
戒备森严  jiè bèi sēn yán








  • 戒备森严地守护着你内在的空间。
    Be the ever-alert guardian of your inner space.

  • 该大楼的入口处戒备森严
    The entrance to the building is well guarded.

  • 爆炸发生在通向巴格达戒备森严的绿区的一个入口。
    The attack took place near a gate into Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone where most U.

  • 大约5千名祖马的支持者聚集在戒备森严的法院外。
    Some five-thousand Zuma supporters are gathered outside the courthouse, which is under tight security.

  • 此次会议虽为“例行的”扩大会议,但会场戒备森严
    Although the meeting as "routine" enlarged, but the heavily guarded venue.

  • 大约80名火炬手沿着16公里长、戒备森严的路线传递火炬。
    About 80 runners carried the torch along the heavily guarded 16-kilometer route.

  • 当局说,爆炸摧毁了该市戒备森严的警察总部外的一处警卫岗卡。
    Authorities say the explosion demolished a guard post outside the city's heavily-guarded police headquarters.

  • 在远古中国的中心,邪恶战士太郎已经从戒备森严的监狱逃了出来。
    Deep in the heart of ancient China, the evil warrior Tai Lung has escaped from a maximum security prison.

  • 去巴格达机场的路有两条,一条从戒备森严的绿区穿过去,一条走绿区外面。
    The road to Baghdad airport, there are two, one from the heavily guarded Green Zone to go through, a walk outside the Green Zone.

  • 为此,医生们推荐在婴儿身上安装报警器,报警器一响就会引发戒备森严的安全机制。
    To put an end to this epidemic, doctors have suggested the use of burglar alarms on babies which trigger a high security mechanism as soon as they beep.

  • 韩国媒体报导,金正日的专列火车在星期二拂晓前进入边境城市丹东,那里戒备森严
    South Korean media reports say Mr. Kim's train entered China before dawn Tuesday near the border town of Dandong, amid heavy security.

  • 所以纳粹允许Sendler女士和她的同事进出戒备森严的贫民窟,分发药品和疫苗。
    So the Nazis allowed Mrs Sendler and her colleagues in and out of the tightly guarded ghetto to distribute medicines and vaccinations.

  • 数百名朝圣者参加了这次戒备森严的户外弥撒,其中很多人是在土耳其占少数的基督教徒。
    Several hundred pilgrims attended the outdoor mass under tight security, many of them from Turkey's Christian minority.

  • 该楼戒备森严,外围是高耸且带尖刺的栏杆,以及两道厚度足以抵御坦克的钢制安全护栏。
    It is protected by high, spiked railings and two sets of steel security barriers that are thick enough to stop a tank.

  • 古鲁姆:过来,霍比特人。现在到莫都的路戒备森严,非常严密。这儿没有安全的地方。快点!
    Gollum: Come, Hobbitses. Very close now, very close, to Mordor. No safe places here. Hurry!

  • 他最近每天进出的地方,是奥运村鸟巢附近的一栋戒备森严的小楼,那里是奥运开闭幕式运营中心。
    But he has been busy every day at a compact building near the "Bird Nest, " the headquarters of the opening and closing ceremonies.

  • 只要有人到戒备森严的华府周围走走,或者随便在境内某处登机看看,就能知道这种威胁有多严重。
    one need only walk about buttressed and barricaded Washington, or board a plane anywhere in the country, to know that the threat is a serious one.

  • 他相信,医院戒备森严地看守医学记录的真正原因是他们自己不想公开,免遭病人或病人律师的事后批评。
    He believes that the real reason hospitals jealously guard medical records is they don't want to open themselves up to second-guessing from patients—or patients' lawyers.

  • 他提到,世界粮食计划署的四架飞机已经抵达缅甸,红十字会的救援物资也终于进入这个戒备森严的国家。
    Four World Food Program flights have landed in Burma, and the Red Cross is also having some success in getting relief into the tightly controlled country.

  • 4们韩国的代表和两们塔里般领导人参与了会谈。该会谈于周五晚上,在戒备森严的阿富汗红色月牙会议厅举行。
    Four South Korean delegates and two Taleban leaders are involved in the talks, which started Friday evening and heavily guarded at Afghan (request) Red Crescent office.

  • 在北京戒备森严的使馆内,美国人用自己的仪器测量污染水平。昨晚7时,仪器上显示的是空气质量“有害健康”。
    The Americans have their own machine to measure pollution levels at their fortified compound in Beijing and, at 7pm last night, the reading was "unhealthy".

  • 而今,当年那座富丽堂皇的总兵府邸,那种戒备森严的场面早已荡然无存,它的主人高孟也已在数百年前化作了尘埃。
    Now, when little zong bing magnificent site, which is already heavily guarded left the scene, and its owner and Bangladesh have also been high in a few years ago into the dust.

  • 古时无论是车马、行人,入关城都要通过三道门,可说是戒备森严,确是金汤之固。从山上俯瞰喜峰口,更有奇特景致。
    Whether the ancient horsemen, pedestrians, city entry through three doors, can be said to be heavily guarded, is the solid Jintang. xi feng kou from the hills overlooking the more exotic scenery.

  • 当地时间早上6点(AEDT时间下午3点)火箭炮击穿了使馆的第三层楼。警方迅速在戒备森严的使馆附近设立了警戒线。
    Police cordoned off streets around the heavily guarded embassy in the Greek capital after the shell ripped through the third floor shortly before 6am local time (3pm AEDT).

  • 街道上安全部队戒备森严,确保传统节日火祭不会被反对派所利用。伊朗人通常以跳跃篝火、燃放鞭炮的方式来庆祝这一节日。
    Security forces flooded the streets to ensure that a traditional fire festival, which Iranians celebrate by jumping over bonfires and letting off crackers, would not be co-opted by the opposition.

  • 第二季第一集,达斯·西迪厄斯在科洛桑下层联系贝恩,给了他一个特殊任务:从戒备森严的绝地圣殿里盗取一个全息记录仪。
    In the season two premiere, Bane is contacted by Darth Sidious in the underworld of Coruscant for a special assignment: the capture of a Holocron from within the heavily guarded Jedi Temple.

  • 出于安全上的考虑,美国国会代表团并没有离开戒备森严的巴格达“绿区”。伊拉克政府部门和美国、英国的大使馆都在这个区域里。
    Due to the security situation, the delegation did not leave the heavily guarded "Green Zone, " home to Iraqi government institutions and the U. S. and British Embassies.

  • 奥巴马政府派遣一小组前往密歇根,去监管一家戒备森严的监狱,这所监狱可能会被用来安置目前关押在关塔那摩监狱的恐怖主义嫌犯。
    The Obama administration is sending a team to inspect a maximum-security prison in Michigan, one that could be used to hold terrorism suspects currently being held at Guantanamo Bay.

  • 在另外一次袭击事件中,一名自杀炸弹实施者驾驶满载炸药的卡车,冲向巴格达戒备森严的绿区附近的一个警察检查哨,炸死至少10人,炸伤60人。
    In a separate attack, a suicide bomber rammed an explosives-laden truck into a police checkpoint near Baghdad's heavily protected Green Zone, killing at least 10 people and wounding 60 others.

  • 传说,这天帝住的天宫谓之紫宫,而封建皇帝自命为天帝之子,所以,其住所也应相当于天上的“紫宫”,再加上这皇宫里戒备森严,是老百姓不可接近的禁城,因而得名“紫禁城”。
    Since in those times it was heavily guarded and the citizens of the empire were denied access unless they had the special permission of the emperor, it was also called the Forbidden City.

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