out playing baseball, flirting with girls and sleeping on their own beds, my son was in a hospital bed, attached to a machine that kept his heart beating.

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