
打家劫舍  dǎ jiā jié shè








  • 父亲:我再也找不到人去打家劫舍了。
    Father: I can't get any body to go plundering anymore.

  • 这时,一群贼寇正在打家劫舍,杀人放火。
    At that time, a group of thieves were plundering the villagers. They killed people and set on fire.

  • 这个城镇经受住了打家劫舍的匪徒造成的破坏。
    The town survived the depredations of marauding gangs.

  • 他究竟是在做小生意,当奴仆,还是靠打家劫舍来获得朝不保夕的口粮呢?
    Did he gain his precarious bread by some petty trade, by menial toil, by violence, or by theft?

  • 他们后来成为一群打家劫舍的强盗头领,直到最后他们的真正身份被人发现。
    The twins grew up to lead a band of outlaws who raided the countryside, until eventually their true identity was discovered.

  • 当杜恩家族的人从杜恩山谷里骑马出来,在当地的农庄打家劫舍时,没人能阻挡他们。
    Think that people of Du En clan is on horseback out from Du En in the dale , there is nobody during the period of the local farming village loots, being able to obstruct them.

  • 就算张柏芝妈妈没份投资一间店铺,她自食其力,又不是打家劫舍,有什么大问题吗?
    Even if the mother Cecilia Cheung deprived of the right to invest a shop, she self-reliant, not robbery, what Big problem?

  • 在燃烧军团成为过去以后,他过着打家劫舍的日子,同时也伏击他最痛恨的敌人——暗夜精灵。
    Now with the Burning Legion gone, he lives his life attacking villages and ambushing his most hated enemy - the Night Elves.

  • 蒋军士兵到市场货摊上拿东西不给钱,夜里拦路抢劫老百姓,下乡打家劫舍时甚至还杀人灭口。
    Chiang's soldiers took goods from the market stalls without paying for them, robbed civilians on the streets at night and killed villagers so that their robberies would not be discovered.

  • 我们的不幸在于,我们迎来的却是一个黩武好战,一个专横的,一个持续打家劫舍恶习难改的政权。
    China's disaster is that after the civil war, we became ruled under a militant, imperious regime that continues to steal people's property and whose evil habits have almost became its second nature.

  • 新德勒要求他们不要到附近打家劫舍:「向世人证明,你们没有让数百万受害同胞白白牺牲,请不要进行任何报复与恐怖行动。」
    " He asked that they didn't go into the neighboring houses to rob and plunder. "Prove yourself worthy of the millions of victims among you and refrain from any individual acts of revenge and terror".

  • 打家劫舍造句相关
