
息事宁人  xī shì níng rén








  • 四点钟的时候,这位息事宁人的先生就要来了。
    At four o'clock, we may expect this peace-making gentleman.

  • 永远不要“为了息事宁人”而否认自己的经验或信念。
    Never "for the sake of peace and quiet", deny your own experience or conviction.

  • 永远不要“为了息事宁人”而否认自己的经验或信念。
    En[5]='Never "for the sake of peace and quiet" deny your own experience or conviction. '

  • 永远不要为了“息事宁人”而否认自己的经验或信念。
    Never"for the sake of peace and quiet"deny your own experience or conviction.

  • ‘杰克,咱们点些什么?’珀尔插话进来,想息事宁人
    'What do we have, Jack?' Pearl strikes in to pacify them.

  • 下车吧,伙计,“其中一个人用一种息事宁人的口气说。
    "Come off the car, pardner , " said one of the men in a voice meant to be conciliatory.

  • 由于一些消费者心里往往潜意识存在着息事宁人的心态。
    Since some consumers buy things often subconscious mentality existed.

  • 杜立石的态度更加息事宁人,他表示准备考虑接受该交易的提议。
    He was using language to the effect that he was prepared to consider suggestions to the deal.

  • 海军陆战队塞给受害者家属一些钱,他们这样做也许是想息事宁人
    The marines gave money to the victims' families, perhaps to buy silence.

  • 为了息事宁人,强忍住一肚子的火,刘先生用钱打发走了送货的商家。
    To avoid, Bearing a strong stomach the fire, Mr Lau money sent to the delivery of business.

  • 后来厉某为息事宁人就给了金某500元,他收到钱后表示会结束此事。
    Li was done for a gold gives a 500 yuan, He said the money received by the end of the matter.

  • 你在她做可疑事情的时候突然出现,她是在试图把你卷进来,从而息事宁人
    You burst in on her doing something dubious and she is trying to neutralise it by involving you.

  • 中国人一般不会主动挑起事端,而且喜欢大事化小,小事化了,也就是息事宁人
    As long as you have them, you will be able to turn a big problem into a small one and a small one into nothing.

  • 就在英格兰同丹麦友谊赛的当天,主帅埃里克森为了息事宁人,也进行“反省”。
    But on the day of England's friendly against Denmark, Eriksson shouldered some of the blame.

  • 中国人一般不会主动挑起事端,而且喜欢大事化小,小事化了,也就是息事宁人
    They would not stir up trouble initiatively, and tend to reduce a big problem into a small one and a small one into nothing, i. e. , making concessions to avoid trouble.

  • 为看这些“田面”,对普通百姓的上告能避则避,能拖则拖,以为这是息事宁人的良策。
    To see these " field surface " , can avoid to the appeal to the higher court of ordinary common people avoid, can procrastinate, think this is the good plan of make concessions to avoid trouble.

  • 这哪里是“公关”,分明就是不择手段息事宁人瞒天过海,是厚颜无耻的“厚黑经济学”。
    This is where the "public relations", clearly means is done, to deceive, is the brazen "thick black economics.

  • “那么,四点钟的时候,这位息事宁人的先生就要来啦,”班纳特先生一边把信折好,一边说。
    "At four o'clock, therefore, we may expect this peacemaking gentleman, " said Mr. Bennet, as he folded up the letter.

  • 人们的看法是,作为世界超级大国,美国在外交政策上有两种选择:或者咄咄逼人,或者息事宁人
    The proposition is that the world's superpower has a binary choice – between aggression and appeasement – in the conduct of foreign policy.

  • 曼城方面也试图息事宁人,认为特维斯是在朋友和相关人员的煽风点火中一时冲动才说了那样的话。
    City have also tried to cool matters, suggesting Tevez made his comments in the heat of the moment after being stoked up by friends and associates.

  • “好啦,就算不对,就算不对,”鼹鼠息事宁人地说。“可是我想问问你,你能不能领我去拜访蟾蜍先生?
    'Well then, it isn't, it isn't, ' replied the Mole soothingly. 'But what I wanted to ask you was, won't you take me to call on Mr.

  • 为了索沛能够继续与大家在一起,咱们还是以息事宁人的态度对待此事。否则事情可能会出现不可预料的结果。
    copious can continue for the rope with everybody in the same place, we settle a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved the manner treats this matter.

  • 也许蓝色最大好处就是息事宁人,能够让队友更多地互相理解和宽慰,而鲜艳的红色却容易刺激出暴力和血腥。
    Perhaps its greatest attraction is the comforting signals it sends out from one team-mate to another, rather than the message of violence transmitted by bright red.

  • 比利息事宁人地呜呜叫着,善意地扭动着身体,甚至冒昧地用暖和湿润的舌头舔了舔巴克的脸,作为求和的贿赂。
    He whined placatingly, squirmed and wriggled to show his good will and intentions, and even ventured, as a bribe for peace, to lick Buck's face with his warm wet tongue.

  • 如果未来几周内继续有数千灾民死亡,到时看那些反对强行空投,一味寻求息事宁人的国家对“不作为”政策作何解释。
    If thousands more people are to die in the coming weeks, let those who oppose any action now, however modest its effect, then explain why they favoured a policy of doing nothing.

  • 发生矛盾要告诉她你最真实的想法,不要去讲很多的话来证明自己是多么的有理由,也不要为了息事宁人而对她一 味附和。
    Right… Make him miss you sometimes… When a man always know where you are. And you're always readily available to him – he takes it for granted.

  • 对男性而言,这种「自我压抑」可能只是为了息事宁人,有所盘算但无害的决定。但是妇女隐忍不言,身体得付出惊人的代价。
    For men, it may simply be a calculated but harmless decision to keep the peace. But when women stay quiet, it takes a surprising physical toll.

  • 有时候,争得面红耳赤或剑拔弩张的双方往往只需女人一个微笑、一个眼神或一句息事宁人的话语就能火气顿消,甚至握手言欢。
    In some cases, red won or both sides of the woman is often only a smile, a look or a word can be done Dunxiao anger, and even Woshouyanhuan.

  • 如果针对国家代表队出现一面倒的批评声浪,中国政府通常会采取措施息事宁人,但是男足?政府授予了全国人民敞开来骂的权力。
    Chinese leaders generally try to silence widespread criticism of national symbols, but with men's soccer, the government allows people to vent.

  • 富商古福成为了息事宁人,交了六亿元赎款,仍遭勒索。古欲逃遁,却有一只无形的手操纵着他,他与美丽而妖冶的情妇的性戏也被曝光。
    In order to gets out of this case, the rich merchant Gu Fu hands in 6 00 million but he still is blackmailed.

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