
慎终追远  shèn zhōng zhuī yuǎn








  • 所以,整个社会把“慎终追远”视为头等大事。
    Therefore, the whole community of "reverence for his ancestors" as the top priority.

  • 总之,不论准备多或少,要把握难得大家可以相聚的机会,并且具有慎终追远的义意。
    In fine, in spite of the preparation has another or few, going hold rare everyone can gather together of chance, and have the righteousness idea of discarding the old and ushering in the new.

  • 清明节是一个纪念祖先的节日。主要的纪念仪式是扫墓,扫墓是慎终追远、郭亲睦邻及行孝的具体表现;
    Qing Ming Jie(All Souls' Day) Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed.

  • 但现在的中元节,虽保留了供养死灵、慎终追远的原意,但形式上已几乎却尽阴森的气息,而全然是喜悦的歌舞情调了。
    However, current Ghost Day Ceremony is not full of gloomy atmosphere in its form, remaining only enjoyable sentiment in spite of the existing original meaning.

  • 新设置的地藏殿除了供奉地藏王菩萨以外,大殿内专供置的3250个往生牌,既能对祖先表示慎终追远的孝思,也能显出对地藏菩萨的崇高信仰。
    This new Ancestral Memorial Hall specially houses 3, 250 tablets for devotees to express filial piety and also as an expression of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's lofty beliefs.

  • 通过对挽歌起源的考察,说明它是早在上古时期就已产生的一种类似于号子的劳歌,因其曲调悲哀,被丧葬仪式所用,从此就与哀生悼死、慎终追远的丧葬仪式发生了紧密联系。
    Through researching for the origin of elegy, it could be seen it had been a labor song earliest in the ancient times. Because of its mourning melody, it was adopted in funeral ceremony.

  • 慎终追远造句相关
